
Ascension of Suzetsu Otsutsuki

Princess Kaguya sought to get out of the clan's control and manage her own destiny. She got in contact with the Tree God, and they devised plans to fight her companions, the planet invaders, although things don't always go as expected ... Perhaps by luck, coincidence or fortune, a series of events occurred where Suzetsu Otsutsuki was born. A guy who carries with him genes of the most powerful beings and whose abilities will be the basis of his strength. This is the story of a guy who forged his own path, fought fierce and bloody battles, fell in love with incredible women, and defied countless challenges until he reached the top of the Multiverse. This is the English version, so sorry for the mistakes, my language is Spanish.

Walmano · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

Walking The Dog

NA: 1900 words. I'm very tired so maybe it needs a lot of editing.

¯\_( ͡🔥 ͜ʖ ͡🔥)_/¯


--- Minutes Ago ----

Suzetsu was watching the battle from a distance.

[[What do you think?]] - Kirisu asked him as she saw him touching his chin.

[[Now that I can do some Jutsus I was thinking about how easily demons perform their techniques]]

[[not bad. They don't require making stamps with your hands as you do. But do not worry, eventually, in the future, you will be able to do the same, after all, you are an Otsutsuki and when you master the Chakra flow in a better way it will be quite simple]]

[[You're right, also it's not like I care too much at the moment]] (NA: I don't know about you, but it was a lot more fun in Naruto when they formed seals instead of just throwing them xd))

[[hehe the enemies are in tight places]] - Kirisu said when she noticed something interesting.

[[mmm that's the guy who was at the meeting at the Gremory mansion]]

[[hehehe that was the one who wanted to humiliate you]]

[[true, but other than that we haven't had major problems and I want to remain anonymous in my training]]



[[You can't just dedicate yourself to cultivate, you must practice your skills against others other than those beasts of the forest. Remember what I told you the first time if you only cultivate and cultivate you will reach a saturation point and you will not be able to advance. A different touch may be welcome]]

[[Relax, I was planning to face him anyway. He's a hateful guy, besides those 3 are quite interesting and that other guy looks a bit like Sairaorg]] - Suzu replied as he looked at how the big man wanted to go to the battlefield even though he had no chance of winning.

He thus began to watch the battle until it reached the endpoint. He decided to get to Gandoma preventing him from joining the fight since he could understand his difficulties.


"Hehehe, we meet again Diodora!" - Suzetsu appeared next to the trio on the battlefield as he looked up at the two young men.

"…" - suddenly everyone in the place had incredible faces.

The trio was surprised at the sudden appearance of the mysterious young man.

"You ..." - Kuisha got defensive when she saw him smiling at Diodora. She even thought they could be friends.

Suzu kept looking towards Diodora, he was very interested in his reaction and did not disappoint him.

"who is that? He seems like he knows you "- Zephyrdor canceled his ability and asked his partner.

Diodora didn't answer him, he was just frowning tightly at Suzetsu "little bastard! What are you doing here?" - He asked furiously remembering the humiliating accident that he had had in front of all the demons.

"I was just taking a walk and I felt an unpleasant presence so I approached him, I was not wrong hehe" - he replied mockingly, without worrying about the previous comment.

"Diodora, I asked you, who is that?"

"He's a bastard who lives in the Gremory mansion."

After hearing the answer, Zephyrdor's reaction was panic as he looked in all directions, even Diodora observed the place trying to find others.

The beauties looked at him in amazement upon discovering that he was part of the Gremory clan. They also breathed a sigh of relief after learning that he apparently was an enemy of Diodora.

"Don't worry, I'm alone" - Suzu understood what they were thinking so he simply told the truth.

Hearing his words, Diodora looked around again until he finally looked at Suzetsu.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA" -Diodora started laughing loudly as he clutched his stomach. Suzu just looked at him calmly like it was a good show.

"Good, very good… you fucking brat he had been thinking of ways to eliminate you. I already found out that you have no blood relationship with the Gremory clan, you are only a servant so… "- the demon looked at him with a smile full of coldness. That's right, a narrow-minded young man who just because of the incident at the meeting already wanted to eliminate him.

[[Hey Kirisu, now I'm envious of how they fly so easily. We would have trained a little more about the flight]] - he told her as he looked the sky. He was not at all nervous with threats.

[[at least you can float, that's enough for now]] - replied the Juubi laughing. As a possessor of Otsutsuki cells, flying was innate but he had to practice a little more.

"You are ..." - Coriana finally asked, unable to hold back her curiosity for the mysterious young man.

"Hehehe… I'm Suzetsu Otsutsuki, don't worry. Let me take care of this and then we'll talk "

"Y ... Yes" -she replied with a bit of nervousness after seeing his bright smile.

"CAREFUL!" - Kuisha yelled when she saw Diodora throwing the detonating bomb.


"Muuuuuuu Latia-Sama, my brother went out with your brother again and stole dad's weapons" - said a little beauty after receiving the message from one of her servants.

"I know, Iryuka. That pair of idiots continue to behave that way, one day they will pay for their nonsense "-the oldest girl in the room stroked her hair tenderly, the relationship seemed closer than sisters.

"Do you think they? ... "-she asked as she hugged her with a little force.

"Must be. I heard that Diodora was furious these days after returning from the Gremory mansion so he was getting more troublesome "

"I also knew about that, I think someone in the Gremory clan appeared who confronted him."

"Right, a child who bothered him like that would be quite interesting to meet him fufufu" - Latia said with a smile.

"You're right" - answered the smallest with a nod of the head.

"Okay do not worry. As I knew he was getting into trouble, I secretly left him a tracking and summoning tool so let's go see what they are up to "

"Well, it's been a long time since we went out together" - Her eyes seemed to be excited.

Iryuka Glasya-Labolas is a beautiful little girl of about 13 years old with silver hair with an upturned hairstyle, who has a splendid pair of breasts despite her small complexion. She wears a school uniform from the school she attends in the Underworld.

Latia Astaroth is a beautiful 15-year-old girl with almond eyes with long blonde hair dyed blue at the ends. She has a voluptuous body and large breasts. She is wearing a noble-style dress and a fan in her hand.

While they seem to have a sophisticated and domineering atmosphere, they do not discriminate against lower-class or reincarnated demons, unlike most high-class demons, like Diodora.


Suzetsu watched the incoming attack calmly. He clasped both hands as he gave a little cry.

~~ BOOM! ~~ a violent explosion rang out that reverberated throughout the place.

"HAHAHAHAHA a simple servant dared to insult a high-class devil, you deserve it bastard HAHAHAHA"

"Damn you, you forgot about the girls!" -Zephyrdor was more concerned about the integrity of the 'tasty women' so he yelled at his partner that he was laughing like a maniac while the place was covered in dust from the explosion.

Diodora finally calmed down and replied, "don't worry, I'll bring you some beauties."

"Humph!" - he snorted at his answer.

"Your laugh is really annoying"

"..." - while the other two argued, a calm voice was heard coming from the impact zone. The two in the sky, and the 10 men looked at the place.

At that moment, a huge and beautiful light blue hair appeared that acted as a shield protecting the trio and Suzetsu.

"This ..." - Kuisha was a little dizzy for what happened, she looked around seeing that her 2 companions were with the same look - 'even the vegetation managed to protect themselves' - she thought as she looked at the plants that were saved with the cover of the hair.

Diodora frowned seeing how he didn't have any scratches, he didn't even look exhausted! just looked at his 10 dogs and nodded at them.

So the 10 subjects, although still not recovering from their injuries could only fulfill the mandate so they surrounded the group of 4 while they took out the round bags.

"Hehehe it seems that you were not enough, you can block one, but how can you do it with 10?"

The trio looked fearfully at the new situation. They unconsciously approached Suzu, they knew that the only way to survive would be with his help.

<Byaku-Sharingan> -the young man activated his Dojutsu and then turned his attention to the bags.

It didn't take long for him to realize something when a small curve formed on his lips.

"Idiots" -the young man whispered as he put his hands together again.

Just like he did he against Sairaorg. His long hair formed many senbon that went quickly and impacting the body of the 10 men, even their bags were destroyed showing that they were simply empty bags.

~ Puchi! ~~ - they were all pierced and falling straight to the ground with their bodies covered in blood. Suzu didn't attack them at their vital points, only are dogs! But due to the various injuries, it wouldn't be strange for someone to die.

"This…" - everyone in the field had an O in their mouths. They had never seen such a strange ability.

Diodora knew there were no bombs in her subordinates' bags. How could they have something so expensive? He wanted to generate nervousness in Suzetsu and have a space to make his most powerful attack, but it did not turn out at all as he thought.

"Don't get distracted" - Suzetsu said with a cold voice.

<Futon: Kiryu Ranbu / Wind Style: Airstream Dance> - Suzetsu through the palms of his hands formed a large stream of air and kicked up the dust found in the surrounding area.


"HAAAAAA !!" - The pair of youths shouted furiously in the sky as you formed various defense rings. They managed to block the power, but Suzu had achieved his goal, he wanted to distract them!

<katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu / Fire Style: Jutsu Great Fireball > - Suzetsu controlled a large amount of chakra with the help of his 1 tomoe Sharingan and after performing the movements with his hands, he formed a large fireball of 5 m in diameter that he released from his chest.

~~KABOOM!~~ - As expected, both barriers failed to hold and both Diodora and Zephyrdor fell heavily to the ground.

Obviously, Suzetsu wouldn't give him time to recover. He moved with tremendous speed and smashed into Diodora's chest with a fierce kick.

"PUCHI!" - A lot of blood came out of his throat.

"Now you can die"

"W ... Wai ..." -Diodora could not complete his words and his eyes showed despair.

Suzetsu was not hesitant and he lifted his huge hair as he formed various Senbon. He wanted his first murder to be great.

"STOP!" - but at that moment a loud female cry was heard in the distance.

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