
Chapter TWO



"Good morning.."

"Good morning you two. The breakfast is ready."

"Thanks mom"

It's been 3 weeks already since my mom remarried and lived together with my new father and big brother.

My new family now is kinda normal but I personally like the way it is unlike to my previous family. Uncle Ryou is really a great and responsible father compare to my asshole dad. I'm happy that mom chose the guy like him.

And for my brother, hmmm. At the first time I met him is he's kinda look like a girl. Like seriously. His hair is long, soft and silky and his eye lashes are so long and his skin is so white. Everybody will think that he is a girl when they first sees him.

After we transferred into a new house, I also transferred into a new school. It's kinda new to me because of the new environment. In the new school, I found out another shocking truth about my brother. He is the student council president. He's always top 1 in his class. I don't know that he is smart though. And he is so popular. Not just to girls but also to boys.

"Hey, the president is looking good as always right?"

"Yeah!! "

"If only he was a girl then I already confessed to him"

That's what I always heard everytime I go to school everyday. He's like an idol.

He's also good at sports too. This guy can do anything. It's unbelievable that he is like this in school but completely different when he's at home.

When he's at home, he's always laying around watching television and read mangas. He always sleep late. Studying, maybe? No, he plays online games every night. He's like play all night and always wakes up earlier than me. I'm still wondering how this guy maintained his grades and stuff when he's just playing and laying around everytime in the house. Well, I don't want to waste my time figuring that out. I should finish my breakfast and go to school.

I usually go alone to school ever since I transferred because my new brother is an early bird. He always go to school earlier than everyone. Well, he got a lot of work as a student council president. But today, he has no student council work so this is the first time we're going to school together. Is it kinda weird that going to school with him? People might think that we are dating or something. I've been thinking that for almost 10 minutes. Well, It doesnt matter anymore because we're already at the school.

People are staring at us. It really give a lot of attention.

"Hey, is that the president's girlfriend?"

This what I'm talking about. People starts to misunderstanding it. We're just siblings. Step siblings to be exact.

"Heyyy, Mai-channn~"

I heard a voice screaming my name from the distance. I looked around and I saw her. She is Yuki Togashi. She's my classmate and she called herself as a friend of mine. She's the first person who talked to me ever since I transferred. Maybe it's because we're just sitting right to each other.

"Your friend?"

"Yeah, sorta..."

"That's great for you. You already found a friends huh. Well then, I'm gonna go to my class now. See yah later."

"See yah."

After he left, Yuki suddenly jumped to me. She's breathing so hard. Wait, did she just ran?

"Heyy ughh Mai-chan ahh. Good ahh morning."

"Ahh yeah. Morning too"

She's really catching her breath.

"You shouldn't run all the way Togashi-san."

"Yuki is fine. Just call me by my first name."

"O-okay, Yuki-san"

I'm gonna admit it that she's kinda annoying. She really approached herself to me. Back then, when I was still in middle school. I dont have a single friend but that's fine to me because I like being alone. Now that I'm in high school, I want to maintain it as it is but this girl always approaching me. Everyday since the first day I transferred.

"Was that the president?"

So she's interested to the president too.

"You walked together to school?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"Now that you mentioned that. I was wondering, are you and the president are related to each other? Like you have the same surname Haku"

Oh. So that's what she meant. I thought she's interested in the president too like the other girls. Looks like she didn't misunderstood use for being a couple.

"Yeah, in fact we're siblings."

"Wow, so you two are siblings. But you didn't look like each other."

"-... Agh-"

I didn't think she'll notice it. Well it's kinda noticeable in the first place that we aren't even look alike even if we are siblings.

"The president looks more beautiful than you, Mai-chan."

Wha- this is evwn the worst. A guy like him is more beautiful than a woman like me? It's not that I'm super pretty though but the fact that a guy is prettier than me is still kinda hurts.

"We should go to our class now or we'll gonna be late."

The bell then rang when we got into the room. Our homeroom teacher, Takagi-san is now here and started to collect the attendance. While the teacher is taking the attendance, I just remember that we're gonna have quiz in geometry today. I forgot to study. I think, I should study after the homeroom teacher is done and leave. After the homeroom teacher is done, she already left as expected. I think I can study now but I guess not. The teacher in geometry is already. That's so fast. Apparently my geometry teacher is just waiting outside until our checking of attendance is done. The geometry teacher already pull out his paper test to distribute to us.

This is bad. Really really bad. I forgot to study about this. I'm just gonna use everything I remembered during his discussion. In the end. Everyone failed. Looks like I'm not the only one you forgot to study.

The geometry teacher since to be disappointes for us. It's understandable. All of us failed. The geometry teacher said that we're gonna retake the test tomorrow in order to pass. If everyone will fail again then that's it.

The teacher stomps and slam the door when he left. He's probably really angry on that. I should study tonight or once I get home.

After the final class is done, I packed my things and ready to get home and then Yuki suddenly called and approached me.

"Mai-chan, let's go home together."

I don't think it's not that bad walking home with classmates and this is gonna be the first time I'm going home together with someone.

"Oh, sure. I don't mind"

I thought this will gonna be okay but it's not from what I expected.

"Hey, Mai-chan. Can I come over to your house?"

"Eh? But, why?"

"We have a upcoming test tomorrow is its gonna be good if we'll gonna have a study session at your house."

"Uhmm, why in my house?"

"Because your smarter than me, that is why. And you have a big brother too so we can ask him if we need any help."

Is she going to my house just because she knew that my step-brother is there? But I fell really bad for her even though she's kinda annoying. She scored 2 points in the test out of 50 and I scored only 23. Though I prefer being alone while studying. I guess I have no choise but to tutor her.

"Sure, we can study at my house."

After couple of minutes walking, I finally got home. "I'm back." so quiet, well it looks like everyone is not home yet. But heard someone walking from the kitchen.

"Mai, welcome ho- oh you brought a friend today."

"Ah hello Mai-chan's mother. I'm Yuki Togashi. I'm Mai-chan's classmate."

Wait, mom's here? Why? I thought she's going to home late every today like she usually do.

"I'm Mariya, Mai's mom. Please make it yourself comfortable okay?"

I was about to take off my shoes when my mom suddenly comes to me.

"Why didn't you said that your friend is coming over? I should prepared some snack."

"I didn't know that she's coming too. It's just happened that we have to study because we have a test to pass. And mom, why are you here? I thought you were going home late again."

"My boss told me that I did a great job in marketing yesterday so as a reward, he gave mea day off."

Ahh so that's why. But she must tell me still. After we took off our shoes, I showed her my room.

My mom said that we can study in the living room while she's making our snack but ai want a privacy while studying so in the end we end up studying at my room.

"Your brother isn't home yet?"

"He's the student council president so he still probably busy right now at work so I think he's not going home until 6pm."

"Okay, so I guess Mai-chan is my teacher today!"

I hoped I can help her with her studies though. I opened my book and read things quietly. The room suddenly quiet and also awkward. Yuki didn't ask questions so far so I'm hoping that she's doing good at her studies. It's been 5 minutes and this awkward scene makes me hard to focus in my studies. Yuki seems so quiet today so she's maybe that focus. I looked at her a little bit and saw her napping. What the hell?! She's just sleeping. She's the one recommended the study session and now she's just sleeping. I shaked her shoulder and wakes her up but seems like she's in the deep sleep.

"Hey, Yuki-san. Wake up. We have studies."

I shaked her a bit faster this time but she didn't wake up so I did it more faster and faster. Finally, she's awake and drooling.

"I feel so dizzyyyy~"

I gues I shaked her too hard.

"We still got study so don't fall asleep."

"But I don't understand anything."

Because you're just sleeping the whole time.

"I'm gonna teach you everything you don't understand okay? So, point where the part you cant understand"

Yuki raised her finger and starts to point everything in the book.

"There, there, there and also there. Oh also there too."

She didn't understand anything.

"Well, we should start to the easy one."

And I started to tutor her. The tutoring took a hour to finish but it kinda fun. "Woah, I finally understand everything. Thanks Mai-chan." It's good how she listened in every word I say. It makes me happy, honestly. We rest a little. I looked up the clock and it's already 5:04 pm.

"Oh my gosh, it's 5pm already! I should clean up and gets home before 6pm."

I gues her mom is strict so I end up helping her. Then someone is knocking at the door. I thought it's mom so I opened it but it's not. It's my brother and his holding something.

"Mariya-san said that I should bring this to you and your friend."

He stared at Yuki and introduce himself to her.

"Hello. I'm Shota, Mai's older brother. Nice to meet you."

"Ah hello. I'm Yuki."

Yuki stared to him awkwardly.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"Oh this a snacks for you and your friends. Later."

He handed over to us and then left without saying anything. I opened the plastic and everything's inside of it are my favorite snacks. My mom sures what's my favorite. Meanwhile, Yuki is drooling not because of the food but because of my brother.

" Your brother is sure hot. Does she have a girlfriend?"

"I don't know. Ask him yourself." I'm just enjoying my life at this moment.

After we cleaned up and finshing our snacks, Yuki really needs to go home now. It's almost 6pm already. I get out in my room and went downstairs to eat a dinner.

"Oh is Yuki-chan going home already? You should let her stay for dinner." my mom said.

"Her mother is going to kill if gets home late. So probably next time, I'll invite her to come over again."

I went to the dinning table and surprisingly there is uncle Ryou and my step brother in the table. It's not that surprising but it looks like Ryou-san is also early today too.

I sat on the chair and quietly eating. Since I ate too much snacks, I feel so full now. I want to stand up and say that I'm full already but it's going to be disrespect for the other so I decided to continue eating.

"Dear, Mai just brought a friend here!"

"Really? That's great! It looks like she's starts to adopt the new environment."

They're look so happy just because I brought classmate at home. Is that really important to them? I just brought one person and now they're celebrating like it's some kind of a birthday or something. What would happen if next time, I'm going to bring my first boyfriend. Are they going to start a wedding plan for it? Just kidding. Wait, why am I thinking all this stuff? I should just think how I'm gonna finish this food in ny plate. I'm so damn full. I have no choice but to dig in. I grabbed my chopsticks, scooped the food and eat it.

"Hmm, so you made a friends huh?" step brother asked.

"Ugh kinda." but the truth is she's just a classmate for me and not seeing her as a friend.

"Good for you then."

"Ahh, thanks."

I don't know why but his simple words makes me want to hangout with that girl again. We sat right next to each other and our parents is in the opposite side. I looked in his face and realized that he looks really pretty. He's pretty than any girls I've seen. But his a boy though. What a waste.

After eating dinner, I washed the plates and takes a bath afterwards.    

    I'm getting ready to sleep now but I give my self a thought. "Hmm making friends huh?" well it's not bad when you make a friends in school right? So I should start treating her as my friend from now on. The moment I closed my eyes, my stomach is starts to hurts.

"Uwah" I almost spit that out. But I swallowed it back.

Damn. I ate too much.