
Ascension Of a Soulsborne Player

Xavier is one of the unluckiest people in the world. He is affected by a disease that has made him bedridden for his whole life. His only salvation was Souls-like games. After spending most of his life in the bed, playing games and making barely enough money from stocks, his life finally gives out in the age of 26. Just when he accepted the fact that he had died, the unimaginable happened... he reincarnated in a fantasy world. But Xavier knows better than to blindly trust strength, because nothing in the world in free, and everything requires a proper compensation. Follow Xavier as he clears dungeons, slays powerful enemies, understands the foreign concept of 'magic' and becomes one hell of a force to reckon with. {COVER PAGE NOT MINE. I GOT IT FROM PINTEREST LOL. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/31666003620716834/}

Daoist9lionL · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Rewards and Anna's growth.

I reached the Adventurer's guild to return the goblin's fingers and ears as proof of completion. They checked my guild ID card and paid me 5 silver coins in return.

500 pounds for that fight was way too low. I could've died at any second!

"Excuse me, Mr. Xavier, but where did you get that staff?", asked the receptionist.

"I slayed an Imp necromancer.", I blurted out in a monotone voice.

"what?!", for the first time, I saw her shocked face.

Everyone in the guild building was shocked too.

"b-but, weren't you a 3rd circle?", she asked.

"I still am.", I replied.

Everyone was gossiping about how I could've won the fight.

"Mr. Xavier... An Imp necromancer is at least a 4th circle sorcerer! It is absolutely amazing for a 3rd circle to kill it on their own!", she exclaimed.

"The guild always recognizes talented people, so you shall not go without a proper reward!", she said with her chest puffed out, which made many of the male people inside the building hype up.

She gave me an additional 1 Gold coin and 5 Silver coins (1500 Pounds). 'Fuck yeah! that's an appropriate reward! I'm liking this guild even more now!', I thought to myself.

"And also, have this.", she said while handing out an antique-looking fountain pen.

"what's this?", I asked.

"It's an enchanter pen. You can use this to help your friend get started with enchanting.", she said.

"Anna was here?", I asked with my eyes wide open in shock.

"yes, she was. And she was asking if you were okay or not. I couldn't give her a proper answer, but it looked like she was very worried about something.", the receptionist said.

"thanks for the intel. I'll go talk to her about this.", I said before I stormed off to go to the Inn.

When I reached the Inn, I saw Anna was reading some notes, sitting on the bed.

When she realized my presence, she smiled and gasped a little.

"you're back! Xavier, I have great news!", she exclaimed while getting of the bed.

She stood in front of me and said, "I'm starting to get the gist of enchanting and runesmithing! It's very similar to programming! before I got here, I was actually working in the IT, So I know programming in many languages.". She had eyes full of joy and satisfaction.

"good for you! I'm happy for you. Really. Good job", I said while patting her head.

She blushed a little and smiled back, saying, "Thanks!".

I genuinely was happy for her. I know I threatened her about the result of leaning on me and slowing me down, but she took it not as a threat but motivation. She always was that kind of person... I could never become like her... She always looked on the bright side of things and always said to look at life in a way you would look at a birthday gift, with anticipation and curiosity. I honestly was a little envious of Anna for her seemingly magical ability to turn anything from sad to happy.

Recalling our memories together of past times left a fuzzy feeling in me, but it was immediately broken by Anna's loud scream.

"AND THAT'S NOT EVEN THE BEST NEWS!!!!!!", She screamed while jumping and hugging me as tightly as she could.

'Yup. She was always like this when she got an interesting thing to do and succeeded in doing it. So damn loud!', I thought to myself while having a conflicted mood in my mind. I disliked loud people, but I could never dislike Anna.

"I even enchanted a new set of clothes, just for you! as repayment for saving my life from that time.", she said while her head was buried in my shoulder.

"wait, what!? you succeeded in Enchanting a new set of clothes for me!?", I was shocked.

"well, theoretically. If my calculations are correct, I can make it for you right now! the only thing missing is the Enchanter Pen, which allows me to write the runes on the clothes...", she said while looking up at me.

She was already hugging me, and I could feel her perfectly large breasts pressing up against my body, and now she was looking at me with those eyes; I couldn't control it anymore.

"huh? xavier, did you put something in your pocket?", she asked while looking down at my pants.

"that's not my pocket.", I said in a calm tone but with an embarrassed look on my face.

"huh? then what.... is....", she realized what it was and immediately stopped hugging me and got a few feet away from me.

I was trying to hide it with my hands, but it wasn't helping much.

"h-hey, xavier...? d-did I do that... to you...?", she asked while turning her face away from me, so I couldn't see her.

"It's a biological reaction, Anna. You can't hug some guy like that and not expect anything like this.", I replied in a monotone voice, trying to cover up my embarrassment.

"o-oh... b-but we used to hug each other all the time back when we were kids, and you never got like that...?", she asked.

"That was then, and this is now. I have grown up quite a lot, and so have you. I mean, you were always beautiful, but now, you're even more...", I didn't want to finish that sentence. I could've said something inappropriate and ruined my relationship with her.

"do you... see me as a 'woman' now?", she asked.

"I see you as a treasured ally and a wonderful person.", I answered.

"do you want to sleep with me tonight?", she suddenly blurted, which made me almost choke on my own saliva because I gasped so hard.

"I don't need sleep.", I answered, trying to kill the topic as soon as possible.

"then don't sleep. I slept my 5 hours of sleep per week already. so, I don't need to sleep either.", she said.

She then finally turned back to me and said the words that I wouldn't have expected to hear from her even in dreams, "Lets have sex.".

"Query! why is Anna like this?!"

[Query Received!]

[Required FP: 0]

[Answer to query: Due to Anna's new body being newly synthesized, her hormones are not yet fully calibrated to her previous body's, making her extremely horny. From the moment you met her, she already wanted to have sex with you.]

'WTF?! Hormones not yet calibrated?! wtf does that mean?!', I couldn't fully understand.

"I-I mean... its fine if you don't want to... I'll be fine...", she said while her face was completely red, and her long ears were flapping non-stop.

"UH! ummm...", those were the only words that left my mouth.

'If this is an issue related to the reincarnation, and her hormones really are going out of control, I should help her. yeah! this isn't because I want to have sex with Anna or because I want to have sex with an Elf! This is purely because I want to help Anna get out of this trouble!', I reasoned with myself to make an excuse for wanting to have sex with Anna.

"sure... lets have sex... tonight...", as soon as I finished saying that, Anna ran towards me and jumped on top of me, yelling "REALLY?! YES!!".


I had my first time that day, and I learned a few things:

1) unregulated hormones are scary.

2) First time having sex with an elf feels fantastic.

3) Arch-humans have a ridiculous recovery speed.


The next morning, when everything was over, I felt my whole body ache in pain. The whole night was way too much exercise!

Anna was laying beside me with a satisfied look on her face.

"That felt amazing! lets do this more often!", Anna said, looking at me.

'Holy shit... are you sure it's a problem with hormones and you're not just a slutty person?', was what I thought.

"ah, yeah... sure.", was what I said.

After we got dressed, I finally remembered about that Enchanter Pen.

"Ah! Anna, I almost forgot. I got the Enchanter pen as a reward for slaying a goblin Necromancer. You can have it.", I said while handing the pen to her.

"oh! Thanks! I was thinking of ripping off Lorraine for money again!", she blurted out, which almost made me laugh.

Just when I was about to leave, she grabbed my dress and asked me while looking at the ground, "hey... you don't think of me as a weird person, or some kind of perverted girl, right...?".

"uhhh, look, The Guide said its a problem with your body's hormonal system. Its still not fully calibrated yet. I'm sure it will get better as time goes by.", I replied genuinely. If the hormone thing really was a problem that had that kind of extreme effect, it needed to be fixed as soon as possible.

"yeah... but! as long as this problem stays, you'll do it with me, right?", she asked.

"Yeah... I will...", I tried to sound cool and mature, but the thought of last night kept bugging my mind, but thankfully all of the sex the previous night had made my 'Little Big Brother' too tired to stand up.

I left Anna's room and went outside, to get what I needed to reach the 4th circle. Anna also told me she would be using the Enchanter's pen to create enchanted clothing for me while I try to reach 4th circle.

SIKE! we're back with more sexy time. Anna's character is gonna be a 'slutty elf', cause of my own personal tastes, and you gotta respect a man's taste, y'know! Overlord's 'Albedo' was like that, and it was absolutely immaculate!

Although, don't worry, Anna is only going to be slutty in front of Xavier and no one else.

I swear the next episodes will contain more fighting and action. There will be some sexy time, but they won't cross one paragraph in length.

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