
Ascension of Realms and Dimensions of existence

NotAwakened1 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Unseen

### Chapter 14: The Unseen

Kairos and Alyssa found a moment to breathe amidst the chaos of the urban realm. Their new allies, the Resistance, had provided them with a temporary safe haven. This hidden sanctuary was a stark contrast to the bustling city outside—a small, dimly lit underground chamber filled with makeshift beds and supplies.

Kairos sat on one of the cots, rubbing his temples. The weight of their mission and the constant threat of the Shadow Guild were taking a toll on him. Alyssa, always attuned to his moods, sat beside him.

"Rough day, huh?" she asked, offering a small smile.

Kairos nodded, grateful for her presence. "Yeah. But we're making progress. We just need to stay focused."

Alyssa leaned back against the wall, her expression thoughtful. "Do you ever wonder why we're really doing this? I mean, beyond just surviving and moving to the next Dimension?"

Kairos looked at her, considering her question. "I think it's about more than just surviving. It's about finding a place where we belong, where we can make a difference."

Alyssa nodded, her eyes distant. "For me, it's about finding my brother. But I've also realized that this journey has become about the people we meet along the way. Like you."

Kairos felt a warmth in his chest at her words. "We've become a team," he said softly. "And I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else."

Their moment was interrupted by Marcus, who entered the room with a serious expression. "We've got a lead on the portal," he said. "But it's heavily guarded. The Shadow Guild knows it's there and they're not letting anyone get close."

Kairos stood, his resolve hardening. "What's the plan?"

Marcus laid out a map on the table. "There's a supply route the Shadow Guild uses to transport weapons and other goods. We can intercept it and use the chaos as a distraction to infiltrate the portal's location."

Alyssa studied the map. "And what about the guards? They won't just let us waltz in."

Marcus nodded. "That's where you come in. We need to take out the guards quickly and quietly. If we can neutralize their defenses, we'll have a chance."

Kairos looked at Alyssa, their eyes meeting in silent agreement. They were ready for whatever came next.


The night was pitch black as Kairos, Alyssa, and a small team of Resistance fighters approached the supply route. They moved silently through the shadows, their footsteps barely audible on the cobblestone streets.

Kairos signaled for the group to halt as they neared their target—a convoy of trucks loaded with crates and guarded by heavily armed Shadow Guild members. He turned to Alyssa and whispered, "We need to take out the guards first. Use your shadows to create a distraction."

Alyssa nodded, her eyes glinting with determination. She focused on the shadows around her, manipulating them into dark tendrils that snaked towards the guards. The tendrils wrapped around the guards' legs, pulling them off balance and creating confusion.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Kairos and the Resistance fighters moved in. Kairos used his enhanced speed to disarm one of the guards, his movements a blur. He thought back to his training with his sensei, remembering the lessons on precision and efficiency.

'Stay focused. Every move counts,' he reminded himself.

The guards were well-trained, but they were no match for the combined skills of Kairos and Alyssa. Within minutes, they had subdued the guards and secured the convoy. Kairos signaled for the team to move forward, their objective clear.

As they approached the portal's location, Kairos felt a surge of adrenaline. The portal was hidden in an old warehouse, its entrance guarded by a massive, imposing figure. This was no ordinary guard—this was a Gate Guardian, one of the elite enforcers of the Shadow Guild.

The Guardian stood at least seven feet tall, his body covered in thick armor that glinted in the moonlight. He wielded a massive axe, the blade gleaming ominously.

Kairos knew they had to act fast. He turned to Alyssa. "We need a plan. Any ideas?"

Alyssa studied the Guardian, her mind racing. "He's too strong to take head-on. We need to outsmart him. Maybe use the environment to our advantage."

Kairos nodded, his mind working through the possibilities. "I'll distract him. You find a way to weaken him."

He stepped forward, drawing the Guardian's attention. The Guardian swung his axe, the blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. Kairos dodged, using his enhanced speed to stay one step ahead.

'Think, Kairos,' he told himself. 'You need to find a weakness.'

He noticed the Guardian's movements were slow and deliberate, his armor restricting his agility. 'If I can get him to overcommit, I can use that against him.'

Kairos darted in and out, striking at the Guardian's legs and retreating before the axe could connect. The Guardian growled in frustration, swinging wildly in an attempt to hit him.

Meanwhile, Alyssa circled around, looking for an opportunity. She spotted a stack of crates precariously balanced above the Guardian. 'That could work,' she thought, a plan forming in her mind.

She used her shadow manipulation to create a tendril that wrapped around the crates. With a sharp tug, she pulled them down, sending the crates crashing onto the Guardian. The impact staggered him, and Kairos seized the moment.

He lunged forward, aiming for the small gaps in the Guardian's armor. His blade found its mark, piercing through the weak points and causing the Guardian to stumble.

Alyssa joined him, her staff striking with precision. Together, they overwhelmed the Guardian, their combined efforts bringing him to his knees.

With the Guardian subdued, they turned their attention to the portal. It shimmered with an otherworldly light, a gateway to the next Dimension.

Kairos felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Are you ready?" he asked Alyssa.

She nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "Let's do this."

As they stepped through the portal, they were engulfed in a blinding light. The world around them shifted, the city fading away as they were transported to the next Dimension.

They emerged in a vast, desolate landscape, the air thick with an oppressive heat. The ground was cracked and dry, and in the distance, they could see the outline of a massive fortress.

Kairos took a deep breath, feeling the weight of their journey ahead. But with Alyssa by his side and new allies to support them, he felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in this new Dimension.

As they began their trek towards the fortress, Kairos couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.