
Ascension of a Sovereign

Lori finds herself in the body of Khalina Lorianna Prerin, eldest daughter of Viscount Liorr Prerin. In this new life, she faces constant threats and challenges, compelling her to unravel the mystery of her waking up in this new place. Will she survive the dangers lurking at every corner and uncover the purpose behind her journey to this unfamiliar world, or will her quest end in peril?

Khyber · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Khalina woke up to find herself surrounded by the same dreary surroundings as the day before, a sense of disappointment settling over her as she realized that the events of yesterday were not merely a dream.

Descending from her bed, she noticed a bucket of murky, slightly green water and a bowl of food scraps on the floor of her room. The scraps contained half-eaten or rotten fruits, filling her with disgust. Despite this, she forced herself to pick out the least spoiled pieces and began to eat, gagging with each reluctant chew.

Once she had finished, she couldn't help but return her gaze to the broken mirror, her reflection still unfamiliar and unsettling.

"Haaa," a sigh escaped Khalina's lips as she contemplated her situation.

"I need to strengthen my body," she muttered to herself, her stomach churning at the thought of having to eat half-eaten food again.

She paced back and forth, her mind whirring with thoughts of what to do next. She considered every possible plan, desperate to find a way out of her current predicament.

"I need information," Khalina muttered to herself, realizing that some of the memories of this body were either missing or not relevant at the moment.

Recalling from her memories, she knew that there was a library in thiS residence where she and the Viscount's former wife, her mother, stayed. With determination, she set off to find the library, hoping to uncover some answers to her questions.

As Khalina walked through the hallways, she observed that they were just as decrepit as her room. The walls and flooring were caked in dust, cobwebs hung from the light fixtures, and to her relief, not a servant was in sight.

Finally reaching the library, she pushed open the door, a creak echoing through the empty hallways as she entered. A musty smell filled the room, a sign of its long neglect.

The library resembled the rest of the residence, Khalina thought to herself as she approached the bookshelves. The cold wooden floor creaked under her bare feet as she moved closer.

Scanning the shelves, she began to search for books about the history of this world. After a moment, her eyes fell upon a tome titled "The History of the Rhafeilia Kingdom." "Hmm," she muttered, intrigued by her find.

As Khalina delved into the pages of the book, she discovered that her family, the Viscount family of Prerin, was a knightly lineage hailed as one of the strongest in the kingdom. Each generation of the Prerin family had produced a renowned sword master, earning them great respect and prestige.

Khalina learned from the pages of the book that her father, Viscount Liorr Prerin, held the esteemed title of a class 5 knight, a remarkable achievement for their relatively small kingdom. It became evident that he had surpassed his own father and displayed exceptional skill in swordsmanship from a young age.

As Khalina delved deeper into the book, she discovered details about the different classes of power and strength utilized by the people of this world. Aura, predominantly used by martial artists, involved harnessing mana to envelop their outer bodies, enhancing their physical capabilities. In addition to aura, there were mentions of various forms of magic, including spirit magic, alchemy, divine power, and dark magic. However, the book lacked further information on these mystical arts, leaving Khalina intrigued yet wanting to learn more.

"Lecretia Academy," Khalina whispered to herself, her interest piqued by the mention of the renowned school. She learned that it was a prestigious institution where both nobles and commoners alike attended from the age of 15 onwards. The academy served not only as a place to learn various skills but also as a platform for building connections and alliances among the elites of society.

Khalina hurried to the back of the library, out of sight, as she heard footsteps approaching along with hushed whispers.

Two maids entered the room.

"The madam seems stressed as of late," one of them said in a soft voice.

"It must be because the viscount is coming back from his expedition, and because it's almost time for the third young master and the first young miss to get ready to go to Lecretia," the other replied.

Listening intently, Khalina absorbed the information, her curiosity growing with each word spoken.

But her body trembled at the mention of the madam.

"Yes, that may be the case, seeing as how she kept trying to convince the viscount that the young miss is not yet ready to go," one maid said with a sigh. "I just hope I'm not assigned to her when they go."

"Yeah, me too. I don't want to get on the madam's bad side, and the young miss is creepy," the other maid shivered. "Just the sight of her makes my blood crawl."

The maids continued on with their conversation and giggled as they exited the library through the next door, leaving Khalina alone with her thoughts, her heart racing at the unsettling conversation she had overheard.

"First young miss," Khalina whispered, realizing they were indeed talking about her. Hastily, she retreated to her room, avoiding the servants' gaze.

Once in the room, she spoke to herself,"I'm afraid…" Khalina trailed off, her gaze falling to her trembling hands. The mere thought of the Viscountess filled her with unease, prompting her to reflect on the trauma her body must have endured to react in such a way.

Determined to build her strength before facing whatever lay ahead, Khalina resolved to focus on her physical well-being. Over the next few days, she ate what she could, rested as much as possible, and occasionally snuck into the library to gather whatever information she could find. Each day, she pushed herself to improve, knowing that she needed to be as strong as possible for whatever challenges awaited her.

....miss, young miss,

Khalina's eyes fluttered open, surprised to find the maids standing before her in her room.

"Young miss, it's time to get dressed," one of them said politely, a bright smile adorning her face.

Wondering why the maids were there to assist her, Khalina listened as they explained, "You need to get ready; the Viscount has returned and would like to see everyone this morning."

Understanding now why she was being tended to with such care, Khalina realized that the Viscount's return must be the reason for the sudden attention. Nodding to herself, she prepared to face whatever awaited her as she readied herself for the day ahead.

As Khalina finished getting ready, she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, feeling a sense of disconnection from the person staring back at her. The maids had done their best to ensure she looked presentable, masking any signs of her previous distress caused by their hands..

They had chosen a long-sleeved dress to cover her bruised and skeletal-like arms, the fabric shimmering like diamonds in comparison to the rags that had filled her wardrobe.

Guided by the maids, Khalina found herself in the main building, a place she had never ventured since arriving in this world. The contrast between her residence and the main mansion was stark; here, the hallways smelled of freshly plucked flowers, and not a cobweb could be seen. The chandeliers sparkled as sunlight poured through the large windows, illuminating the vast hallway.

Nervousness fluttered in Khalina's chest as she tried to calm herself, her mind racing through all possible scenarios that might occur today. Finally, they stopped in front of a grand door, where a servant knocked politely. Taking a deep breath, Khalina prepared herself as the doors opened, and she stepped inside...