
As The Petal Falls

"Love endures everything...Without love...how can one truly live?" "Love did not build my career. It did not get me through taxes...it did not get me my college degree...it did not keep my relationship with my boyfriend...love does not accomplish much where I come from..." "Or perhaps, where you come from, there is too little love, it explains why you are generally so miserable all the time..." *** When a fashion designer gets sucked into the magical world of Alloria, her life gets thrown upside down. Not only does magic exist, but a king is out to win her heart. And a sinister villain wants her dead, just like in the story books of old. And soon, she wonders whether she is stuck in a coma, or perhaps had been kidnapped by a bunch of madmen -- some in bizarre costumes. It's the only possible explanation ...right?

KayraySmith · Fantasy
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8 Chs

One More Goodbye

Philip made sure to grip Geneva's hand tightly as they walked down the grey cobbled steps. It felt odd but freeing. They were out in the open. Everyone could see them, and he could finally smile at her with no fear. No more hiding in the shadows. No more stolen glances, away from the leering eyes of his father.

Philip stopped and turned. "Sure, you have to go? I mean, you could stay a little longer and…"

"And what?" Geneva raised her brows; an amused smile was playing on her lips. "What do you suggest I do, your Majesty?"

"You know everyone else calling me that is fine, but I hate it when it comes from you…sounds all condescending…like you know better," Philip sighed scratching his head. He adjusted his shirt and the hilt of his sword. "I just hate to see you go, that's all."

"I'll be gone two weeks, or a month at most," Geneva squeezed his hand, and he drew it in to kiss it. Geneva smiled as she stared into his bright blue eyes. She could look upon it for eternity. "This trip is necessary. My mother is worried sick, and I can't wait to tell her the news."

"Surely we have guards for that…you know?"

Geneva shook her head. "My mother doesn't trust the guards or the soldiers. Your father was not one to be merciful."

Philip grimaced and nodded. "But surely you can stay one more day?" He spoke. "After all, you are my wife…and surely, she should enjoy her husband's company for a little while longer?"

"I have enjoyed it for a year, any longer, and you will never let me go," Geneva laughed, tucking her black hair behind her ear.

"Well," Philip looked left and right. "I might just have to kidnap you all over again….it's quite dreadful really. Stealing your heart, keeping your alive, and all that."

"That wicked witch could not stop us then, and could not stop us now," Geneva stood on her toes and kissed him on the lips, her fingers tracing against his cheeks. He pushed his fingers through her thick hair and she finally drew back. "This will be just one last goodbye. Then I promise to never leave your side."

Philip had a soft expression to him that Geneva dearly loved. One where he was clearly unhappy, and he had a sort of natural pout on his lips. An expression most people could not imitate without looking ludicrous. Yet he got it perfectly right. His gaze remained on her as she took more steps down.

"You better bring her back safely, Rowan," Phillip ordered. The soldier standing by the carriage nodded.

"We shall guard her with our lives," they all knelt before the young king. Philip helped her up the carriage steps, adjusting her purple cloak. "Did I remember to tell you that I love you?"

"You never forget," Geneva said. "I love you too." They held each other's hands for a few more moments. Then Geneva released her grip. She smiled at him, but her heart was already aching. After all, they had been through, it was yet another goodbye. But this was going to be the last time she would leave his side. She had done so many times, but most were not by choice. After all, their love was most uncommon, and they had been through the fire. Yet they always had prevailed. Philip's Father, Hendrick, had once organized a witch to trap her in a spell, keeping her bound in her own mind. Yet Philip had searched for her, found her, and managed to set her free. Magic had its beauty after all.

She stared at the great king in front of her. He closed the carriage door. "Wait," she motioned to the soldiers as she leaned forward out of the window of the carriage. "I'm gonna miss you."

"And I you, but like you said, it won't be long, so I consider this merely a blissful parting. Don't think about me too much when you're gone…I get tired running through your mind all day," Philip said.

Geneva laughed hard before sitting back. The soldiers started their journey, they would travel through Myrrthor, into the farmlands. She had grown up as a farm girl. But decided to work as a servant in the castle in order to repay the debts her father had incurred. Now she was returning, this time to bring her mother home. A new home, one where she would never have to be worried about being fed again. Geneva took one more glance at the King standing there, watching them go. She waved and smiled, and he waved back. At the age of just twenty-three, he had become king. She was so proud of all he had accomplished in this time. He could not wait to marry her either, after years of stolen glimpses in the castle halls. It was odd, how it all happened. Simply over a book.

One she had been reading in the library, quiet and out of sight. Yet he had caught her, a prince evading his duties at the ball, and decided to spend the evening with her, reading by candlelight instead. She remembered how he stole glances at her, and she at him. He smiled, thrust the book down, and shook his head.

"I hate unhappy endings,"

She flipped over the book. "You haven't finished it."

"Don't want to," the prince had sulked. He crossed his arms.

Geneva smiled as she traced the corners of the pages. "I like this one...it reminds me of hope for better times, even in the darkest of ages."

"Surely life isn't that dark for you?"

"I suppose it isn't," she had sat back. "I suppose indeed, others have it worse."

"Are you not happy? Working here?"

"On the contrary, Your Highness," Geneva said, realizing her place. "It's just, I miss home."

The prince nodded, then pointed to her book. "Is that one so happy?"

"No, in fact, it ends terribly," Geneva said. "The two get married."

"Well, that doesn't sound so bad,"

"Perhaps, except that her fate is sealed to be married to a man she just doesn't love…"

``What happened to the man whom she did love?"

"He simply gave up on her…"

"What kind of nonsense story is that? If I loved someone, I would never stop, no matter what…"

Geneva smiled at the prince, and he smiled back. He leaned closer, his blonde hair reflecting the candlelight. "You like the idea of being fought for?"

"Who doesn't? Your Highness," she shut the book, bowed and excused herself. Little did she know that was the start of the longest journey in her life.

Geneva now glanced up at the trees surrounding them. Philip had ensured there were enough guards to keep her safe. Not that anyone knew of her trip, nor was she the biggest of targets. Very few knew of her marriage to Philip. She wanted it to remain so. She noted there was a large array of clouds building up.

It took another hour before the wind started thrashing and howling. Geneva noticed the flurry of leaves and branches striking the carriage and the men in armor. Rowan pulled his horse to her window.

"We have spotted an inn a mile ahead, may I suggest we take shelter?"

Geneva nodded. "Of course, the men must be tired."

"For Her Majesty's safety as well,"

Geneva blushed. She used to call Rowan by her first name. But he accepted her change in status, in fact, he had helped Philip in his aid to find her when she was lost. Geneva felt the carriage turn and change in direction. They came to a halt, and the door opened.

"Your Majesty," Rowan held out his hand and she accepted it. The wind started to grow worse, and Rowan led her to the inn. He opened the door, and she stepped inside.

Before Rowan could even move, the door slammed shut, and a pulse of green magic shot out. All the soldiers flew against the force. Rowan's back struck a tree.

It was all quiet. And as the hours passed, the soldiers woke up to a bright blue sky, but there was no sign of the inn they had stopped at nor of their Queen Geneva.

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