
As The Petal Falls

"Love endures everything...Without love...how can one truly live?" "Love did not build my career. It did not get me through taxes...it did not get me my college degree...it did not keep my relationship with my boyfriend...love does not accomplish much where I come from..." "Or perhaps, where you come from, there is too little love, it explains why you are generally so miserable all the time..." *** When a fashion designer gets sucked into the magical world of Alloria, her life gets thrown upside down. Not only does magic exist, but a king is out to win her heart. And a sinister villain wants her dead, just like in the story books of old. And soon, she wonders whether she is stuck in a coma, or perhaps had been kidnapped by a bunch of madmen -- some in bizarre costumes. It's the only possible explanation ...right?

KayraySmith · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Dear readers!

I both have good news and bad news! Bad news is that this story will no longer be continueing in the space -- reason? I had won a contract in Goodnovel for the story! So sorry for the inconvenience, but based on the contract -- I cannot share any more of the story on this platform -- so you can continue the story right around here!


Thank you all so far for all the love and support!

Kind Regards

Kayray Smith