
Ascendant System

*Dropped* Read my New Novel “ The Astral System”

Risaliyah · Games
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71 Chs

The Monstrosity Emerges

As the council members and hunters ended their fights with the monsters of the rift. They immediately started gathering near Aric and Ryker.

The battlefield fell eerily silent as the monstrous figure finally tore its way through the rift. Causing a smoke and debris to fly everywhere from its power and presence. 

As the smoke and debris settled, the council members and Legendary hunters gathered at the epicentre of the battlefield. The rift, now fully open, pulsed with a dark energy that sent chills down their spines. From the depths of the abyss, a monstrous figure began to emerge.

The creature was unlike anything they had ever seen. Towering and grotesque, its body was a mass of shadowy tendrils and jagged, obsidian-like scales. Its eyes glowed with an eerie, malevolent light that seemed to pierce through their very souls. The air around it crackled with dark energy, and an oppressive aura weighed heavily on the warriors.

Aric stepped forward, his staff glowing with a protective light. "Prepare yourselves!" he shouted, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. "This is going to be our toughest battle yet."

The monstrosity's eyes scanned the gathered warriors, and a sinister grin spread across its twisted face. "Mere weaklings, im finally able to enter this low-level world" it hissed, its voice a deep, guttural rumble that seemed to shake the very ground beneath them. "You dare stand against me?"

Ryker stepped forward, his sword drawn and shadow magic swirling around him. "We won't let you destroy our world," he declared, his voice filled with determination.

The creature laughed, a sound that echoed through the battlefield like thunder. "Your world? This insignificant speck of dust and stone? You are nothing but insects before me."

The battle began with a ferocity that left the air sizzling. Aric, Ryker, Liora, and the other council members launched their attacks in unison, a barrage of elemental magic and physical strikes aimed at the monstrosity. Flames, lightning, and shadow clashed against the creature's dark form, but it shrugged off their attacks with a contemptuous sneer.

Elara, her fiery temper flaring, unleashed a torrent of flames that enveloped the monstrosity. "Burn!" she screamed, her eyes blazing with fury.

The creature's laughter echoed through the flames as it emerged unscathed. "Is that the best you can do?" it taunted, its tendrils lashing out with deadly speed.

Ryker activated his Time Dilation, moving with blinding speed as he dodged the creature's attacks. "Shadow Strike!" he yelled, his sword glowing with dark energy as he slashed at the creature's tendrils.

The monstrosity roared in pain as the attack bypassed its defence, its eyes narrowing as it focused on Ryker. "You are a nuisance," it growled, its voice filled with venom. "But no matter. You will all fall before me."

Aric quickly assessed the situation, his mind racing. "Ryker, you and I will hold the front line," he called out. "Everyone else, provide support and attack from a distance. Focus on its weak points!"

The council members nodded in agreement, their faces set with determination. Aric and Ryker moved forward, their weapons at the ready. The air crackled with tension as they faced the towering monstrosity.

Aric raised his staff, channelling his magic into a protective barrier around himself and Ryker. "Barrier of Light!" he shouted, the shimmering dome forming around them.

Ryker nodded, feeling the reassuring presence of the barrier. "Let's do this," he said, gripping his sword tightly.

The rest of the council spread out, positioning themselves strategically around the battlefield. Elara took up a position to the left, her hands glowing with fiery energy. "Inferno Blast!" she cried out, unleashing a torrent of flames that engulfed the creature's side.

Liora moved with the grace of a dancer, her dual blades flashing as she darted in and out of the creature's reach. "Blades of Dusk!" she called, her weapons slicing through the air with deadly precision.

From the right, Caelum raised his hammer, lightning crackling around it. "Thunderstrike!" he bellowed, bringing the hammer down with a resounding crash that sent a wave of electricity through the creature.

Sylas, the eldest and most experienced of the council, stood back and channelled his energy into a powerful spell. "Gale Force!" he intoned, his voice resonating with power. A fierce wind whipped up around the monstrosity, cutting into its shadowy form.

The combined assault from the council members struck the creature from all sides, their attacks relentless and precise. The monstrosity howled in rage and pain, its dark tendrils lashing out in all directions. Aric and Ryker held their ground at the front, their movements perfectly synchronized.

"Shadow Step!" Ryker called out, disappearing from the creature's view and reappearing behind it. He slashed at its back, his sword glowing with dark energy. "Time Dilation!" he added, slowing the creature's movements to a crawl.

Aric channelled his magic into his staff, the light growing brighter. "Light Lance!" he cried, thrusting the staff forward. A beam of shiny light shot out, piercing the creature's chest and causing it to stagger back.

The monster roared in fury, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light. It swung one of its massive tendrils at Ryker, but he dodged with a swift roll, coming up with his sword ready. "You can't keep up," he taunted, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Despite their efforts, the creature's strength was overwhelming. It lashed out with a sudden burst of speed, its tendrils striking a mid-legendary rank hunter who had been assisting the council. The hunter was caught off guard, the tendril piercing through his chest and lifting him off the ground. He gasped in pain, his life force draining away.

"Please take care of my clan Ari-" He was barely able to speak, as his life force vanished.

"NO!" Aric shouted, his eyes wide with horror. He thrust his staff forward, sending a wave of healing light towards the fallen hunter, but it was too late. The hunter's body went limp, and he fell to the ground, lifeless.

The council members' faces darkened with anger and sorrow. Their resolve hardened, and they redoubled their efforts. Elara's flames burned brighter, Caelum's lightning crackled with greater intensity, and Sylas's winds howled with fury.

"We won't let your death be in vain," Ryker muttered, his grip tightening on his sword. He activated his Shadow Dominion, the dark energy swirling around him in a powerful vortex. "Shadow Strike!" he shouted, his blade cutting through the air with lethal precision.

The monstrosity staggered under the assault, its form beginning to waver. Aric raised his staff high, his voice ringing out with authority. "Everyone, focus your attacks now!"

Ryker and Aric moved to the forefront, their eyes locked onto the beast. The rest of the council spread out in a strategic formation, ready to support with their unique abilities. The air crackled with energy as each of them summoned their most potent spells and skills.

The creature roared, its voice echoing across the battlefield. "You are mere weaklings," it growled, venom dripping from its words. "You will all die before me and beg for mercy!"

Ryker, standing resolute, activated his Time Dilation ability, the world around him slowing to a crawl. He charged forward, his sword glowing with shadow magic. "Shadow Strike!" he shouted, his blade slicing through the air with devastating force. The attack struck the creature's shoulder, cutting deep and drawing a spray of dark, ichorous blood.

Aric, beside him, channeled his Light Beam spell. A blinding beam of light shot from his staff, hitting the monstrosity square in the chest. The creature howled in agony, its form flickering as the light seared through its dark essence.

The creature retaliated, its massive, clawed hand swiping at Aric. Aric tried to dodge, but the beast's speed was incredible. The claws raked across his side, leaving deep gashes. Aric gritted his teeth, pushing through the pain.

Elara, from the back, summoned a massive fireball, hurling it at the beast. "Inferno Blast!" she cried, the fireball exploding against the creature's torso, engulfing it in flames. The monstrosity roared, the fire searing its flesh, but it quickly retaliated. It opened its maw, spewing a jet of dark flame towards Elara.

Elara raised a barrier just in time, but the impact sent her flying backward, her barrier shattering from the force.

Gorath, seeing Elara in trouble, charged forward, his axe glowing with an eerie blue light. "Frost Cleave!" he bellowed, his axe cutting through the air and slamming into the beast's leg. Ice spread from the wound, slowing the creature's movements slightly.

The monstrosity roared in frustration, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light. It stomped its foot, sending shockwaves through the ground. Gorath was knocked off his feet, struggling to regain his balance.

Seraphina, her staff twirling in her hands, summoned a storm of lightning. "Tempest Fury!" she cried, bolts of lightning striking the beast repeatedly, each bolt leaving burns and scorched flesh. The creature writhed under the assault, but it managed to swing its tail, hitting Seraphina and sending her crashing into a nearby wall.

As the council members rallied, supporting each other, the beast unleashed a devastating ability. "Dark Oblivion!" it roared, a wave of shadowy energy radiating from its body. The energy hit everyone, sapping their strength and leaving them momentarily stunned.

A mid legendary hunter, who had been assisting from the side-lines, was caught in the blast. The dark energy engulfed him, and he collapsed, dead, before the others could react.

"No!" Aric and Ryker shouted, fury igniting within them. Ryker surged forward, his sword infused with even more shadow magic. "You will pay for that!" he roared, his voice echoing with power.

Liora, regaining her footing, joined Ryker, her dual blades flashing. "Let's finish this!" she shouted, her blades cutting deep into the creature's hide.

Aric, despite his injuries, raised his staff once more. "Light Beam!" he called out, a massive beam of light descending from above the monster, hitting the monstrosity with unrelenting force. The beast screamed, its form starting to disintegrate under the combined might of their attacks.

The creature, in a last desperate act, unleashed its most powerful skill. "Void Reaver!" it bellowed, its body exploding in a maelstrom of shadow and darkness. The blast hit everyone, sending them sprawling and leaving deep wounds.

Ryker, bloodied and battered, stood back up. He focused all his remaining energy into his sword, preparing for one final strike. "This ends now!" he yelled, his voice filled with determination.

With a final burst of shadow magic, Ryker charged forward, his sword glowing with an intense dark light. "Shadow Dominion!" he cried, plunging his blade deep into the beast's heart. The dark energy surged through the creature, tearing it apart from the inside.

The monstrosity let out a final, ear-piercing scream, its body disintegrating into a cloud of dark mist. As the mist dissipated, the battlefield fell silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the exhausted warriors.

Ryker fell to his knees, his sword clattering to the ground. "It's over," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

[Experience Gained: Mid-Mythical Gate Guardian Defeated – 3500 EXP, 1900 AP]

The council members gathered around, their expressions a mix of relief and exhaustion.

The beast's voice echoed one last time. "This is not the end," it said, its tone chilling. "My commanders, far stronger than I, will soon come to this planet. You will die sooner or later."

With that final, ominous warning, the creature's presence faded completely. The battle was won, but the words left a lingering sense of dread among the council. They knew this was just the beginning of a much larger war.