
As Raiser Phoenix with Yin-Yang system

The great Yin-Yang Phoenix, the strongest mythical beast entered the stage of rebirth but the reincarnation god saw him as a future competitor and send him out of the cycle. The wandering soul met a playful entity that gave him a second chance to reborn in an another world.......... Being reborn and assimilated all the memories of the boy his first words left not only that entity shocked but also more interested in him and decided to watch him closely... His words are.... "Mortal world... Upgradeable Heaven ranked Physic... World was close to awakening... it was easy to win over... Whomever sent me here send me to another place more challenging... That being sent him into DXD, With the memory of the boy it was easy for him identify this world but just he was about to complain he got a message with a timer to get him as strong as he could before the upcoming event happens {*!@#$%^&^%$#$%^&*()(*&*(*(*&^%$#@#@#$%^} "NOW THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT"

beymad_1804 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 12: Meeting Rias & Peerage.

Not long after leaving the hall Raiser to freshen up to meet his fiancé. He activated the teleportation circle to the club and vanished.

At the same time at the club, the situation is not good, the ever-smiling Akeno was not smiling, Koneko didn't eat the sweet in front of her, and Issei all time pervert was not looking at the women around him, and everyone else had a wooden face, and their King Rias is not present.

"Do you guys know what happened to the president? She didn't come yet." Kiba asked with concern.

His words caused a wave on the people present and all looked at their queen. Akeno understood their look and answered.

"No, I don't know what happened after I left, I informed Lady Gremory and she came and picked up Rias, as per the agreement yesterday Raiser will come today for our meeting, and the rating game will be conducted in two weeks as per Grafia, they should be here by now," Akeno said.

While they were talking about Rias a teleportation circle formed and flashed a bright light. After it vanished, they saw a smiling young man they were familiar with, who cause chaos in their peaceful life and who they consider an enemy. But his cheerful smile and innocent eyes made their hearts waver in guilt. Though his words caused a lot of problems in their peerage most of them were true, it's them who are not mature enough to accept the truth.

"Good afternoon, everyone, how are you?" he asked with a kind smile causing them to their feel a chill on spine. Though he said he was acting but they have to remember his deeds just his traceless acting was enough to be afraid of him as they can't find his true intentions even if they used their all means to find them.

"Good afternoon, Sir Raiser, Rias hasn't returned from the underworld, if you wait for a few minutes, she will be returned." Akeno as a talented queen took the role of receiving the quest in the absence of the King.

" I don't mind waiting as I will be staying with you for a few weeks, can I get a cup of coffee? I woke up in the middle of my deep sleep and hadn't had a chance to eat anything," Raiser said while sitting on the sofa before the table and started eating the sweets on it.

"I will get one for you quickly," Akeno said and entered another room to make coffee.

After she left, he saw the silent room and started observing them, they were both nervous and irritated at the same time.

Issei, who was in a fantasy that he got a chance to make a harem was the one who got a huge hit on yesterday's conversation, he was well known for the fact that the president was treating him as a pet, not anything more, if excluding some sweet conversations but when he found that he got a chance with Rias is not because he was not good but because there was no better option. But he thought he still had a chance to defeat him in the future in one way or another after all he was the red dragon emperor.

After a while, Akeno came with the coffee, along with two cups of milk for Koneko and Asia. Raiser takes a sip of the coffee and praised Akeno for her coffee. Koneko and Asia were hesitant for a second before accepting it.

While they were at it another magic circle formed and Grafia and Rias appeared from it.

"Rias we have been waiting for you for a while, it's not a good habit to come to a meeting late and go separately from your peerage without telling them," Raiser said with an amused tone.

Rias who tried to keep her rigid face cracked and glared at Raiser and wanting to shout at him, but Grafia silenced her with a glance. Looking at the brief communication Raiser got a basic understanding of her thoughts and can guess what might have happened in the underworld.

Based on his understanding Rias will not accept her mistake so soon and will deny it and with a daughter-can father and sister-con brother, even if they knew she was wrong they would try to comfort her but never tell her she was wrong, so it has to be her mother accompanied by Grafia told her mistakes and asked her to accept it and move forward, but with her stubbornness, she will accept her failure now and will try to get revenge another chance in future. So, let's wait and see what she can do after the rating game.

"Sorry to make you wait Sir Raiser, but Sir Lucifer was in preparation of training ground for you guys in the human world so it took some time, we can go there at any time you want," Grafia said with a professional look.

"Then what are you waiting for we can go there, after all that for what we were gathered here, and Grafia if you don't mind can you get that little one out of that room too. He was hiding there for a long time, and I can help him control that power." Raiser said in a mysterious tone.

All the ones present in the room were shocked but for different reasons. Issei and Asia were shocked about the unknown club member, while others were shocked about how he knew about him.

"Are you sure Sir Raiser, can you really help him control his power?" Grafia asked with doubt not considering how he knew about him as it was not as important as the former.

"Yes, I am hundred percent sure I can help him," Raiser said with a confident look.

"Okay then, Rias open the seal and get him out," Grafia said to Rias.

Rias was reluctant to receive his help but knowing that she can't refuse it can only go with a low mood.

Akeno watched her leave as the one who was with her for a long time can sense that Rias was changed if it was before she would be happy for him to be free, even if he was just a servant, but now due to her anger at Raiser she was not happy about it but angry at it.

While she was thinking. the restricted room opened and revealed a pair of red eyes of a cross-dressed feminine looking boy, followed by a scream.

"Is he really a boy!!!!!!" of both Asia and Issei.