
Ascendant System

*Dropped* Read my New Novel “ The Astral System”

Risaliyah · Games
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71 Chs

Unexpected Encounter

"Mind if I sit here?"

Ryker looked up to see a young woman with long, flowing hair and a kind smile. She held a book in her hands and looked at him expectantly.

"Sure," Ryker replied, moving slightly to make space for her on the bench.

"Thank you," she said, sitting down. "I'm Liora."

"Ryker," he replied.

"You seem different from most people around here, Ryker. Are you new to the city?"

Ryker nodded. "Yes, I came here for... personal reasons."

Liora smiled. "Everyone has their reasons. I come here to escape the chaos of the city. It's nice to find a quiet spot to read."

They talked for a while, sharing stories and enjoying the tranquillity of the park. For the first time in a long while, Ryker felt a sense of normalcy. He realized that amidst his quest for power, it was important to appreciate the simpler moments of life.

As the afternoon turned into evening, Ryker and Liora continued their conversation. She talked about her love for books and her passion for music. Ryker found himself genuinely interested, something that rarely happened.

"You should come to the inn tonight," Liora suggested. "I perform there sometimes. It's a nice place, and I think you'd enjoy it."

Ryker hesitated for a moment. It had been a long time since he allowed himself to relax and enjoy life. "Sure, why not?" he said, surprising himself with the answer.

That evening, Ryker made his way to the inn Liora had mentioned. The place was lively, filled with laughter and songs. Liora was on stage, singing with a voice that captivated the audience.

Ryker found a seat and ordered juice, enjoying the song and the atmosphere. For the first time since he began his quest, he felt a sense of belonging.

As Liora finished her performance, she joined Ryker at his table. "What did you think?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"You were amazing," Ryker admitted. "I never knew singing could be so... uplifting."

Liora laughed. "singing has a way of touching the soul. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

They spent the rest of the evening talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. Ryker felt a connection with Liora that he hadn't felt in a long time. It was a reminder that there was more to life than just power and revenge.

As the night came to an end, Ryker walked Liora back to her home. "Thank you for tonight," he said. "I needed this."

Liora smiled. "You're welcome, Ryker. Remember, it's important to find balance in life. Don't lose sight of the things that make you happy."

Ryker nodded, her words resonating with him. He had a long journey ahead, but tonight, he found a new reason to keep going. Not just for revenge, but to find moments of joy and peace along the way.

As he walked back to his own place, Ryker felt a renewed sense of purpose. He would continue to grow stronger and achieve his goals, but he would also make time to live and appreciate the world around him. The path to power was still his focus, but now he knew it didn't have to consume him entirely.

The next morning, Ryker awoke feeling refreshed. The previous evening with Liora had given him a new perspective. As he prepared for the day, the Ascendant Path System activated, displaying a new notification.

[New Mission: Uncover the Secrets of the Ancient Ruins]

[Reward: Epic Skill - Elemental Mastery]

[Description:] "Travel to the ancient ruins located in the northern part of the city. Discover the hidden secrets within and unlock powerful elemental abilities."

Ryker's eyes gleamed with anticipation. Elemental Mastery would significantly enhance his combat capabilities, allowing him to manipulate the elements to his advantage. It was time to get back to his quest, but this time, with a renewed sense of purpose.

Ryker made his way to the northern part of the city, where the ancient ruins were located. The area was known for its danger, but also for the treasures it held. As he approached the ruins, he could sense the presence of powerful entities lurking within.

The ruins were vast, with crumbling structures and overgrown vegetation. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves. Ryker proceeded cautiously, his senses alert to any threats.

As he explored the ruins, he encountered various traps and obstacles, which he navigated with skill and precision. He used his Shadow Step to avoid detection and Dragon's Breath to clear a path through the dense foliage. The deeper he ventured, the more intense the energy emanating from the ruins became.