
Ascendance of a God

Julian Valera had risen to the status of a God in his past life. Little did he know that his lover would be the one who would betray him. On the brink of death, the God of Time sent Julian back to his past to regain his power and right his wrongs. Join Julian in his Fantasy/Reincarnation story where he will encounter many enemies and friends alike. Follow the action as he rises in power to regain what was taken from him, and along the way, find a little romance.

Ryan_Spears · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 7

'What did she just say? She can travel through time? I don't remember a student having an ability like that before I died.'

Julian was confused and startled. He had never heard of anyone other than Titus who could actually traverse through time at will.

"That's amazing!"

Luna had sparkles in her eyes looking at Iris. While not to the same extent, the others were also looking at her in admiration. An ability like hers was simply unheard of, even among those in the S Class.

"I'm just as shocked as you all, but it's almost time to start. Let's formulate a strategy that compliments what we can do."

Tom urged everyone to gather around him to discuss what their strategy was going to be.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask you, Luke. What is your ability?"

Luke's face turned red as he looked away.

"Um...To be totally honest...I don't have an ability."

Everyone, aside from Julian, was surprised at what Luke had said.

"You're an Achristo?"

Shio said what everyone else was thinking. If Luke didn't have an ability, then that made him what is known as an Achristo. They are the people who were born without alpha cells, therefore they can't manifest abilities.

Not having an ability meant that you automatically start out as an F Class, but it didn't mean that all hope was lost. There have been cases where an Achristo managed to raise their rank by mastering martial skills. Every person possesses an aura pool, but without any alpha cells, they can't manifest an ability. In the Imperium, there is an Achristo who managed to break the 10th tier of 2 martial skills and became an S Class Lieutenant General.

In the entire Imperium, there are only 5 Lieutenant Generals under the direct command of the General. The Imperium ranks, from the lowest rank to the highest rank, are as follows:

Private, Private First Class, Corporal, Sergeant, Sergeant First Class, Sergeant Major, Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Major General, Lieutenant General, and General.

Luke being an Achristo wasn't necessarily a bad thing. If he could master a martial skill, then he could potentially rise to be a high-ranking soldier after graduating from the academy.

"Sorry I didn't tell you guys beforehand. I'll try to stay out of your way."

Luke looked as if he were about to cry.

"Don't worry about it, man. Just stick close to me, and you'll be alright."

Julian slapped him on the back and gave him a thumbs up.

"Well, that settles it then. Let's head to the starting point and wait for the test to begin."

Tom led the group to where they were supposed to start the test. They still had a little while until they began, so Julian decided to rest under a tree by the edge of the forest the test would be taking place in. From his side, he saw a girl approaching him.

"Can we talk for a sec?"

Iris was standing next to Julian with her hands behind her back. She looked a little nervous.

"Sure. What's up?"

"Well...This is going to sound crazy to you, but I've been sent here to assist you."

Julian sat up and look at her.

"Why would someone send me an assistant?"

Iris looked to the sky before speaking.

"My creator said that you may struggle with your goal at first, so he sent me to help out with whatever you need."

Julian was confused.

"Creator? You mean your parents?"

"You could say that. He didn't give birth to me, but he did give me life."

Iris pulled her hands from behind her back and held out a small jade gemstone about the size of a lightbulb.

"He told me to give this to you when I got here and said to try infusing your aura into it."

She handed the gemstone to Julian and turned to walk away.

"Let me know if you need anything."

She smiled and walked back to where Luna and Shio were talking.

'What the hell? That was kinda weird.'

Julian looked at the jade stone and put it away for now. He decided that he would look into it later.

"Alright, everyone. Now that you all are in your groups and had time to strategize, it's time to begin the last stage of your exam. When the countdown reaches zero, a buzzer will sound. When the buzzer sounds, then the test will begin. You will have exactly one hour. Good luck."

The countdown started, and each group lined up at their starting areas.

"Alright guys, let's do our best!"

Tom stood in front of the rest, ready to lead the charge into the forest.


The team readied themselves and waited for the timer to countdown.


Each team bolted behind their leaders into the forest. Every group had scattered around, looking for another group to go against and take their flag.

Julian's group gave their flag to Luke, who was staying beside Julian. The others formed a semi-circle in front of them, with Tom in the front.

"Ready yourselves! There's another team approaching from ahead. Be sure to remember our strategy."

Tom fell to the back since Captains weren't allowed to participate. They were only there to observe and give their report.

"Are you sure we can do this?"

Luke was almost shaking since he was so nervous.

"Don't worry, man. We've got this. I'll make sure that no one will get to you."

Julian gave him a thumbs up and continued running behind the others.

Their strategy was pretty simple. Julian would protect Luke and the Flag, while the girls would try to snatch the other team's flag.

From the front, another team emerged from behind the trees.

"Shio! Iris! Let's do this!"

Luna led the attack against the other team, and the other 2 followed behind. A boy from the other team attacked first. He pulled out a water bottle from his bag and popped the cap off. A blue light appeared around his index finger and a drop of water the size of a quarter can out of the bottle and floated at the tip of his finger.

"We'll be taking that flag from you. I hope you don't mind?"

He pointed his finger at Luna and fired his water droplet at her.

"We'll see about that one."

Luna jumped straight over the water droplet hurling at her. She landed right in front of the boy and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"How about you just sit tight, for a sec?"

She let go of his shoulder and ran past him. The boy was still standing there frozen in place.

His teammates were confused.

"Why isn't he moving?"

"Did she knock him out while standing?"

Julian knew what happened. Luna's ability allowed her to stop time for anything she can touch for a short amount of time.

The girls had started going for the flag, while two girls from the other team came for Julian and Luke.

"Julian! They're coming! There's two of them and only one of you."

Julian laughed.

"I think you're mistaken. In fact, there's only one of you."

Luke was confused, but he didn't have time to ponder on it. Julian had already grabbed him and pushed him out towards the girls gunning for them.


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