
Ascendant System

*Dropped* Read my New Novel “ The Astral System”

Risaliyah · Games
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71 Chs

Second Chance

Ryker jolted awake, the metallic taste of blood lingering in his mouth. Darkness surrounded him, the oppressive weight of earth and rock pressing in from all sides. As his senses slowly returned, the sharp pain of his injuries flooded his awareness. He remembered the betrayal—the cold steel piercing his heart, the faces of his supposed allies twisted in malice. He had died. Yet here he was, alive and breathing.

"Welcome, host, to the Ascendant Path System," a mechanical voice echoed in his mind, clear and emotionless.

Ryker's eyes snapped open. He glanced around the cave, his gaze probing the shadows. There was no one in sight, but a translucent screen materialized before him, filled with unfamiliar symbols and text.

 Ascendant Path System Activated

[Current Level: 1]

[Mission: Survive and Exit the Cave]

[Reward: Basic Cultivation Technique]

"What is this?" Ryker muttered, reaching out to touch the screen. His fingers passed through the holographic display, causing it to ripple and reshape itself. The screen now showed a crude map of the cave, marking his current location and a glowing line indicating the path to the exit.

Fragments of his past life flooded back. He had been a powerful cultivator, feared and respected. But his closest allies had turned on him, betraying him in his moment of triumph. The memory of their faces, twisted with greed and envy, burned in his mind. This second chance, granted by the mysterious system, was surreal but undeniable.

"Survive and exit the cave, huh?" Ryker smirked despite the pain. "Piece of cake."

He struggled to his feet, every movement sending fresh waves of agony through his body. He had no weapons, no Armor, only his wits and the faint glimmer of hope provided by the system. As he took his first step, a low growl echoed through the cave.

A pair of glowing eyes appeared in the darkness, followed by the hulking form of a low-level demon. Its dark scales shimmered in the dim light, and it moved with predatory grace. The demon lunged at Ryker, its claws slashing through the air.

Instincts honed from his past life took over. Ryker sidestepped the attack, grabbing a jagged rock from the ground. As the demon turned to strike again, he drove the rock into its skull with all his might. The creature fell, lifeless, its body twitching as the last remnants of life ebbed away.

[Mission Progress: 1/5 Demons Defeated]

"So that's how it is," Ryker muttered, wiping the blood from his hands. "Five demons, then the exit."

With renewed determination, he ventured deeper into the cave, ready to reclaim his life and power. Every step was a reminder of his injuries, but he pressed on, driven by the burning desire for revenge and the promise of power.

The cave was a labyrinth of twisting tunnels and shadowy alcoves. Ryker moved cautiously, his senses on high alert. The system's map provided a basic layout, but it couldn't warn him of the creatures lurking in the darkness. He encountered two more demons, dispatching them with the same ruthless efficiency.

[Mission Progress: 3/5 Demons Defeated]

Each victory brought a surge of energy, a small but noticeable increase in his strength. The system's presence in his mind was both reassuring and disconcerting. It was a tool, a means to an end, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than met the eye.

As he rested against a cave wall, catching his breath, the mechanical voice returned.

"Host, your current mission is to defeat five demons and exit the cave. Completing missions grants rewards and increases your level."

Ryker closed his eyes, focusing on the basic principles of cultivation he had mastered in his past life. The system's guidance was valuable, but his true strength lay in his experience and knowledge.

"Fine," he muttered. "Let's get this done."

He continued through the cave, encountering two more demons. The fights were brutal, but Ryker's determination and growing strength saw him through.

[Mission Complete: 5/5 Demons Defeated]

The translucent screen flashed, and Ryker felt a rush of energy coursing through his body.

[Level Up!]

[New Level: 2]

[Reward Unlocked: Basic Cultivation Technique]

A flood of knowledge filled his mind. The Basic Cultivation Technique was a foundation, a starting point for greater power. Ryker could feel his wounds healing, his strength increasing. The system had delivered on its promise.

"Good," Ryker said, flexing his fingers. "Now, let's find that exit."

The map updated, highlighting a path that led upward. Ryker followed it, determination fuelling every step. He emerged from the cave into the bright light of day, blinking as his eyes adjusted. The Azure Continent spread out before him, a land filled with opportunities and dangers. He had survived, and with the system's help, he would thrive.

Hello guys,

shamless author here, if you like the novel make sure you add it to library and gift if you can (: . also im open to adding things you would like in the novel if possible to add.


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