
As The Petal Falls

"Love endures everything...Without love...how can one truly live?" "Love did not build my career. It did not get me through taxes...it did not get me my college degree...it did not keep my relationship with my boyfriend...love does not accomplish much where I come from..." "Or perhaps, where you come from, there is too little love, it explains why you are generally so miserable all the time..." *** When a fashion designer gets sucked into the magical world of Alloria, her life gets thrown upside down. Not only does magic exist, but a king is out to win her heart. And a sinister villain wants her dead, just like in the story books of old. And soon, she wonders whether she is stuck in a coma, or perhaps had been kidnapped by a bunch of madmen -- some in bizarre costumes. It's the only possible explanation ...right?

KayraySmith · Fantasy
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8 Chs

One Big Party

Grace bounced up a little in the steps as she held her phone in her hand. She was heading down towards Gwen's house and was told to come strictly at 5 PM. Now she was listening to the music as she was walking on the cobbly sidewalk. She stopped as she saw the one door open. She froze and stared at the pitch-black entrance. She took a step forward but stopped and turned to keep walking. Surely it was simply a trick of the light.

She slung her bag on her other shoulder and took another five minutes before she reached Gwen's home. It was quaint, with the bedrooms on the second floor, a spacious living room, but a tiny kitchen. There was also a beautiful garden outside with a pool and red rose bushes surrounding the walls.

Grace removed her headphones and knocked on Gwen's door. She stuffed her phone back into her bag as she could hear Gwen's footsteps.


Gwen opened the door as Gwen almost tripped over her own door stop.

"You ok, over there?" Grace asked as she took a step back.

"Yes, fine, perfectly peachy…"

"Yes, I can see that, the question is why?"

"Ouch, am I not allowed to be, well, happy?"

"Not unless I am around," Grace walked into her house.


Grace gave a scream, holding her hands in the air as the people popped up from behind the couches wall and kitchen. A couple tumbled out as they were all squeezed inside.

Gwen laughed as she closed the door and walked in as everyone started laughing too.

"It's a celebration party," Gwen said. "Created by yours truly to celebrate your promotion!"

"You set this up all in one day?" Grace tapped a shiny red balloon that was floating toward her.

"Yep, I wanted to ask…well, Tim, he's kinda upstairs…"

Grace did not want to mention that Tim was not present downstairs, and that answer made her heart sink a little. She knew he wasn't too happy whenever she made a big deal about her successes. He would normally grunt, give a 'great job' and move on. She simply believed it was because of his own career, and he felt down that he was stuck. She could understand his frustration, but she was not going to let that get her down for her own success.

As soon as Gwen spoke, Grace saw Tim walking down the stairs. He looked a little hungover and half asleep. "Hey," he gave her a quick wave. "Congratulations…"

"Thanks," Grace smiled at him, but her joy was cut short.

"I'm tired babe, we can talk later, ok?" he quickly turned and walked back up. Grace gave a quick grunt in frustration. She turned to the rest of her friends and family.

"Thank you, guys! This is so great!" She turned to Gwen. "You really did not have to do this."

"Ah, no I would party every week if I could…"

Grace smiled and just then the music turned on. She headed towards the punch table.

"Congratulations on your promotion, sis," Corne said, standing in the corner and smiling. "You almost made me proud."

"And you almost made me happy," Grace said and laughed. "How's business going?"

"It's running, you know, like a tortoise, but hopefully will beat the hare one day," Corne shrugged and winked at her. "What can you do? Some you win, some you lose."

Grace turned to see Gwen chatting away with one of the other girls. "By the way, Gwen told me to ask you…"

"Let me guess? That denim jacket?"


"Yeah, I did it to freak her out, you really didn't think I would lend her of all people my favorite jacket?"

"I was wondering, you are a horrible human being," Grace poured the two glasses full of juice.

"What can I say? I like to watch people suffer, you can tell her I am very distressed about the loss, and if she wants to make amends…" Corne sat and thought for a good long while. "She can make those thick and creamy cappuccino muffins that she always makes for you."

"So bribery?"


"I'll relay the message," Grace said and smiled.

It was late when people finally decided they wanted to go home. Grace was removing decorations when she heard creaking stairs. She turned to see Tim coming down. "Hi," he took a couple of steps forward before he fell back on the couch, clasping his hands together.

Gwen took one look at him and then at Grace. "I'm gonna go get my bag, maybe buy some ice cream…later…I'll wait outside."

Gwen walked out and Grace took a step back. "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, perfect, why wouldn't it be?" Tim muttered. "Just a little rough…is all."

"Your interviews?"

"Nada…nothing," Tim shrugged.


"Cause I didn't go,"

Grace gave a frustrated sigh. "You know, if you want to get out of your job, the whole point is going to interviews to get new ones."

"Like you would really understand…"

"Excuse me?" Grace walked towards him.

"You got your job handed to you on a silver platter…wasn't your daddy a friend with the director or something?"

"No," Grace said. "I gained it through a competition I won in college…where I proved myself…where I, guess what? Showed up!" Grace slammed the basket down on the table.

"Chill, no need to get mad, you must be so happy right now,"

"I would be happier if my boyfriend actually supported me,"

"Yeah, well, sorry I can't be that perfect guy that you want…."Tim shrugged. "You have it real easy you know?"

"How do I have it easy?" Grace asked. "I work so hard…and I come home to a mess, and when I want to talk to you, all I hear is about your day and your problems. "

"I am sorry I am such a problem…I am sorry I am such a burden…"

"You're not a burden, Tim, I said I would support you through the ups and downs…"

"Yeah, you have the ups and I have the downs like that's fair,"

"You don't seriously expect me not to be successful at my work? Would it help if I turned down my promotion?"

"Well…" Tim sighed. "No," he stood up. "Maybe, maybe it's just a sign that we kinda need a break. I need time to, well, I guess focus on my own things…instead of just your successes."

"A break?" Grace took a step back. "No, no, this is it." Grace turned and grabbed her bag to walk outside. "Gwen and I will want you gone by the time we get back."

" Fine, good riddance anyways…" Tim muttered.

Grace gritted her teeth and walked out of the door. Gwen sat on the porch steps.

"Ice cream?"

Grace gave a solid nod. "Ice cream."

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