
Ascendent 2 : Legacy of Phoenix

A sequel story to " The Ascendent". For more : Read Epilogue.

Joker_9724 · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Prologue: "The Legacy of the Phoenix"

In a time long past, before the emergence of the ancient portals and the rise of the Reclaimers, the world was united under a powerful empire known as the Phoenix Empire. This empire was named after the mythical bird that was said to be reborn from its ashes, symbolizing hope and resilience. The empire was vast, encompassing numerous lands and cultures, all bound by a common belief in justice and honor.

At the heart of the empire were five powerful families, each holding a unique position within the ruling hierarchy. These families were descended from the legendary warriors who founded the empire, their bloodlines carrying the essence of the Phoenix itself. The families were the cornerstone of the empire's strength, each entrusted with a different aspect of governance and protection.

The Arden Family was responsible for the military might of the empire, their warriors renowned for their unmatched combat skills and strategic acumen. The Valenti Family managed the empire's economy, ensuring prosperity and growth. The Everwood Family maintained the empire's diplomatic relations, fostering alliances with other nations. The Draxler Family oversaw the magical and mystical aspects of the empire, their knowledge of ancient artifacts and spells unparalleled. Finally, the Rosalind Family acted as the empire's spiritual and cultural leaders, preserving traditions and guiding the moral compass of the people.

For centuries, the Phoenix Empire flourished, its people living in harmony and prosperity. However, beneath the surface, a dark and malevolent force began to stir. The ancient portals, long sealed and forgotten, began to show signs of instability. Mysterious creatures from other realms started to appear, sowing chaos and fear. The Reclaimers, a new order of warriors, were established to combat these threats and maintain the empire's safety.

Yet, even as the Reclaimers fought valiantly, an undercurrent of corruption began to seep into the empire. Greed and ambition tainted the hearts of some within the powerful families. This corruption culminated in a catastrophic event that saw the fall of the empire, leading to a period of chaos and instability.

A hundred years later, the world has changed. The once-mighty Phoenix Empire is a distant memory, replaced by smaller, fragmented kingdoms. The portals, though still active, are kept in check by the Reclaimers, who have evolved into a global organization dedicated to maintaining balance between realms. However, a new danger is on the horizon, one that threatens to plunge the world into darkness once again.

This new danger emerges from the remnants of the Draxler Family, a family known for its mastery of magic and ancient artifacts. A descendant of the Draxler Family, Malakai Draxler, has discovered a long-lost artifact known as the Obsidian Heart. This artifact is said to contain the essence of pure evil, capable of granting immense power to its wielder. Malakai, driven by an insatiable thirst for power and revenge against those who betrayed his family, seeks to harness the Obsidian Heart to reshape the world according to his twisted vision.

Malakai's rise to power is swift and brutal. He uses dark magic to control others, amassing an army of loyal followers willing to commit unspeakable acts in his name. His ultimate goal is to reopen all the ancient portals, unleashing the horrors of other realms upon the world. With each passing day, his influence grows, and the world teeters on the brink of destruction.

As Malakai's dark forces spread, a new hero emerges from an unlikely place—an orphanage in a small, unassuming village. This hero, Jay Everwood, has no knowledge of his true heritage or the legacy of the Phoenix Empire. Yet, within him lies the potential to rekindle the flame of hope and stand against the encroaching darkness. Jay's journey will take him across the fragmented kingdoms, where he will meet allies, face enemies, and uncover the truth about his past.