
Ascending Mortal Cultivator

Paused (For now) Wait for it's return in late 2024!! Bai Hu, a youth who lost everything to demonic cultivators, was saved by an orthodox cultivator. Later, he found out that he had a spirit root, allowing him to step on the path to immortality. He vowed to the Heavens that one day, he would wipe out the demonic cultivators and establish a name for himself in the cultivation world. Follow Bai Hu on his journey laden with obstacles and bones as he fights for recognition and revenge.

DaoistWenMing · Eastern
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44 Chs

Energy Spirit Fruits

Bai Hu became increasingly paranoid and pulled at his hair.

"Argh! Everything has been going way too smoothly!"

He abruptly stood and stowed away the formation flags. The translucent barrier disintegrated and Bai Hu instantly disappeared from the cave. The only traces that suggested anyone was there were small cuts along the walls formed by flowing wind, along with zig-zagging scorch marks left by lightning.

A few miles away, Bai Hu was flying just a few feet above the ground. Wind and lightning trailed behind him as he made his way to the outer region. He planned on scouring the entirety of the trial region and seeing if he could find anyone.

After half an hour of reckless flying, he finally heard explosions accompanied by screams in the distance.

Slowing down, he slapped a stealth and aura concealing talisman on his before going in the direction where he heard the commotion.


He arrived in front of a huge crater that was littered with corpses and trees. The corpses wore all sorts of uniforms, signifying that a massive brawl had taken place. With a quick look, Bai Hu found that only 2 of the corpses were from the Moonlight Sect, meaning that there was a high possibility that the disciples of the Moonlight Sect had won, overwhelmingly.

Thankfully, he used the concealing talismans or they might have sensed his energy fluctuations in the distance.

A shiny thing in the crater caught his attention. Bai Hu walked closer and reached down, picking up a silver embroidered storage pouch.


His heart palpitated as he looked out at the ground near each corpse. Now that Bai Hu was looking, he could easily spot countless spatial pouches in the dirt and on the dead bodies.

"Whoever won actually didn't loot the dead bodies! From the looks of it, the energy fluctuations went north, towards the inner region where I came from. Perhaps they are after more valuable treasures. Though, it is quite a pity"

"I've already taken half of all the valuable materials in the inner and core regions. They must be traveling in a group and thus has to split their gains, making no one richer than me"

Then, with surprising speed and efficiency, Bai Hu ran around picking up spatial pouches and dropped magic treasures. Each one that he picked up, he would hum and quickly store the treasures in designated spatial pouches. Even if he had to return the spatial pouch he was given, it certainly does not mean that he has to turn in the ones that he "found" lying around.

Many kilograms of materials found in the outer region, over a hundred useful talismans, and dozens of magic treasures entered Bai Hu's storage pouches. He would then hide empty storage pouches within areas like his sleeve and belt.

Not only did Bai Hu now have over a hundred spatial pouches, but he also just obtained 35 low grade magic treasures, 16 mid grade magic treasures, and 5 high grade magic treasures.

Sadly, there were no top grade magic treasures. Bai Hu really hoped to obtain a top grade magic treasure with multiple capabilities. That combined with the pure destructive power of the Black Sky Gold Spear would make for a terrifying combo.

After he was done, Bai Hu set all the corpses ablaze. Then, after a brief moment of hesitation, he started flying in the direction the Moonlight Sect disciples went in.

2 dozen young women in blue and white dresses walked slowly in a circular formation. Their faces were alert and several of them had their magic treasures drawn.

Their leader, a veiled woman who wore a darker blue dress, floated a foot above the ground ahead. Even though only the upper half of her face was visible, her fair skin, her silky black hair, and her enchanting figure were more than enough to convince anyone that she was an absolute beauty.

The forest around them slowly thinned to reveal a small open area housing a small waterfall that entered a small lake. They stopped and their leader turned around.

"Everyone unleash your water repelling beads. If our sources are correct, there would be a hidden cave under this lake with potential high grade materials. There will also be a Foundation level Night Crawling Bat guarding the cave, so be careful"

Her voice was tender and mellow, which instantly garnered the attention of her group.

A few of the young women's faces turned grim. They all took out several defensive magic treasures and activated them before following their leader.

Every one of them took out a small clear marble and injected qi to power it. A large water bubble covered each of the young women and they descended into the water. The water was deep and little light permeated the surface of the lake, making visibility quite low.

After an incense stick worth of time, an opening in the rock caught their attention. In an orderly manner, they slowly went through the gap.


The women from the Moonlight Sect emerged inside a wide cavern. Small milky white stones embedded in the walls shone with a soft light, providing a bit of visibility.

A large tree that was several meters tall at the center of the cavern attracted everyone's attention. It gave off a reddish glow and bore over 50 fruits. The fruits were blue in color and no larger than a chicken's egg.

An eager young woman couldn't help but shout, "Energy Spirit Tree! Plus there are more than 50 Spirit Fruits that are ripe!"


Another woman immediately shushed her, making everyone remember the supposed threat that was the Foundation level Night Crawling Bat.

Everyone stiffened and looked around. After a few moments, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that it has left"


A huge black shadow moved with such extreme speed that no one reacted in time. It reached the woman who had shouted earlier in an instance.




Blood spurted everywhere and many of the young ladies started screaming. They looked up to see a large bat-like creature that stood 3 meters tall with beady red eyes. In its horrifying jaws was a young woman, who's life and death is unknown.

The beast then dropped the woman in its mouth.


Their leader recovered the quickest and quickly shouted several orders.

"Everyone stand behind me! Take out your Yin Moon Rings!"

"But Grandmaster!"

"Do it!"

Hearing the resolute tone in their "Grandmaster's" voice, the remaining young women did as they were told.

23 gray rings rose into the air, lowering the temperature of the cavern by a few notches. The Grandmaster took out a larger red ring from her spatial pouch.

The red ring glowed with a fiery light while the 23 Yin Moon Rings shot thick strands of cool energy to the red ring.

The Night Crawling Bat eyed the rings in the air and a glint flashed in its eyes. It screeched again and spat a purple-black ball of acid at the Moonlight Sect disciples.

"Damn beast! You're only at the second stage and dare to stand before me?! Die!"

She made a set of hand seals and pointed at the incoming ball of acid.


The red ring grew larger and brighter, before shooting out a beam of fire. It collided with the acid ball and a loud explosion shook the cavern.


A slightly fishy smell lingered in the air due to the acid. That exchange ended in a tie, much to the Grandmaster's surprise.

Countless thoughts flashed through her head in an instant.

"A Foundation level Night Crawling Bat shouldn't be this powerful, even with my cultivation suppressed. So how did an Earth Tier beast match my joint attack? It's clearly at the early level of the second stage so how? Did it mutate?"

Suddenly, a bloody red light shone from the beast's forehead. Sensing the aura of the light, the woman didn't let it have the chance to finish whatever it was doing.

"Everyone! Pour in all the qi you have, and don't hold back!"

The rings all grew exponentially and the red ring's aura intensified. The Grandmaster made a series of hand seals and began chanting.

"Strengthen... Bind... Seal... Flame... Go! Restricting Fire Phoenix!"

A large phoenix formed by flames not interior to the Night Crawling Bat in size, instantly lighting up the cavern and raising the temperature.


The phoenix collided with the Night Crawling Bat, scorching its skin and making it cry out in pain.


As soon as the disciples started celebrating, the blood light grew stronger. The Night Crawling Bat pushed away the phoenix and a black light exploded from its forehead.

The woman whom the others call "Grandmaster" looked at the beast's head in horror.

Where there was once black skin and flesh, there was now a dark vertical eye on the "Night Crawling Bat's" forehead.



A fireball hit the beast's face, making it reel back in pain. The mysterious person from the Moonlight Sect yelled at the other disciples.

"That's a King Tier Triple Eyed Demon! We can't fight it so get out while I hold it off!"

First stage beast = Qi refinement

Second stage beast = Foundation

Third stage beast = Core Formation


Beast Tiers refers to a beast's bloodline. Higher tier bloodlines are naturally stronger and have much higher potential.







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