
Ascension of Suzetsu Otsutsuki

Princess Kaguya sought to get out of the clan's control and manage her own destiny. She got in contact with the Tree God, and they devised plans to fight her companions, the planet invaders, although things don't always go as expected ... Perhaps by luck, coincidence or fortune, a series of events occurred where Suzetsu Otsutsuki was born. A guy who carries with him genes of the most powerful beings and whose abilities will be the basis of his strength. This is the story of a guy who forged his own path, fought fierce and bloody battles, fell in love with incredible women, and defied countless challenges until he reached the top of the Multiverse. This is the English version, so sorry for the mistakes, my language is Spanish.

Walmano · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

Freedom or death

** note: there may be some errors, I tried that it could be moderately reasonable, so do not kill me xd, after all, it is just a fanfic. Any way I can edit it if you give me a good idea **


[[Did you forget that I made you strengthen your body? The reason is very simple ... your body has to support part of my power, also your Dojutsu evolved so it will be easier and for what is now possible]]

[[So…]]. Suzu immediately understood what she meant. But he was interrupted by his impatient companion.

[[enough talking, you're ready to start your journey, it's time to train your eyes and improve your chakra concepts]]

The young man finally let out a sigh, checked his Dojutsu, and was actually a bit embarrassed that he had not studied his evolution, after all, he was distracted by the separation with Akeno. But now he focused at maximum, he did not want to disappoint Kirisu.

Then Kirisu began to tell him the method to achieve the link between the two. In this way, his daily routine, apart from his training, was added to the practice of assimilation of both and a powerful high-ranking technique.

A technique that will allow him to travel to the new world. The Yomotsu Hirasaka.

Kirisu also informed him of a slight change in plans. She decided not to go directly to the place where Kaguya spent much of her life due to the danger that this entailed. In the future when both felt the confidence he would go directly there.

Then 1 month passed.

He already had enough knowledge to use the Yomotsu Hirasaka that would allow him to travel between dimensions, evidently, he did not have all the necessary energy, so the help that the Juubi would give him was indispensable.

The space-time ninjutsu. It is where the user is able to open cracks in the fabric of space, allowing him to instantly transport himself anywhere, in Kaguya's case, to any of her worlds. The openings can be used to connect two different spatial places within the same world or create a route that connects two different worlds. Similar to the Kamui, the Yomotsu Hirasaka allowed Kaguya to use the openings to disorient enemies, retreat, ambush, and many other different tactics.

Portals can even function to transport parts by entering them, using this to drag opponents to another location. The speed of this tactic is such that powerful fighters can be caught off guard.


[[Listen to me, as we already practiced it, I need you to leave your Dojutsu at the highest level and concentrating all your chakra on them then you will let me control your body while I make the connection with the other plane. It most likely there are the bastards of the Otsutsuki clan guarding the place so I will go to a parallel plane of the world where Kaguya was, but I will repeat you again, I do not know the exact place to which I can go, in the future you will have to discover it yourself, after all, It was a technique that woman developed and I do not handle it in depth]]. Indicated the tree god

After a few moments, Suzu followed the instructions and released his body to be controlled by the Juubi, placing his consciousness and spirit in the tree god's wooded area while observing the following actions. Ten-Tails took control of the body as its roots containing the stored chakra were rapidly unleashing its power to the limit of what Suzetsu's body could withstand.

<< Yomotsu Hirasaka >>. The Juubi's powerful eyes mixed with Suzu's Byaku-Sharingan and a rift formed in space. Without hesitation, the young man entered the said opening.

They had the hope it would be quiet teleportation, but things don't always go the way one wants them to. Once he was moving through the void and space, he noticed obstructions in the areas to which wanted to take his body, apparently, The Otsutsuki clan placed seals to warn and stop any disruption of the territory of the Shinobi world. (NT: Shinobi world although it is not as such, after all, it was more similar to the earth, but it does not matter xd). Not only were the seals located on the perimeter where Kaguya dwelt, but they even went to the trouble of using powerful celestial tools that trapped space-time from the surrounding area.

Fortunately, they did not go to the territory itself, but to another parallel dimension of that same world, so the barrier was weaker, but even so, he felt a great interference in the teleportation process that defended the space in that area and formed powerful barriers to form obstructions, it was similar to a fishing net.

The terrible tool also had an attack system that released strong waves of energy that directly impacted the body and spirit. Suzetsu's body was turning pale and it was only a matter of time before he was trapped.

[['I never imagined that those bastards would use such a powerful tool, apparently, something made them nervous and they took excessive measures']]. Kirisu thought with frustration, what was out of her plans is that the high ranks of the Otsutsuki clan felt a bad feeling the day the strange tattoos appeared on Suzu. As more than one of the higher ranks of the clan felt the same, they decided to take strict measures against all those areas that had problems, one of them was the Shinobi world.

[[Quick, don't worry about the rest, we must break it !!]]. Suzu told her from his spirit form, not caring about the physical consequences of excess energy. Everything was better to be left in the clutches of the enemy, even death.

[[… Well, hold on a little more!]]. Kirisu only grits her teeth as her power began to flow through Suzu's body, it could be seen how the blood drained and soaked his body, also the sound of bones breaking, and how the muscle tissue was shattered. Suzu's entire perfect body now only looked like that of a sad and shattered man.

She had to release the energy, despite the damage she was causing to Suzu due to the overload of power that his body could withstand, but it was indispensable, or else Suzetsu could even be captured. Suzu acted as well and his spirit seemed to grow more solid as he fully concentrated on enduring the incoming energy.

There was an explosion in the area due to the clash of forces.

Kirisu finally achieved a spatial opening in one of the areas of space and quickly entered without even having a chance to choose the area in which she wanted to go.

Without even noticing, once she released her power on Suzu's body, the strange patterns in the form of tattoos were formed on the young man's body, along with that infinity symbol, also Suzu's Dojutsu mixed with the Rinnegan del Juubi and a triple combination was formed.

Both Juubi and Suzu (in his spirit form) only felt that a large level of chakra was released, the young man was losing consciousness. Kirisu, who was still unable to use her power to the fullest due to the damage she received eleven years ago that still did not recover, already felt in a very exhausted state, so she also lost control and at the same time enter a state of unconsciousness.


While this happens, a group of pale-skinned beings with white hair, horns, and eyes of different shapes and, cold appearance, quickly approached the place where the explosion occurred.

"Someone interrupted the barrier"

"Damn they escaped, if the board of great elders knows that we let them go we will be heavily punished" - said a cold-looking one with horns bent back from his head. He had no doubts who might be responsible for the accident, after all, he could feel the aura familiar of his race.

"It is impossible to see where they went, we can only search intensely, they must be injured by the defenses of the barriers" - said another with a fat body harshly. He then pulled out a kind of compass that he could help in the search.

"Okay, let's all split up to search quickly, then use the seals to warn the rest."

"go away!" - Said one while everyone was opening different openings of space.


In a forest on the outskirts of a small village, there was a beautiful woman who drank sake while her eyes seemed nostalgic thinking of some memories, suddenly her eyes saw a meteorite falling at a terrible speed.

In my country, Chile, the national holidays were celebrated and we are good at celebrating, so after 1 week of festivities, we are back, although with a little hangover. Welcome to the second volume!

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