
Ascendent 2 : Legacy of Phoenix

A sequel story to " The Ascendent". For more : Read Epilogue.

Joker_9724 · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Chapter 54: The Calm Before the Storm

The sun had fully risen by the time they reached the safehouse, casting long shadows across the worn-out building. Jay, still wincing from the stab wound, sat heavily in a chair while Owen and Marcus secured the Mastermind in the basement.

Elena knelt beside Jay, examining his injury. "We need to get you to a doctor. This is more than just a scratch."

Jay shook his head. "We can't risk it. Not until we know the Mastermind's plans. We need answers first."

Elena frowned but nodded, reluctantly accepting his decision. "At least let me clean the wound and bandage it properly. We can't have you bleeding out on us."

While Elena tended to Jay's injury, Owen and Marcus returned from the basement, their faces grim. "He's secure," Marcus said, rubbing the back of his neck. "But he's not talking. We need a new strategy to get him to open up."

Jay gritted his teeth as Elena applied antiseptic to his wound. "He'll talk. We just need to find the right leverage."

Owen paced the room, his mind racing. "We could threaten to expose his operation to the public. The embarrassment and loss of his network might be enough to get him talking."

Jay nodded thoughtfully. "It's a start. But we need more. Something personal. Something that hits him where it hurts."

Marcus sat down heavily. "We could dig into his background. Find out if he has any weaknesses, family, or something he values."

Owen's eyes lit up. "I'll get on it. Give me a couple of hours." He immediately turned to his computer, fingers flying across the keyboard.

Elena finished bandaging Jay's side and sat back, concern etched on her face. "What if he still doesn't talk? What if we're too late to stop whatever he has planned?"

Jay reached out, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "We'll find a way. We always do. And we'll be ready for whatever comes next."

The hours dragged by as Owen delved deep into the Mastermind's past. The tension in the room was palpable, everyone on edge as they awaited any breakthrough. Finally, Owen looked up from his screen, a triumphant smile spreading across his face.

"I've got something," he said, turning the laptop to face the group. "The Mastermind has a sister. She went missing years ago, and there's evidence he's been searching for her ever since. If we can find her, we might have the leverage we need."

Jay's eyes narrowed as he considered the information. "If she's still alive, we need to find her before he does. She could be our key to breaking him."

Elena nodded, her expression determined. "I'll start tracking down leads. We can split up and cover more ground."

Marcus stood up, stretching his muscles. "Let's do it. The sooner we find her, the sooner we can get the answers we need."

They divided the tasks, each taking a different part of the city to search for clues. Jay, despite his injury, insisted on being part of the fieldwork. He and Elena took the east side, while Marcus and Owen headed west.

The city was a maze of possibilities, each lead bringing them closer to their goal. They questioned informants, searched old records, and followed any whisper of the Mastermind's sister. Hours turned into days as they tirelessly pursued every hint and clue.

One evening, as the sun began to set, Jay and Elena found themselves in a rundown part of town, following a tip about an old friend of the Mastermind's sister. They approached a dilapidated building, its windows boarded up and graffiti covering the walls.

"This is the place," Jay said, his voice low. "Let's hope we find something useful."

They knocked on the door, and after a tense moment, an elderly woman answered, her eyes wary. "What do you want?"

"We're looking for information about a woman who went missing years ago," Elena explained gently. "She's the sister of a man we're trying to stop from doing something terrible. We believe you might know something."

The woman's eyes softened slightly. "Come in," she said, opening the door wider. "I might know something, but it's a long story."

Inside, the woman poured them tea and sat down, her hands trembling slightly. "Her name was Lydia. She was a kind soul, always looking out for others. But one day, she just vanished. No one knew what happened to her."

Jay leaned forward, his eyes intense. "Do you have any idea where she might be now? Anything at all?"

The woman nodded slowly. "There was talk of a place outside the city. An old farmhouse where she used to visit. It's abandoned now, but if she's hiding, that's where she'd go."

Elena glanced at Jay, hope flickering in her eyes. "Thank you. We'll check it out."

They left the building, their spirits lifted by the new lead. As they drove towards the farmhouse, the tension between them eased slightly, replaced by a shared determination.

When they reached the farmhouse, it was nearly dark. The building stood silent and foreboding, but Jay and Elena moved forward, their resolve unwavering. They entered cautiously, the floorboards creaking under their feet.

"Do you think she's here?" Elena whispered, her eyes scanning the shadows.

"We're about to find out," Jay replied, his grip tightening on his flashlight.

They searched the rooms methodically, each step bringing them closer to the truth. In the last room, hidden beneath a pile of old blankets, they found her. Lydia, alive but frail, looked up at them with wide, frightened eyes.

"It's okay," Jay said softly. "We're here to help. Your brother…he needs to be stopped. Can you help us?"

Lydia nodded slowly, tears welling in her eyes. "I'll do what I can."

As they helped Lydia out of the farmhouse and into their car, Jay felt a sense of relief wash over him. They had found the leverage they needed. Now, it was time to bring the Mastermind to justice and prevent whatever catastrophe he had planned.