
live for friendship die for happiness

My name is Yuri Lance you're average high school senior. I have always been close to my family and love to spend time with my friends having fun. The only thing that makes me a little bit different from those around me is that I was always attracted to my own sex. By always I mean always since I was ten I found myself staring at the older girls around me. And my first crush happened to be my best friends older sister she was two years older than us. It was heartbreaking when she got her first boyfriend. But other than that I never felt anything was different until some of my friends started avoiding me middle school was not fun. But as I got older and I realized what was happening things actually got better. Being close to my family I came out to my mom at 15 she was actually really happy and told me she was just relieved that she didn't have to worry about me coming home pregnant. I always joke with her about how her giving me my name was like a self fulfilling prophecy. But enough about my past your here to see how my story proceeds not how I got here.

I'm now three days away from my eighteenth birthday it's now march first of the year 8096…..not it's 2025. I'm not planning much as a party but I am hoping that I won't be single again for my birthday. You see there is this girl I have liked for the past nine months and my mother actually bribed me to tell her how I feel. By telling me she will buy me a car for my birthday if I confess. So here I am waiting in the school parking lot half an hour before school waiting for her bus to drop her off.

The girl I like is Allison Worsh she is also the girl that holds the highest gpa in my class. She is smart, cute, she has long midnight black hair, cute round face, with amazing eyes so blue it looks like you're drowning in the ocean when looking in them. She is short at only 4'8" to my 5'5". Not flat but modest chest. And actually has been one of my best friends since she transferred in last year.

When the bus arrived and she got off I got lost in the smile she gave me. And before I noticed she was standing right in front of me. We started talking on our way to class. As we reached the classroom I stopped and asked her if she would come to my house after school? Because I had something important to talk to her about. When she agreed. I spent the rest of school in a daze freaking out. Wondering if I was actually going through with confessing. because if she doesn't feel the same things can become weird between us or even completely ruin our friendship.

When classes ended we met up at her locker and headed out to my house. Which wile walking takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to get there. On the way we stopped at a gas station about a block away from my house. To pick up some snacks, and a soda. Maybe I was also not so subtly was trying to stall sue me. I've never confessed to someone.

While we were at the back of the store the door opened an all of a sudden there was shouting. I ducked behind one of the shelves pulling Allison down behind me. When I peaked out from behind the shelf. I noticed someone with a gun robbing the place. I looked at Allison behind me and put a finger to my lips telling her to be quiet she nodded.

The cashier opened the drawer to give him the money. And that's when the day turned into a nightmare. Outside a police car pulled in at one of the pumps. I don't know if there was a silent alarm or if it was just coincidence. However next thing I knew I started hearing gunfire.

In the confusion I noticed Allison standing up and started running. When this happened I noticed the robber turn in our direction. Without my brain processing what was happening. I jumped up and threw myself into Allison knocking her down. Shortly after the shooting stopped. I opened my eyes to notice Allison crying and shaking below me and before my brain could tell my mouth to stop. I looked at her and poured my feelings out. I told her that was extremely dumb. That I didn't know what I would've done had she gotten hurt. I even told her that I thought I loved her.

She didn't seem like she was processing anything I said and just kept crying and shaking. I went to shake her to break her out of her stuper. As I reached out to grab her shoulder. My mind blanked. Why you might ask? Because somehow my hand passed straight through her. Freaking out I fell back onto my bottom. And as I did I noticed something else that actually made me have a panic attack. Laying at her feet was me in a puddle of blood.

It's been a week I'm sitting in a hospital turns out I was shot saving Allison from the robber. My body apparently lost to much blood and is in a coma. I don't know if my soul is actually out of my body, or if this is like just your standard out of body experience. I do know that both Allison and my mother have came together to sit by my bed every day for the past week. I guess I should be happy that they obviously care about me but I have noticed that they are both in bad shape it doesn't look like they have been eating or sleeping. I feel like seeing them in this state hurts worse than knowing that my body is struggling to stay alive.

After the second week of being in a coma I have actually started praying to anyone who might be listening Allison and my mom have lost a noticeable amount of weight showing there lack of eating at this rate I don't know if it would be better to stay fighting for life or to just pass on. It was during one of these moments of prayer with them at my bedside that I was made aware that someone was listening.

I had my eyes closed crying willing them to take better care of themselves because seeing them in this condition was breaking me. All of a sudden I felt a warm hand on my shoulder startled I looked up and noticed a woman that looked to be around thirty standing there next to me with a sad look on her face. After Yuri.exe finished processing I realized I actually felt her hand on my shoulder and nothing around me was moving or making noise. I don't know if anyone else out there has spent any real time in a hospital but it always seems to have movement so for it to be still I knew something is wrong.

That is when the lady next to me spoke but her voice was strange it was like her words overlapped with themselves and was spoken by a child old woman and a woman of her apparent age at the same time. She looked at me sadly and stated "Yuri those who sent me have herd your prayers and sent me with a few options to give you a choice to make". I asked who she was and wasn't given a response I asked question after question and she wouldn't respond to any until I asked what my options were.

At that question she smiled a calming smile and stated option one is you stay in your coma until you wake up or pass on naturally in the same state your currently in option two I help you pass on and continue in this world's cycle of life and death or option number three I awaken you from your coma for twenty four hours to say your goodbyes and remove your spirit from this world's natural cycle and your brought to another world to live in its cycle now choose.

After giving me my options I looked at the two most important girls in my life and decided to go with option three. The next thing I knew I was back in my body and opening my eyes. The moment my eyes opened my mother noticed first and before she could even get a word out I stated as loud as my unused voice would allow I'm sorry. When the words came out Allison jolted looking up and noticing I was awake she practically launched herself at me with tears filling her eyes. After calming them down and them getting the doctors and a few hours of test we were sitting back in my room just the three of us.

They seemed ecstatic that I had woken up but weren't saying anything then I broke the ice. I told them about my experience since the robbery admonished them for there lack of taking care of themselves and finally told them about the deal I made in order to wake up. Upon hearing this they started crying and telling me if what I told them was true I made the wrong choice to which I told them that the way they were withering away they did not leave me with another option because I was breaking watching there health decline.

They spent the next eighteen hours at my side where I told them that if I really do pass on that they have to take care of themselves and watch out for each other and even managed to tell Allison how I felt about her to my surprise she told me she knew since a few months after meeting me and was just waiting for me to tell her.

That night when I went to sleep I never reawakened in that world and passed peacefully in my sleep happy my feelings were not one sided and sad about my timing.

warning I have made attempts to create stories before but I have never bothered with actually developing writing to lengths of proper paragraph structure or using parentheses or commas and such and don’t really care to so if you like the story keep reading if not no one is forcing you to keep on

MAG666creators' thoughts