
Ascendent 2 : Legacy of Phoenix

A sequel story to " The Ascendent". For more : Read Epilogue.

Joker_9724 · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Chapter 2: The Kingdom's Turmoil

Jay and Nurse Edith rode through the dense forest, the hooves of their horses thundering against the ground. As they broke through the treeline, the castle loomed in the distance, a stark silhouette against the morning light. The walls were formidable, but the tension in the air suggested they might not hold for long.

"What's going on?" Jay asked, his curiosity growing. He had never been to the castle, let alone ventured this far from the orphanage. Everything felt new and unsettling.

"There's not much time to explain," Nurse Edith replied, her voice stern. "But I can tell you this: you're not just an ordinary orphan. You're... you're the king's son."

Jay's eyes widened in shock. "The king's son? That can't be true! I was raised in an orphanage. My parents died when I was a baby."

Nurse Edith shook her head, a look of sadness crossing her face. "It's more complicated than that. You were hidden to protect you from your brother, Malakai. He tried to kill you when you were just a newborn. We had to keep you safe, far from the castle."

Jay's heart raced as he processed the information. A secret royal lineage? A murderous brother? It sounded like a story from one of the bedtime tales told at the orphanage, not his reality. But the urgency in Nurse Edith's voice left no room for doubt.

As they approached the castle gates, Jay noticed soldiers rushing about, weapons drawn, preparing for an attack. The air was thick with anticipation, and the distant sounds of conflict echoed through the walls.

When they reached the castle, King Garrick was waiting for them, his expression a mix of relief and anxiety. He stood tall, his gray hair flowing in the breeze, but the lines on his face spoke of years of hardship and burden.

"Jay," the king said, his voice gentle yet firm. "Welcome home, son."

Jay was at a loss for words. He wanted to ask a thousand questions, but before he could speak, a loud crash echoed from the outer wall. The attack had begun. Malakai's forces were launching their assault, and the kingdom was under siege.

"We need to get you to safety," King Garrick said, gesturing for them to follow. "This castle is not as secure as it once was. Malakai has gathered a powerful army, and he's determined to take the throne. We can't let him succeed."

As they moved through the castle's winding corridors, Jay tried to make sense of it all. The stone walls were adorned with tapestries depicting the kingdom's history, but he felt like an outsider, a stranger in a world that was supposed to be his own.

They reached a hidden chamber deep within the castle, a room used for emergency escapes during times of war. The walls were lined with ancient artifacts and maps of the surrounding regions. It was a place of secrecy, a place where plans were made and destinies were shaped.

"Stay here," King Garrick said, his voice firm. "It's not safe outside. I need to go and lead the defense. We will have time to talk later, but for now, you must remain hidden."

Jay nodded, but his instincts told him that hiding wasn't the answer. He had lived his life in the shadows, always kept at a distance from the world. Now, faced with the truth of his lineage and the chaos that was unfolding, he felt a surge of determination.

As King Garrick left the chamber to join the battle, Jay took a deep breath and looked around. He saw a suit of armor, polished and ready for use. He saw weapons, carefully crafted and deadly. And he saw a map of the kingdom, with marks indicating the locations of Malakai's forces.

Jay knew that he had a role to play, a destiny to fulfill. But he also knew that he couldn't do it alone. He needed allies, and he needed to understand the history that had brought him to this point.

With a sense of resolve, Jay picked up a sword and strapped on the armor. He wasn't going to stay hidden. He was going to fight for his kingdom, for his father, and for the future that had been stolen from him.