
As The Petal Falls

"Love endures everything...Without love...how can one truly live?" "Love did not build my career. It did not get me through taxes...it did not get me my college degree...it did not keep my relationship with my boyfriend...love does not accomplish much where I come from..." "Or perhaps, where you come from, there is too little love, it explains why you are generally so miserable all the time..." *** When a fashion designer gets sucked into the magical world of Alloria, her life gets thrown upside down. Not only does magic exist, but a king is out to win her heart. And a sinister villain wants her dead, just like in the story books of old. And soon, she wonders whether she is stuck in a coma, or perhaps had been kidnapped by a bunch of madmen -- some in bizarre costumes. It's the only possible explanation ...right?

KayraySmith · Fantasy
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8 Chs

One Wish from a Wizard

"Be careful your majesty."

"Rowan, you should know by now, caution isn't my thing," Philip slid off his horse, staring into the dark cave ahead of them. He turned to look at his men, he could tell they were nervous. It was only natural, because this cave happened to harbour a wizard. "Be brave my fellow brothers in arms, if your king can do it, then so can you."

Windsor sighed and shook his head, following Phillip's lead. "Your majesty, may I just remind you that entering a cave is begging to get yourself injured, or worse...?"

"I made a promise to Geneva, I intend on keeping it. I will find her," Philip said as he took a step forward. He was about to take another into the cave.

"Your majesty."

"What is it now!?"

"How do you expect to see in the cave without a torch?" Rowan pulled out the wooden sticks and walked towards him.

"I knew that," Philip said. "I was just waiting for you to catch up."

"Of course, you were," Rowan took a step forward with a flint. He scraped it against the rock a few times, allowing his torch to light on fire. He handed it to the king before he lit his own torch. They started to walk inside the cave, making sure to watch their footing.

Philip stopped as he saw a fire with an old man sitting near it. He turned to Rowan. "Torches huh?"

Rowan shrugged. "Couldn't see the fire from inside."

Philip took another step forward. "Excuse me, do you know who I am?"

"Indeed," The man lifted his cloak, revealing his cracked-scaly skin. He had dark eyes. "Forgive my appearance. I am trying to undo a curse..."

"Ah, well, you cannot help appearances when it comes to curses, can you?" Philip said.

The wizard nodded. He ran his fingers through the fire. "Take a seat," he motioned to the stools.

Philip sat down hesitantly. He stared at Windsor who stood in the corner, watching. Then returned his attention to the wizard.

"What is it you seek, Your Majesty?"

"Don't you have a price?"

"What price are you willing to pay?"

"For her…. anything," Philip said.

"Ah, you seek for love," the wizard laughed. "Don't all noblemen? A fine young lady comes along, and a man would burn the world for her. Until she fades, grows old, and he finds a new lady to burn the world for."

"I made a promise, I am not like those noblemen you speak of."

"Which is exactly why I will grant you your wish."

"For what price?"

"That is up to me to decide," the wizard said. "After all, you are willing to pay any price?"

Philip nodded. Windsor raised his brow. "Your majesty, if he asks for your kingdom."

"I am not interested in politics," the wizard waved him off.

"I will do anything for her," Philip said. "Just bring her back to me."

The wizard laughed again. "Real love is fascinating." He stood up and walked around the fire. "Who is she?"

"Geneva...her name is Geneva."

"And what of her noble family?"

"She was nothing but a servant, but now she is a queen. She disappeared in an inn of green smoke…"

"Do you have something of value to her?" he asked.

Philip reached out in his pocket and pulled out a small ring. "This was hers, she left it at the castle in fear of losing it."

The wizard took it and twirled it in his fingers. The fire crackled. "I'm telling you in advance, I will return her to you, but I cannot guarantee her physical state, her mind, or anything else...that part will be up to you."

Philip nodded. He watched as the wizard started chanting.

The fire turned white and Philip took a step back. The wizard tossed the ring into the fire. Philip closed his eyes, and it grew quiet. When he opened them, he saw the wizard sitting on the stool again.

"Where is she?"

"Patience King, magic takes time," the wizard spoke. "It may take a day, or it may take a year...She will arrive in the most unexpected of ways, but she will return to you - you have my word. I will remain here for a year. You can come kill me if she does not return."

Philip nodded, he looked to Rowan, who was still staring at the wizard with a troubled expression. Rowan and Windsor waited for Phillip to leave first, and then followed suit. His men were sitting there expectantly.

"We make for the castle," Philip said. "Hopefully, our queen will return to us soon."

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