
As The Petal Falls

"Love endures everything...Without love...how can one truly live?" "Love did not build my career. It did not get me through taxes...it did not get me my college degree...it did not keep my relationship with my boyfriend...love does not accomplish much where I come from..." "Or perhaps, where you come from, there is too little love, it explains why you are generally so miserable all the time..." *** When a fashion designer gets sucked into the magical world of Alloria, her life gets thrown upside down. Not only does magic exist, but a king is out to win her heart. And a sinister villain wants her dead, just like in the story books of old. And soon, she wonders whether she is stuck in a coma, or perhaps had been kidnapped by a bunch of madmen -- some in bizarre costumes. It's the only possible explanation ...right?

KayraySmith · Fantasy
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8 Chs

One Moment in The Stables

Philip stood, his arms crossed, the sun reflecting on his face as he stared out in the window. He leaned against the wall. He could picture her, walking out of the stables, dirt coating her dress, ash on her face, and mud on her boots. He had watched her enter and leave the stables each and every day, since that fateful night at the ball. He had then decided one day to follow her into the stables, and he saw her standing next to his white stallion.

He found it strange. His horse had a temper with most people. That was except for him, and now he could evidently see, her too. She stroked the horse's face, gently whispering and smiling. The horse shook its head, snorted and she laughed.

"Ashes never really likes people very much,"

Geneva jumped back, startled, "Your Highness…"

"I wonder why my horse is always in the best of shape, brushed, cleaned…" Philip took a step forward towards Ashes. "He really is my pride and joy."

"He is beautiful," Geneva said.

"Well, he's supposed to be, if he wants to be my horse….I am supposed to be the white knight after all,"

Geneva laughed.


"No, Sire, that would be inappropriate,"

What is it?" Philip asked.

Geneva tried to step out of the way. But Philip stepped in to block her path. "Come on, tell me, I won't get mad…it's Geneva right?"

Geneva stopped and stared at him. "I never quite pictured you as a white knight…not since the incident with that tree…"

"I swear to you, that was magic, the branches grabbed my shirt…"

"Your highness, it more looked like you ran into it…"Geneva said.

Philip shook his head and threw his hands into the air. "You always remember the worst things about me, don't you?"

"Not always," Geneva whispered just as Philip turned around. He stopped in his tracks and swung around.

"So, what is one dashing, and the inexplicably charming moment you remember of me? Come on, that's the least you can do after insulting the prince," he crossed his arms and leaned against the beams. It creaked and he stood up straight again.

"I suppose it was when you stood your ground with your father, with the farmer who could not settle his debts…and you had it settled for him…"

"Oh," Philip frowned. "How do you know that? That was supposed to be secret…"

"That farmer was my father, a month before he passed, he could leave the home for my mother…smiling, knowing she was safe," Geneva stared down then back up at the prince. "One act of kindness, Your Highness, changed the course of my history…I might be just a servant now, but what I might have been, had you not…" Her words trailed off. "Anyways….I best be off, mustn't be caught with the prince. Would be quite the scandal." Geneva walked past Prince Philip who had remained frozen as he heard her story.

Three years now, Geneva had disappeared. And Windsor, his uncle walked into the room. Philip stood straighter. His uncle was the pain, reminding him to get an heir and get over his silly little crush. However, his status, power, and riches did not allow Philip to raise a finger against him. That was until Windsor made a move. Which, despite his sharp tongue, that did not happen.

But just as Windsor started approaching, the door burst open, and Rowan walked in. Talk about good timing.

"The scuffle between the Trudor families has thankfully been put at ease, however, your soldier's level of chaos needs to be relooked. Your commander…"

"Understands the difference between a sharp sword and a sharp tongue, no offense, Duke, but my men got the job done…and some stray soldiers were caught from the Western Clan…. seems like they are willing to talk about the fire in the village south of us…" Rowan interrupted.

"Good," Philip said. He stared at Rowan. "Like the beard…."

"Your Majesty," Rowan muttered. "I had not the time to shave as Windsor walked ahead of me to deliver his distorted bucket of news."

"Hardly distorted…" Windsor muttered. "Surely King, is not a ball in order? I have princesses from the Loria Falls eager to come and introduce themselves…"

"Again with this…" Philip started walking away.

"This kingdom needs an heir…Your Majesty…" Windsor started. "Isn't it about time you forget about the common maid?"

Philip froze and took a deep breath. He clenched his fists tighter.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Philip took a deep breath and turned around to see his sister, Kara walking into the room. Rarely did she stop her trips to Willow Lake without good reason. Looking at her wide eyes, her hair tied in a lazy braid, and her dress still coated with the history of her travels, it means she had news. She would even consider approaching most of the servants in this state unless she had other priorities at hand.

"Word has reached my ears in the Woodland village that a wizard of great magic has come to town. He is staying in the dark caves northwest of the village, close to a waterfall…."

"Dark or light?" Rowan asked.

A blush crept on Kara's cheeks. "I did not realize you were here too…I thought, well, my uncle and brother…"

"Dark or light, Kara?" Philip asked.

"Well, grey…but," Kara said before her brother or Windsor could speak. "He has been known to find the impossible. Magic or no magic."

"Such as green magic?"Rowan asked.

"Possibly," Kara said.

Philip stood straighter and Kara took a closer step toward Philip. "I know this is only a slight possibility. But like you said if I come across any chances of finding her…"

"I will take it," Philip said. He grabbed and pulled his sister into a hug.

"We will find her," Kara whispered. "We're getting her home."

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