
... Comes From Above?

--On the Town Streets--

Jogging towards his next target, Feng grumbled as he realized the length of the sword caused it to frequently bump against his legs as he ran, not to mention the discomfort of the sheathed daggers strapped against various parts of his body.

'At least the gloves are fine once they have been worn long enough to get rid of the stiffness.'

Blinking at the late afternoon sun as he made his way through the somewhat crowded central town area, Feng did not have to jog long before spotting his destination.

A large white marble cathedral with tall bell-towers soaring above it dominated the northern part of the town, and the extravagance even extended to a great number of statues and murals adorning the road leading up to it. A long procession streamed into and out of the large entrance guarded by quite a number of elite soldiers fully armored with chain-mail and wielding long halberds.

Noting the queue to enter the cathedral and a number of smaller booths and shrines set up nearby, Feng decided to question a passer-by before wasting his time with the queue. Picking a jolly-looking townswoman passing by, Feng smoothly inserted himself into her path and greeted her.

"Excuse me, my lady? Could I impose on you for a few moments of your precious time?"

The rotund woman jumped slightly as she realized that Feng was talking to her and tittered for a moment before replying.

"Oh you, I'm certainly no fine lady, young man! So, what do you need of a simple baker?"

Bowing smoothly as he responded, Feng shook his head as he replied flatteringly.

"Oh no, my lady, your beautiful smile makes you shine more than those ladies dressed up in pretty dresses and without fine bakers like yourself, I would have starved to death long ago! As for why I stopped you, I have just arrived in this fine town and would like to understand what's going on with the large crowd and set-up outside this building."

Giggling like a schoolgirl, which made Feng shiver internally as no middle-age woman should be making that sort of expression, the woman answered happily.

"I see! Well, this is the great Cathedral of Light, where we worship Ralos, the God of Light. It is the largest church in the entire region and well known for its blessings and healing. Many families also bring their children to be tested to join the priesthood here as it is well-known to be one of the best priestly training grounds…

Unfortunately, just entering requires a donation of ten silvers which most of us commoners can't afford. That's also why there are some priests from other Gods setting up shrines outside the cathedral where we can go to."

"I see… Thank you very much for your detailed explanation my lady! Farewell and have a good day ahead!" Carefully absorbing all of the woman's words, Feng thanked her cheerily and prepared to depart towards the shrines only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, wait up young lad! You said you are new to our town? Perhaps I can guide you around and show you places you'll never see otherwise, it will be my pleasure…" The portly middle-aged woman winked at Feng as she shoved her full bosom nearly into Feng's face, clearly implying something more than an innocent tour.

"Eep! I mean er- no that's perfectly fine, I need to hurry off to attend to urgent matters! Bye!"

Letting out an unmanly squeak, Feng backpedaled rapidly and dashed off into the crowds, hoping desperately to lose the woman.

'Holy crap! That woman is nearly as old as my mom and propositioned me… Ugh… Maybe excessive flattery is dangerous in this world…'


[New Title Obtained: Cougar Bait

Congratulations, your boyish looks and over-the-top old-fashioned manners have successfully charmed the ladies… the older ones anyway.

+10% Charm against ladies older than forty

+5% Positive Reaction from older ladies]

'… Why… why does this unfortunate events always happen to me… ugh let's just get back to what is important'

Finding a booth with a sign indicating healing was available, Feng strode up to the middle-aged priest who was tending mostly to adventurers judging by their equipment… A few of whom looked like players still using the basic gear given to cover their modesty.

'Wait… I'm also wearing the same white tunic, black pants and boots so I guess that an easy way to identify players for now…'

Patiently waiting for his turn as a few more people lined up behind him as well, Feng soon got his chance to approach the priest and decided to speak directly given the impatient look on the man's face.

"Greetings, good sir! I would like to ask if it is possible to become a student under you and learn some healing magic to aid others on my journeys."

Scrutinizing Feng and noting the decent quality of his sword as compared to the other adventurers still clad fully in beginner gear, the priest decided that it would probably be worth his time to answer and replied after a few moments.

"Hmm… You are a traveler? You'll need to first visit the altar of the God of Light and bow down at his altar in order to receive his blessing to use holy healing magic. Come back to me after that and I'll teach you some simple healing chants for a few silvers."

'Damn. I forgot about all the holy magic being related to worshiping of game gods… it is in a game but considering the realism… I'm not comfortable with this…'

Feng pondered over the matter before asking for alternatives with an uncertain tone.

"Is there no other option? I'm a firm believer of our traveler god, who I have accepted as my personal Lord and Savior and it will be wrong to bow my head to worship false idols…"

Looking at the incensed face of the priest, Feng took a small step back and looked around only to receive angry looks.

'Oh shit. Maybe I shouldn't have said the last part.'


[New Title Obtained: Blasphemer

You have denounced the Gods of Athal as false gods.

No holy magic will work on you.

You may not use holy magic granted by Gods of Athal.

Relations with all Churches and related factions are now at -50 (Disliked).

All Churches and related factions will refuse you entry and their services.]

[New Title Obtained: Faithful Child of God

You have rejected worshipping other gods despite the benefits.

New Stat Unlocked: Faith

+500 Faith

+10 Luck]

'Wait what? All this over one simple statement? This kind of huge penalty is ridiculous… The admins must have had a hand in this…'

[Administrator Message: Please be informed that the admin team have had no part in any game mechanics beyond editing flavor text, all other mechanics are wholly handled by the in-game AI. Apex Corporation does not support or discriminate against any player, religion or race. Good bye.]

"Oh get out of here you religious nut job! We don't need you preaching the Bible around here!"

A rude and loud voice interrupted Feng's thoughts combined with a shove which sent him stumbling a few steps.

The origin of the voice soon revealed himself as another player; a big tall blonde human with a classically sculpted jawline and handsome features… features too handsome to be normal, clearly pointing towards appearance modification during character creation.

Getting rather annoyed with the unwarranted insult and shove, Feng narrowed his eyes at the player and unconsciously clenched his fists.

"Ooh? You pissed little man? Want to hit me? Too bad your religion advocates peace and turning the other cheek and all!" The player gleefully mocked Feng, confident in the support of the crowd as the other NPCs were all clearly upset with Feng's remark.

Thinking furiously as he glared at the player silently, Feng suddenly exhaled deeply and smiled serenely as though releasing all his anger and calmly spoke.

"Yes. You are right, our Lord is the Lord of Peace and he does say to "turn the other cheek". I'm not sure what grievances you have, but as you said, I'm willing to turn the other cheek and allow you to hit me on the cheek to help you slake any anger you may possess and hopefully the peace of our Heavenly Father will be upon you."

Grinning at this unexpected opportunity, the large blonde looked around to see only support from the crowd and eagerly prepared himself to strike Feng while he gloated.

"Heh, crazy religious nuts… I won't pass up a free chance to hit idiots like you!"

Dashing at Feng with his right fist cocked back, the player unleashed a wild roundhouse punch directly into Feng's face mercilessly… while Feng oddly enough visibly relaxed as he saw the blow coming, instead of tensing to bear the brunt of the oncoming fist.

The large fist collided with Feng's left cheek with an oddly loud but hollow smack as Feng's entire face turned to the side followed by the rest of his body as he was spun around from the force…

Which incredibly even lifted Feng's feet off the ground… and directly into the face of the large man sending him flying off into a nearby statue.

Landing on the ground rolling, Feng exclaimed loudly. "Ouch! That was really painful…"

Getting up after a few moments, Feng rubbed his face which looked perfectly untouched and looked around as though confused where the man went and reacted with greatly exaggerated surprise at the current position of the other player.

Walking over to him, Feng inspected the large man noting the dazed look and blood spat out all over his face and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly for a brief moment before Feng rushed over, pulling him up "gently" and apologizing loudly over the slight pop of a shoulder being wrenched out of its socket.


Ignoring the player's slight attempts to struggle away at his approach, Feng brought him over to the priest who was looking at Feng in shock.

"You must be highly favored by your God indeed! For him to shield you so and bring down swift retribution for following his peaceful tenets! Could you tell me more about this God of yours?"

The priest suddenly burst out in admiration and questioned Feng eagerly to his great surprise.

A few other townsfolk standing in the crowd chimed in as well with approving comments and their own questions.

"Yea, tell us more!"

"Why do you call Him Father? Isn't it disrespectful?"

Feng looked shocked at this unexpected outcome and the nearby players were even more surprised and before he could answer, another player snorted loudly in disdain and walked up to them.

A petite young brunette girl dressed in a simple starting gear with delicate features and blazing blue eyes stared at Feng disapprovingly as she spoke passionately.

"That was a perfect butterfly kick, wasn't it? You clearly are quoting Matthew 5:39 but your actions are completely contrary to the spir-"

'Oh shit, better stop her before the crowd turns ugly on me.'

"Peace sister and brothers, let us not speak of such matters while our fellow man is injured. Brother, would you kindly tend to this man?

For as our sins have been forgiven by our loving Father through His sacrifice despite our transgressions, how can I judge his actions or deny mercy for our fellow man."

Putting his hand up and stopping the girl, Feng launched into an impromptu speech even as he handed the blonde player off to the priest.

"And I beseech you brothers, to look upon our sister here who is clearly well-versed in the Word of our Lord to gain understanding of our Savior; I must go now to the paths set forth by our Heavenly Father. Farewell!"

And like an expert Tai-chi master, Feng gestured grandly at the girl and deflected all the responsibility on her with a few parting words before swiftly vanishing into the milling crowds.


Moving some distance out into the crowd before sitting himself inconspicuously on a stone bench in front of a run-down looking stone building further away from the plaza square in front of the cathedral, Feng heaved a sigh of relief and decided to check the notifications…

'Please let it not be something bad! The heretic one really screwed me over… No healing magic or buffs ever cuts out the easiest way to ensure my survival…'

[New Skill Obtained: Oratory

Your honeyed words contain parts of the truth conveniently twisted to your advantage and your theatrical actions clouds the crowds' perceptions.

New Stat Unlocked: Charisma

+5% chance to convince others

+1 Intelligence

+1 Charisma]

[Grand Feat Achieved: Sowing Seeds

You have successfully introduced Christianity into Athal, though your actions might have influenced people's perception of it for better or worse. Additional quests or actions may be taken by or against you in the future depending on and affecting the status of Christianity in Athal.

+1000 Faith

+100 Fame

+10 Luck

+10 Charisma]

Staring at the last notification, Feng was unsure whether to be proud of his accidental evangelism or cry at his attempt to get out trouble somehow leading to somehow introducing his religion into the game world…

'Ugh… Better not think too much about this, after all what's the worst that could happen considering I am already cut off from holy magic and other churches in-game…

No point weeping over spilt milk, maybe studying magic might give me some solutions to overcome this new-found limitation. Yosh, time to get back to work!'

Patting his cheeks to snap himself out of his stupor, Feng set off on a light jog further north looking for the library Roth mentioned.

*5 minutes later*

Puffing lightly as he jogged down the increasingly opulent area containing what looks like the residences of merchants and nobles, Feng got stares and disdainful looks from the few fancily dressed folks on the street.

'Damn it, it can't be that far, it looks like houses all the way down! I better double back and check around, I probably missed it…'

Doubling back, Feng soon reached the same bench he was seated on earlier and stood there breathing deeply for a moment to catch his breath before straightening and cursing out loud.

"Where's that damn library… It can't be that hard to find!"

"Ehem. You are looking for the library?"

Startled by the soft musical voice coming from behind, Feng whirled around and... stared.