
Ascension of Authority: Fabled Core

In a tragic turn of events, Fable's life, once filled with hopes and dreams, is cut short when he and his friends fall victim to the whims of cosmic forces. However, death is not the end for Fable, as he finds himself transported to a mysterious otherworld. There, he encounters a mystical boy with purple hair who bestows upon him the power of a Dungeon Master system, tasking Fable with the creation and management of his own dungeon. The boy glanced up at Fable, his expression a mix of solemnity and mischief "Fable, take a look. the story, has already begun..." *** Thanks to _DogWater_ for helping me Improve the Web Novels Cover Art. -NOTE: This work will resume July 1st, 2024

Perishable_Heaven · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 3 (Part 1/2): True Nature

As the first year of the dungeon's existence unfolded, the goblins, the progenitors of their race within this realm, lived a carefree and joyous life. They frolicked among the treetops, their laughter echoing through the dense foliage as they indulged in the succulent fruits that grew abundantly in the crowns of the trees. The goblins' days were filled with play and exploration, their curious nature leading them to discover the wonders of their new home.

Despite their playful antics, the goblins occasionally found themselves embroiled in petty squabbles over the most trivial matters. They would argue and bicker, their voices rising in pitch as they fought over a particularly juicy fruit or a favorite spot to nap. However, these disputes never escalated to violence or bloodshed. The concept of killing was foreign to these innocent and adorable creatures, their hearts untainted by the darker aspects of existence. They had yet to take the life of any animal for sustenance, and the thought of harming one another in a fatal manner was simply unimaginable.

As the second month began, life in the dungeon continued much as it had before. The goblins went about their daily routines, blissfully unaware of the passage of time or the greater machinations at play within their realm. They played, they ate, and they explored, their days filled with the simple joys of existence.

It was on the first day of the third month that an incident occurred that would forever change the course of goblin society. One of the goblins, in a moment of carelessness, found himself struggling in the depths of a nearby body of water. His flailing limbs and panicked cries alerted his fellow goblins to his plight, and they rushed to the shore, their hearts racing with fear for their companion's safety.

In a moment of quick thinking, one of the goblins grabbed a long stick and extended it towards the drowning goblin. With a mighty swing, the stick connected with the struggling goblin, propelling him towards the shore and into the waiting arms of his friends. The goblins cheered and celebrated, their relief palpable as they embraced their rescued companion.

This incident marked a turning point in the goblins' understanding of the world around them. They had learned that objects, like the stick, could be used to achieve feats that were otherwise impossible for their small, frail bodies. This knowledge would serve them well in the years to come, as they navigated the challenges and dangers of their ever-changing home.

As the third month drew to a close, life in the dungeon settled back into its usual rhythm. The goblins continued to live life to the fullest, their laughter and play filling the air with a sense of joy and innocence.

As the fourth month drew to a close, the goblins continued their carefree existence within the lush, vibrant rainforest. They spent their days exploring the dense foliage, climbing the towering trees, and indulging in the sweet, succulent fruits that grew abundantly in the canopy.

On the thirtieth day of the month, a curious goblin ventured high into the treetops, seeking out the most delectable fruits. As she reached for a particularly enticing specimen, her hand inadvertently knocked against a small, delicate nest nestled among the branches. The impact sent the nest tumbling to the ground below, its tiny, feathered occupants spilling out onto the soft, mossy earth.

The goblin quickly descended from the tree, her eyes wide with concern as she approached the fallen nest. To her surprise, the tiny birds within lay motionless, their eyes closed and their bodies still. A smile spread across the goblin's face as she realized the truth; the little singing creatures were simply taking a nap.

With gentle hands, the goblin scooped up the nest and its slumbering occupants, carefully placing each tiny bird back into its rightful place. She then carried the nest back to the top of the tree, nestling it securely among the branches once more. Before departing, the goblin couldn't resist the urge to gently rub the head of one of the birds, a gesture of affection and care.

As the goblin made her way back to the shore of the nearby lake, her heart was filled with a sense of warmth and contentment. She had done a good deed, ensuring that the tiny singing creatures could continue their peaceful slumber undisturbed.

The fifth month began with a sense of gratitude and reverence among the goblins. On the thirteenth day, one particularly enthusiastic goblin decided to express his thanks to the water spirits that filled the air with their beautiful melodies day after day. He gathered his fellow goblins together, urging them to join him in paying homage to the mighty spirits of the lake.

The goblins spent the entire day frolicking and dancing along the shore, their joyous laughter and playful antics serving as a tribute to the water spirits. They splashed in the shallows, chased each other through the reeds, and twirled in circles, their hearts filled with a deep appreciation for the music that graced their lives.

One goblin, overcome with gratitude, decided to share his fruit with the great water spirit. He approached the edge of the lake, a plump, juicy fruit clutched in his small hands. Just as he was about to toss the entire fruit into the water, he hesitated. The fruit was HIS, after all, and the thought of parting with it entirely filled him with a sense of reluctance.

After a moment of internal struggle, the goblin arrived at a compromise. He carefully split the fruit in half, tossing one portion into the lake as an offering to the water spirit. The other half, he brought to his mouth, taking a satisfying bite and savoring the sweet, refreshing taste.

As the offered fruit bobbed gently on the surface of the lake for a few seconds before slowly sinking beneath the waves, the other goblins watched in awe. They were thrilled to discover that the water spirit shared their love for the delicious fruits of the forest.

Inspired by their companion's actions, the other goblins quickly followed suit. They rushed to gather their own fruits, eager to share them with the benevolent water spirit. In a flurry of activity, the goblins began tossing halves of their fruits into the lake, their faces alight with joy and excitement as they watched the colorful offerings disappear beneath the surface.

As the goblins gleefully tossed their fruit offerings into the lake, a peculiar sight caught their attention. The last goblin's half-eaten fruit, instead of sinking beneath the waves like the others, remained afloat on the surface. A group of small fish had gathered around the morsel, eagerly nibbling at its flesh.

The goblins let out a collective scream of horror, their eyes wide with disbelief. They watched helplessly as the fish continued to devour the fruit, their tiny mouths working feverishly to consume every last bit.

Panic gripped the goblins as they realized the gravity of the situation. The fish were stealing the offering meant for the water spirit, and the goblins were powerless to stop them. They couldn't swim, having avoided the water since the near-drowning incident, and they had no means to retrieve the fruit from the fish's grasp.

Suddenly, one of the goblins remembered the stick that had saved their companion's life. He raced around the area, searching frantically for the object that held such power. It took him a moment to recall that another goblin had claimed the stick after a heated argument, and he quickly made his way to that goblin's usual sleeping spot.

Without hesitation, the goblin snatched the stick from its resting place and sprinted back to the lake, his heart pounding with determination. He was filled with anger at the audacity of the fish, daring to steal the sacred offering meant for the water spirit.

As he reached the shore, the goblin raised the stick high above his head, his eyes blazing with fury. With a mighty swing, he brought the stick down upon the surface of the water, intending to punish the thieving fish for their transgression.

The stick struck the water with a resounding splash, sending ripples across the lake's surface. The fish scattered in all directions, their tiny bodies darting through the water in a frenzied attempt to escape the goblin's wrath.

When the water settled, the goblins noticed that three of the fish remained motionless, floating on their sides near the surface. Some of the goblins tilted their heads in confusion, unsure of what to make of the fishes' strange behavior. They assumed that the fish were begging for mercy, their bodies paralyzed with fear in the face of the goblin's righteous anger.

As the goblins gathered around the lake, marveling at the power of the stick and the apparent submission of the fish, a fierce argument erupted among them. They fought over who should rightfully possess the godly stick, each claiming ownership and the right to wield its immense power.

Amidst the chaos, one goblin remained by the lakeside, her gaze fixed upon the motionless fish. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, a sensation similar to the one she had experienced when she discovered the baby birds.

The goblin wondered if the fish were merely sleeping, much like the tiny feathered creatures she had encountered before. However, doubt crept into her mind as she recalled her own experience of being jolted awake by a sudden impact while slumbering.

I'll be releasing a bonus chapter or 2 during the weekend so we can get back to the main story as soon as possible.


Here's the release schedule:

Monday @ 10pm E.S.T

Wednesday @ 10pm E.S.T

Friday @ 5pm E.S.T

Bonus Chapters will be released in random intervals and on holidays to help keep the chapter count up


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