
Ascension of Lightning God (Dropped)

(The first part of the story will be slow and have long prolonged chapters. Read at your own taste) This is a story of both the ascension of Lightning God and the love story of two people. MC is loyal to his lover and there will be no harem, though Mc will be overpowered. The story takes place in supposed hollow earth, Agartha. This is my fantasy. Work of imagination. Every content and words may or may not true as this is just a fanfic. Please enjoy it. The first world is 'Demon slayer'.

Embra · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Chapter 79: Spirit Realm Intro (3)

Embra regains himself after a few minutes and calms down his mind. While looking at the lamps that are not lighted, Embra buys some oil and things to light the lamps. So, while he is doing that, Eve the guide system explains to him step by step about the things Embra wants to knows. She explains the differences in the environment between the two realms: Physical Realm and the Spirit realm.

The differences between living beings in the physical realm and the spirit realm are also explained in detail by Eve. Listening to Eve, Embra, who has already finished lighting all the lamps around the shrine, asks Eve.

"Eve, I still could not wrap my head around that but, can you explain to me in numbers. Like the um... the numerical value of general terms, like time difference, lifespan difference, and especially the power level difference." (Embra)

<Calculating... Comparing... Display the result.

Difference between the lifespan of living beings


Physical Realm - Average: 80 ~ 100 years

Spirit Realm - Average: 150 ~ 200 years

The difference in Nature Energy concentration in the surrounding


Physical Realm - Average : 3 ~ 5 % per square inch

Spirit Realm - Average: 9 ~ 15 % per square inch

Difference between the power level of living beings


Physical Realm - Average 10 years old kid: 150 ~ 200 PL

Spirit Realm - Average 10 years old kid: 600 ~ 1000 Pl

Physical Realm - Average 30 years old: 300 ~ 400 PL

Spirit Realm - Average 30 years old: 2000 ~ 3000 Pl

The difference in Time Flow


Time in Spirit Realm = 3 x Time in the Physical Realm

1 day in Spirit Realm = 3 days in Physical Realm

This is the numerical value of 'Lifespan', 'NE concentration', 'Power Level' and 'Time' of two realms in general. Is there anything you like to know?


'OK... 3 times time flow? Seriously? Right now, it is 7 p.m in the outside world. With the sleeping drug, she would sleep for 6 hours. So, I have 18 hours in the Spirit realm, huh? ... ALright. Eve, can you analyze the atmosphere of the spirit realm? For example, how many percentages of Oxygen, Nitrogen, and other gas are there in the atmosphere? We also need to know the tree composition too. But, we can leave it for later. For now, please explain to me the shrine.

How in the world did my small shrine in the physical realm look this huge? The difference in scale in almost 100 times, Oi. ' (Embra's thought)

<Answer. You are already a god who has attained a God Symbol. So, of course, you will obtain a shrine/temple of your own in the spirit realm. This is a natural order of things. No matter how low a god is in status, he or she must at least own a shrine/ temple which can serve as a home for said god or a place for lower people to worship said god.

In Host cases, the Host is not yet a god with status as the Host possesses no divinity yet. But, Host is no doubt a god acknowledged by Heavens. So, Host has his own shrine too.> (Eve)

'This is getting complicated... *sigh* In short, I am a god but, with no divinity or power yet, right? But, as I possess the God Symbol, I can be called a god. So, I can own a shrine in this spirit realm. Is that right?' (Embra's thought)

<Correct. Moreover, you own this land, this forest. And, you have power over this forest. For more detailed information, Please heads towards the pedestal in the empty hall.> (Eve)

'This really is starting to sound like strategy games... Well, For now, gathering information is the most important part. I don't know whether anyone is alerted by a shrine suddenly emerging in the middle of the forest but, before anyone comes, I at least have to know about what I can do here and how much power I have. ' (Embra's thought)

As a person who has arrived in an unknown region with unknown circumstances, Embra is a little shaken but, he soon gains his composure and studies the surroundings and himself. He may be reckless in coming to the spirit realm without any preparation but, Embra did not make a bad choice. A spirit realm is an unknown place for Embra and Embra has little to no information about it either because Eve would not tell him unless he goes to the realm.

That's why Embra who is only left with the only option of going to the spirit realm himself takes up the Ouroboros sword and makes the trip himself. Of course, he would not have chosen this method if he had a choice. But, Eve would not tell Embra of any information regarding the 'divinity' and 'God' in the physical realm. That is the first reason why Embra chose to go to the spirit realm.

And, the second reason why Embra has to go to the spirit realm is because of 'The harvest of divinity'. He can be called greedy but, he wants to mark the pedestal in all of his lands across the world and let it harvest divinity from the people and the land they are staying in while he is training. Embra may not have enough information but, he at least still knows that the harvest would take a long time and that he is still far from being a god.

So, as reckless and rush he may be, he decided to mark the lands he owns with the pedestal and let it harvest divinity while he is training himself. To, be honest, there is still another reason for Embra to go to the spirit realm and it is for training. It was a gamble of the sort though because Embra has no definite information. But, Embra's strike the jackpot because the spirit realm is indeed a great place for Embra to train himself to become a god.

Embra opens the empty hall to his shrine and searches for the pedestal. Seeing nothing in the empty hall, Embra was about to ask Eve but instinctively, Embra turns towards the corner of the hall. The pedestal is calling Embra mentally and letting its master knows of its place. Embra smiles and walks towards the place. The crystal pedestal shows itself as soon as Embra's hand hovers above it and some text appear on the pedestal which only he can see. The text shown is:

'God Symbol is required to make a connection. Please provide one.'

Embra immediately knows that there is a system on the pedestal and that, the system is connected to the guide system in some way or another. And, to confirm his thoughts, Eve answered.

<Affirmative. The system installed on the pedestal is a part of the System program and the System can help Host control the pedestal from afar.> (Eve)

Embra is impressed while thinking back to the orange ball that Goddess Lashili gives to Keinnayi. But, he does not delay anymore and put his god symbol on top of the pedestal. Light erupted again but, even though it is intense enough to instantly brighten the empty hall, Embra is fine looking at the light. It is because his power level is now over a million by the power provided by the Ouroboros sword. Soon, another pedestal appears beside the first one and this one looks more solid like it is made by the best marble.

The light begins to dim down and Embra saw the original crystal pedestal become a little smaller. He tilts his head and while touching the white pedestal that looks like it is made by pure white marble, he asks Eve.

"Eve, is it me or the pedestal become smaller?" (Embra)

<Host is not mistaken. The pedestal indeed split itself. It can divide itself for a total of thirteen times and now, it can only divide itself twelve times before disappearing.> (Eve)

'I see... That's why Goddess Gaia said that there is only one pedestal. I chose thirteen plots of land in this world. So, it can divide itself into thirteen parts, huh? As expected, Gods cannot be underestimated. How did the heaven court knows that I am going to chose thirteen lands in this world even before I chose it with Goddess Gaia and Goddess Lashili? How far of my future did they saw?' (Embra's thought)

Embra's suspicion is not displaced because God of Wisdom indeed looked into the future. But, it is not Embra's future he looked because even he could not see the destiny of Embra who passed the special trial of true-self. So, instead, God of Wisdom looked into the future of the world, Agartha, and deduced from the future he saw that Embra will ask for thirteen plot of lands across the world.

That's why he gave Goddess Gaia, the pedestal that can divide itself into thirteen parts. And, Goddess Gaia gave Embra the pedestal to help him gather the divinity. Indeed, the wisdom of the God of wisdom cannot be underestimated and of course, Embra still does not knows that.

"Well, whatever. Let's leave that matter aside. For now, let's see what I can do with this pedestal here..." (Embra)

Embra ordered Eve to store the crystal pedestal into the inventory while he himself is looking around the white marble pedestal. Hovering his God symbol over the pedestal, a computer screen appears which startled Embra a little bit. However, Embra's surprise soon disappeared seeing the detailed map on the screen. The map the screen is showing is so detailed that Embra feels himself using his computer on his island.

"What the... Wow!... Besides being a 3D map, there is even the live movement of living beings in the forest. I see. So, this is the forest I own, huh? Alright. What else is there beside the map function?" (Embra)

From then on, Embra continues to check the control panel of the pedestal and its functions. And, because he is immersed in the control panel that, he did not sense people coming to his shrine.