
Chapter 5: Adoption

"My name is Suzanne Chan, and this is my brother Lawrence. You not fine, we saw you crying" Suzanne said innocently, and bluntly without a hint of tact causing Lawrence to facepalm.

'Goddamnit Suzanne' Law thought. While the girl was emotionally mature and knew how to hide her pain, she was utterly naïve and blunt in other ways. Lissandra was trying to dissuade them from asking about her situation, and his sister decided to drive a truck straight through her already weak defense.

"I'm that see-through huh," Lissandra said which softly chuckling depreciatingly at herself while beginning to tear up once again. Seeing her tearing up, Suzanne immediately began to panic, and immediately rushed towards her and hugged her.

"Don't cry, I don't want you to be sad?" Suzanne said trying to comfort her, while also tearing up.

'What the hell is happening?' Lawrence thought utterly befuddled by their current situation.

'When we get to the orphanage, I need to teach Suzanne about stranger danger. There is no way, I can let her be so naive and trusting in a city like Queen's. She's going to be kidnapped the first day she exits the orphanage by herself. And why the hell is starting to tear up?' Law thought confused at what she was doing, whilst also planning to teach Suzanne some basic knowledge that he knew everyone should have.

"Thank you," Lissandra said pulling the girl into a tight hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Lissandra finally released the girl from the hug.

"Where are your parents?" Lissandra asked softly with a small smile on her lips, and her eyes clearing up.

"We don't have any parents; we live in the orphanage a couple of blocks away. We were on a group excursion to the park, but we stayed away from the group by mistake" Lawrence answered quickly while patting Suzanne on the head. He didn't want Suzanne to get depressed about the fate of her parents again. Lissandra face gained a slightly hurt look before she apologized.

"It's fine ma'am. If you don't mind me asking, would you tell us made you so upset?" Lawrence asked thinking that since they were already going to be late, they might as well get the reason she was upset. Lissandra face gained a pensive look for a few minutes before she released a sigh.

"I just found out that I have a problem, that will stop me and my husband from moving forward in our lives. I'm afraid that my problem will hurt him so much that he will want to leave me" Lissandra answered truthfully not fully understanding why she felt compelled to answer the small boy in front of her. Law thought over this for a few minutes, and while he certainly wasn't a relationship guru, he had watched enough Doctor Phil in his past life to know what to say.

"If your relationship meant as much to him as it does to you, then you will both together move past this issue, and grow stronger as a result. Plus, if he decides to leave you, it would be his loss for not appreciating a such a beautiful woman" Lawrence answered truthfully, while Suzanne looked on from the side not fully understanding what was happening in front of her. His reply made Lissandra face instantly brighten up, and she even began laughing wholeheartedly at the end.

"You're a little too young to be flirting with me. And thank you Lawrence" Lissandra said while smiling happily and standing up.

"Do you want me to walk you towards your group, and maybe explain why your late" the redhead said while watching both Law's and Suzanne's face gain a look of gratitude. The walk back to the group was quick, but both Lissandra and Suzanne quickly connected as if they were related.

As they reached the group the two wandering children were instantly about to be scolded by a tired and angry looking a matron. But, before they could be lectured in front of all the other children Lissandra, immediately came to their rescue and brought the exasperated supervisor away to talk in private. They came back around 20 mins later, with a happy looking Lissandra and a somewhat satiated matron. They departed from the park a few minutes later, splitting off from Lissandra who first gave both, Suzanne and Lawrence a tight hug before waving them off.

When they both reached the orphanage, they were both made to do the dish cleaning from all three meals for a week. It was a grueling punishment but both of them were glad that this was the extent of their punishment. The next few months passed by quickly with the only change being that Law finally broke through the Xiantian stage in his soul. By breaking through he a gained an eidetic memory, and access to 5 memory partitions and his technique's unique feat ability; Soul Sight.

Soul Sight was an utterly broken ability that allows the user to gain access to an upgraded version of Assassin's Creed II Eagle Vision. This ability would allow the user to view of the area around in, mapping out the terrain and including any living beings. The user would be able to tell a person's characteristics through seeing their soul's color and would even be able to see any Karmic ties that a person had. It was a broken ability that would use even when he reached the extremely high cultivation levels, but so far his range was only 5 meters for now.

Suzanne also broke through and gained an eidetic memory and access to two memory partitions by diligently practicing the technique whenever she gained a chance.

The beauty of their techniques was the ability of the techniques to convert any energy in the environment into Ki so that they could strengthen their souls. Thus, Law still did not need to call up his ring yet for the cultivation energy.

It was approaching Christmas when Lawrence and Suzanne's life took a sudden turn. The woman that they had met months ago, had returned to adopt them, along with her husband. He was a 6ft tall Asian-American man with midnight black and eyes named Wallace Napier.

Lissandra had gone home that day and told her husband that she was unable to have children due to being barren. This caused him an immense amount of grief, but only because Wallace knew that Lissandra always desired to have children and to raise them. They had already planned out names and even set aside a bedroom for their future children. So, learning that she wasn't able to have children hurt him, but seeing her look so broken hurt him even more.

They both comforted each other over the pain, and as a result, their relationship grew even stronger proving Lawrence's words true. When asked if she wanted to adopt, she instantly thought back to the two children that helped her when she was tormenting herself over her condition. After a bit of convincing, they had decided to adopt both the Lawrence and Suzanne together at her behest. So, there they were on Christmas Eve in front of two small children looking at the curiously on Christmas Eve.

"You want to adopt both of us," Lawrence asked skeptically while staring at both of them with his soul sight activated.

A normal human soul was usually a mixture of three different colors. White indicating their souls in its base state, pure. Grey indicating any sins they had committed over their lives. Finally, gold indicating any karmic merit that they had earned thought-out their life.

The souls of both Lissandra and Wallace were mostly gold, with hints of white and grey, indicating their struggles throughout life, but coming out better because of it. Because of that, when Lissandra and Wallace asked both Law and Suzanne if they could adopt both of them together, Lawrence and Suzanne both immediately agreed. Suzanne because of the desire to once more have a complete family, and Lawrence because would help Suzanne and because allowed him to find out there was such a large karmic bond between him and Lissandra.

Law's soul sight would also him to see the karma that another insured over their lives and this included bonds that people formed with one another. For example, Lawrence had a large bond with Suzanne which was indicative of the relationship. But what confused Lawrence was that there was an even larger bond that he shared with Lissandra, one which he could not comprehend.

They were formally adopted the same day, resulting in Suzanne and Lawrence both gaining the last name Napier.

Far away, in the void between world Truth chuckled happily as it watched the TV in front of it.

"Welcome back Lawrence Napier," Truth said to himself before beginning sitting down quietly.


Author's Note: I'm sorry that I haven't posted the 15 chapters that I promised yet, but I'm currently without internet at my place, and my entire story is saved on my desktop. I'm currently retyping my story on my phone and posting it from a subway across the block. I apologize for not keeping my word, so I'm going to be posting multiple chapters every day until I reach the 15 chapters, and then start posting 1 chapter a day.

Thank you for reading, and I'm sorry for breaking my promise. Please forgive me.

Thank you for reading.

Darkest_Nightcreators' thoughts