
Ascending the Heavens as an Evil God

A shut-in accidentally transmigrated while playing a dark R18 banned-cultivation gal game, and he brought this game panel called 《Evil God Cultivation》 with him… The cultivation of an Evil God requires him to go to the various planes’ dungeons to complete dark missions and finish daily evil events. “Evil Event triggered: Adopt the orphan Lin Yunyun.” “Lin Yunyun? Orphan? Old Wang, find someone to hit Lin Yunyun’s old geezer of a father with a car! Quickly, I’m in a hurry!” This is a story of an ambitious shut-in who, under the “persecution” of the portable game system, happily embarked on the path to become an Evil (human) God (scum).

Azaroth_7160 · Eastern
Not enough ratings
605 Chs

Chapter 129: Infiltration

The lab that Gu Nan used to house Lin Yunyun didn't actually have very tight security. To begin with, it was originally a residential building temporarily converted into a lab.

That was because Gu Nan also didn't expect this development when he first fed Lin Yunyun the drug made from San Wei's blood. The lab was located in the middle of the downtown area, which gave others the opportunity to sneak in.

Lan Ta took Feng Lun, who had a curious expression, and Lan Si, whose expression was unreadable, and quickly approached the lab.

At Gu Nan's request, the lab was very heavily guarded. Even the guards on patrol were all at least Innate Realm Fourth Stage.

These guys seemed a bit tricky to handle for Feng Lun, but they were a piece of cake for Lan Ta.

And Lan Ta's methods were truly strange and unpredictable. Feng Lun didn't even see how he attacked. Lan Ta just waved his hand, and those guards fell one by one.

It was Lan Ta who saw his expression and took the initiative to explain, "Your Highness, my Lord controls all the laws of water in the world. This servant manipulated their blood to flow in reverse, so I could easily knock them out."

Feng Lun didn't understand who Lan Ta's "Lord" was, but he understood the second half of the sentence.

'You can actually manipulate people's blood? What kind of abnormal ability is this!?'

He stared blankly for a long time before he wondered, "What do you keep calling me? Your Highness?"

"Naturally." Lan Ta bowed, looking at Feng Lun with a gaze full of reverence. "You are able to obtain the recognition of the Serene Water Godstone, so Your Highness is my Lord's godling."

Feng Lun was a little shocked by his gaze, but then he became happy again.

'Having two Prodigious experts at my command—such a good thing wouldn't have ever happened to my past self. This stone is indeed a treasure!'

However, he was more focused on the young girl in the lab right now, so he said, "The guards are all gone. I'll go over and take a look. As for you guys, don't come out yet."

"Yes, Your Highness," Lan Ta hurriedly replied.

Feng Lun soon walked away. Only then did Lan Ta look at his younger sister, whose head was lowered in thought. He couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Lan Si, what are you thinking?"

Lan Si, who hadn't spoken up all this time, gave a slight frown. "Elder Brother, aren't we here to find the Godstone? How can a native of the Myriad Heavens Universe be the godling?"

"How can you say that?!" Lan Ta burst out in anger. "No matter his identity, as long as he can gain the Godstone's recognition, he is our Lord's godling!"

Lan Si gritted her teeth wordlessly, a strong resentment flickering in her eyes.

She possessed a Godstone fragment since birth. If they had found a masterless Godstone this time, then she could've absolutely fuse it into her body.

'If that happened, then the one being crowned "Your Highness" would've been me, Lan Si!'

'But now… How can a Godstone possibly recognize a native as its master?'

Lan Ta's thoughts, on the other hand, were much simpler than his younger sister's. This came from his devout faith in the God of Luxuriant Blossoms.

Seeing that Feng Lun's figure had disappeared, Lan Ta couldn't care less about arguing with his sister and pulled her along, walking forward to keep up with Feng Lun's pace.


Inside the lab, Gu Nan stood quietly in front of the glass window, looking at Lin Yunyun.

Lin Yunyun's current cultivation level had been pushed to the peak of Innate Realm, and she still had a large amount of internal energy that hadn't been absorbed yet.

After she absorbed the last 10 units of Maes, her cultivation finally started to advance, and her internal energy also reached a critical point.

Internal energy spilled out in all directions, lifting her body into the air.

Not even the special glass could block the terrifying internal energy fluctuations. They were like an explosive barrel that could explode at any time, making the crowd standing outside feel anxious.

Gu Nan was probably the only one who could still remain calm right now.

"A few bugs just came in," Gu Nan suddenly spoke with an inexplicable smile on his face.

San Wei hurriedly said, "My Lord, I'll go kill them."

"No need." Gu Nan stopped her and chuckled. "All of you, leave and seal this room. After that… just run away to your heart's content, as far away as possible."

Perhaps because Gu Nan's creepy tone sent chills down the spines of the researchers, they began to run toward the exit without another word.

San Wei was a Prodigious Realm powerhouse, so she didn't fear Lin Yunyun's terrifying internal energy. Instead, Gu Nan's words made her feel a little stifled. "Lord, don't tell me that this place…"

Gu Nan smiled lightly. "The fragment's power is hindering the evolution of her bloodline. I need someone to fully awaken that fragment, and then… I'll crush it."


Step by step, Feng Lun walked deeper into the laboratory, but his heart became heavier and heavier, as if something terrible was about to happen.

But the round stone's urging was also getting stronger little by little, as if something ahead was frantically calling him.

Lin Yunyun's appearance suddenly popped up in Feng Lun's mind, and some kind of inexplicable connection allowed him to see through the distance to the girl floating silently in mid-air, while a figure was standing beside her.

'It's him!'

Feng Lun's footsteps paused. An inexplicable sense of fear arose in his heart.

Fortunately, a voice sounded beside him just in time, "Your Highness, are you worried about that Gu Nan?"

Feng Lun turned his head. The Lan siblings had appeared next to him, so he took a deep breath and asked, "Are you certain you can deal with Gu Nan?"

"Gu Nan?" Lan Ta also knew about Gu Nan but didn't have a detailed understanding of him. Lan Ta only knew that he was an expert native to Star Realm.

But he was an apostle of the God of Luxuriant Blossoms. How could he be afraid of the natives of the Myriad Heavens Universe? 'It's not like Gu Nan is a disciple of one of those realm masters!'

So Lan Ta said resolutely, "Please rest assured, Your Highness. Whether it's luring him away or killing him, this servant is confident that he can do it."

"Good!" Feng Lun finally nodded his head forcefully and made up his mind to walk forward.

The researchers who kept escaping from the lab became the best signposts for the three, and they arrived almost as fast as they could, while the terrifying aura on Lin Yunyun's body could no longer be concealed anymore.

The simple blockade at the laboratory couldn't stop the three, while the stifled feeling in Feng Lun's heart grew heavier and heavier.

"Something bad… seems to be up ahead," He couldn't help speaking up, because he realized that this feeling was coming from the round stone.

'Something seems to be wrong with this stone. It's drawing me to whatever's up ahead while also frantically warning me to leave… What exactly is up ahead?'

"Your Highness need not worry." Lan Ta reassured him, "If it's just Gu Nan, then even in the worst-case scenario, your servant can still guarantee your safety."

While saying that, he suddenly stretched out a hand and gently pushed forward.

An invisible wave rose up, and in Feng Lun's vision, there seemed to be an invisible force that ruthlessly crashed into the wall of the lab in front of him.

But this invisible wave actually possessed incredible power.


The walls of the lab, which had been reinforced many times, collapsed from the force of impact!

Feng Lun and the other two finally saw the scene inside with their own eyes.

A rosy-cheeked young girl was hovering quietly in the air, and beside her stood a young man with his arms folded, wearing a moon-white robe embroidered with gold.

Devotee's Game System Inspired Note

» This section of the chapter is a Fan based created system to mock-up or simulate the 'Status Information' of our MC - Gu Nan. This implies that you are free to skip reading this and continue your journey onto the next chapter.

» All catalog data below is a summary of various information achieved by Gu Nan that corresponds till the end of the related chapter and is compiled into a singular 'Status Screen.' Additionally, the invented system below would continue to evolve as we progress and learn more about the novel itself.


MC's Status Information


Name: Gu Nan

Current Location: At the villa given by Lu Zhanyu's family, Heavenly Enterprise Star

Current Soul Location: N/A

Status: ⟪ Evil God ⟫

Advancement Direction: Agility Type

Current Evil God Rank: Tier 3

Equivalent/Current Martial Art: Prodigious Realm

◈ Comprehension of Innate ability: Domain Stage

Chosen Core Skill: The Law of Shadow

Current Evil God Temple Quest:

→ Main Mission Objective/s:

-— Evil Event: Lan Si's Fall - Evil God Temple Issued

◈ Status: On Going

→ Side Quest Objective/s:

-— None. - N/A

◈ Status: N/A

Current Evil Points: 100

Overall Evil Points: 3875, Overall Evil Value: 130


Core Skill Acquired

— Shadow. 「Also known precisely as 'The law of Shadow' - its one of the highest-ranked laws in the game. Skill 'Power of Shadows' LVL +1」

Normal Skills Acquired:

— Resistance. [ Passive Ability ] 「Your body will resist damage, and any damage taken will be reduced by 50%」

— Locked 「N/A」

— Locked 「N/A」

Exclusive Skills Acquired:

— Deceitful Steps. [ Passive Ability ] 「Movement Speed increased by 30%. Attack Speed increased by 50%」

— Power of Shadows. [ LVL 3 ] 「Allows the players to activate the skill "Hidden Shadows" at LVL 1 and unlocks the skill "Shadow Form" at LVL 2. If the 'Power of Shadows' reached LVL 3, the player will be able to use the 'Law of Shadow' to a much finer degree.」

▸Hidden Shadows. 「The power to manipulate shadows to a fine degree.」

▸Shadow Form. 「An incomparable handy skill that allows the player to manipulate shadows to create things, like weapons and armor. At the highest level of mastery, it could even create a humanoid clone.」


Equipment being worn

→ Armor

-— Dawn Sage's Robe. 「Basic level defense. If you are not attacked within 3 seconds, you will receive the "Praise of Dawn" effect.」

→ Weapon

-— Blade of the Sanguine King. 「High attack. Ignores external defense. Enhanced sharpness. Triggers the effect "Curse of Blood" on hit.」

◈ Curse of Blood. 「This is a cursed divine weapon. Whenever your attack hits your opponent, you will take equal damage.」

→ Accessories - Facial Accessories, Necklace, Earrings

-— Observer Eyepiece. 「An eyepiece that have a fixed Tier 2 magic 'Insight' inscribe in it.」

-— Dragon Heart Pendant. 「Allows players to activate the skill "Dragon Power". This skill cannot be upgraded」

-— Shadow Earrings. 「Skill 'Power of Shadows' LVL +1」

Equipment Skills Acquired:

-— Insight. [ Passive Ability ] 「Ability to obtain high-precision data analysis when looking at people or objects.」

-— Dragon Power. 「Greatly enhances the player's strength and physique. Duration: 5 seconds. Cooldown: 5 minutes」

-— Praise of Dawn. [ Passive Ability ] 「Increases self-healing ability by 300%」


Item/s owned:

→ Four Element Crossbow. 「Was used in Chapter 9-104.」