
Ascension Of a Soulsborne Player

Xavier is one of the unluckiest people in the world. He is affected by a disease that has made him bedridden for his whole life. His only salvation was Souls-like games. After spending most of his life in the bed, playing games and making barely enough money from stocks, his life finally gives out in the age of 26. Just when he accepted the fact that he had died, the unimaginable happened... he reincarnated in a fantasy world. But Xavier knows better than to blindly trust strength, because nothing in the world in free, and everything requires a proper compensation. Follow Xavier as he clears dungeons, slays powerful enemies, understands the foreign concept of 'magic' and becomes one hell of a force to reckon with. {COVER PAGE NOT MINE. I GOT IT FROM PINTEREST LOL. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/31666003620716834/}

Daoist9lionL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Unlucky, Untimely, Uncalled-for...


A thunderstorm... there has been quite a lot of them recently... well, its not like I'm bothered by it... after all, I'll never even leave this damn room...

I looked away from the window and turned towards my monitor. I was playing 'Elden Ring'.

The monitor was displaying all of my stats, and my level. "Level 713". All of the stats were maxed out at 99.

"This is the fourth time now... man, this feeling of satisfaction never gets old, haha...", i told myself in my head. I think I am going to try out other, lesser-known, souls-like games next... I could even try making a video... who knows? maybe it'll do good on the charts?

My thoughts trailed off into oblivion as I blankly stared at the screen.

"It's been so long since I've smelled fresh air...". It really has been a long time. These days, my health is worsening... I'll probably die in a few months... I'd like to complete a few more games before I die though... "haha, I don't have the luxury of having any wishes."

I decided to stop wallowing in self-pity and start working. I pay for the hospital bills by investing in stocks and sometimes cryptocurrency as well. It's nothing special, I just barely earn enough to pay the bills. There isn't really much I can do as a bedridden patient.

I never got to finish school. My parents passed away when I was 13 years old. Before that, they were the ones to pay for the hospital and my school. Their life insurance covered the hospital bills for a year and a half. I decided to stop my school education and start learning how to make money as a kid. I didn't want to take that big of a responsibility, but I had no choice. My bank account was run by my nurse, a woman my mother was friends with for a very long time.

Just as I was about to close the game, my head felt numb. I suddenly lost all of my strength in my neck and my spine, falling down into the bed. I felt numb all over, it was like, my entire body just switched off its sensory systems. My audio slowly became fuzzed, like I was underwater. Only my vision was still functioning, but even that was slowly becoming fuzzy. I saw some people hurriedly enter the room, and slamming my table aside, knocking over my pc.

"Oi! you retards! don't damage my pc! that's the only thing that has kept me alive all this time!", i wanted to shout out, but couldn't. My body wasn't functioning anymore.

"oh... I think I'm dying... well... I had this coming...", I finally realized that I was dying.

"Shit... I don't fell like I'm gonna make out of this one...", I thought to myself.

I didn't feel despair, or unhappy, or even a slight relief... I felt nothing. Or was I incapable of feeling anything, because my brain was slowly shutting down? Maybe, when you are dying, your brain feels empty because it can't process the information it gathers? I don't know...

I closed my eyes, and shut down my brain. I died.

This is my first ever novel... hope this goes well lol...

Also, i hope i won't get into any trouble for mentioning 'Elden Ring'... But seriosly, its the best game ever made, so 100% would


I am thinking of manking this an isekai story... I KNOW, I KNOW, that isekai = bad, cringy. But just give this a try. I won't have any harems, i won't describe women's figures like they are some sort of object, and i won't have any rubbish drama about a righteous mc. Xavier is going to be a cold, ruthless, and calculative person, who will do anything to achieve his goals. ALSO, the mc won't have any absudly op cheat skill or some bullshit like that. His powers will have logic behind it and be explainable.

Also, insight on how the story will progress:

- Mc will complete all his quests alone.

- There will be ONE love interest, but trust me, she's gonna be actually helpful and intesting.

- There WILL be some sexual content(both the Mc and other characters), BUT, keep in mind, this won't be the main focus.

- Annoying characters will be mercilessly slaughtered by the mc, because of my own self-satisfation.

- Nothing the mc gains is for free. He has to compensate for all of his powers with something of equal value.

- There IS a system, but there is no concept of "gain EXP by defeating strong monsters and raise your LEVEL to get stronger" crap.

Daoist9lionLcreators' thoughts