
Ascendance: The Rebirth of the Unknown Gamer

Aura Thompson, one of the most unknown experts in the DMMORPG known as Ascendance, dies of old age, only to find that his final wish has been granted and that he can start again on his path to immortality through the fantasy game he loves. Read as Aura uses his knowledge of mankind's second world to chase after his dream. He knows all the secrets that players uncovered over the 132 years he played the game: quests, classes, skills, hidden treasures, lore, and all sorts of things that could tip the balance of the world in his favor. How far will he go?

Aurafyre · Games
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Chapter 60

Between his massacres and pillaging, Aura had taken the time to read the books he had found in the ancient dragon's stash.

Thanks to spellwork, these books had been preserved even through thousands of years and the fiery atmosphere of the scorched lands.

One book in particular had contained information that many kings and queens would kill for.

The method to obtain godhood.

Apparently, many had researched this, travelling throughout the realms, but none had ever succeeded, either disappearing or dying due to the power of the monsters they encountered.

However one scholar, Athena, had found the secrets of divinity and sealed them within a book, which was designed to devour the knowledge of the world so that none could ever uncover it again.

She went on to become a goddess of war and wisdom.

The book within the dragon's hoard contained this knowledge as well as several general requirements, such as domain mastery and reaching the pinnacle of strength, both of which were fairly obvious.

However, Aura very much wanted that book.

As a classless character, Aura did not have a level cap, and thus could grow stronger limitlessly, however, no matter how strong he grew, he would always be limited by his race.

Different races gained different bonuses to stats and whatnot as they leveled up, this was common sense.

Humans gained nothing, but in exchange, they were not significantly limited in their class options.

Other races gained bonuses, but could only take so many classes.

Aura was only playing as a human because he didn't feel like dying and taking a new race, but that would begin to significantly affect his growth later on.

Normally this gap would be closed by a combination of classes and numbers.

Yet here again, classless was screwing him over.

But once Aura reached level 10,000, he would be able to surpass mortal limitations and become a god, which would no doubt increase his stat growth significantly and allow him to stand on the same level as others of the same level.

And the only things he knew for certain about this evolution were the necessity of domain mastery and a high level.

Which means he'd have to learn how to utilize his domain...

He was as much a fan of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as anyone could be, but he wasn't exactly certain what his domain would allow him to do.

Such a nonsensical concept would be incredibly irritating to try and master, if mastery was even possible.

Fortunately, procrastination would be an option for quite a while longer.

He still needed to either get his hands on that book or figure out how to become a god on his own.

Given the fact that as one's level increases one's lifespan is supposed to increase along with it (though this was pretty much irrelevant to players given that they would die in real life before reaching the end of their in game lifespans), a level 10,000 individual like Athena would have had thousands of years to work the problem, and Aura didn't have anywhere near that.

Finding a single book seemed much easier.

And while on the topic of finding things, it was time for Aura to go hunting for the kingdom core.

He would only need to kill a few nobles for the information too, not go scrounging around the most ancient sections of the libraries.

Which would suck given that they only went back ten thousand years, and the knowledge he needed would be older than that for sure.


Wanderer was feeling great.

The book Aura had gotten from the dragon's hoard had been planted by her to get things rolling.

There was only so much time in a person's life, regardless of their lifespan.

Impatience was ever present, and pulling stunts like she'd just done came at a price.

The game, Ascendance was only so large, and despite Forgotten Industries' claims of limitless exploration, it would run out of space eventually.

Interfering with events took up space, and would make it run out quicker.

It was a race against time, and she very much hoped that Aura would be fast.