
As Luthor in Marvel Universe

Lex finds himself in the marvel universe, with knowledge of past 2 lifetimes. Join the notorious Lex Luthor in his adventures in this universe. I do not own any characters of marvel, DC, or any other franchise. This is just my wish fulfillment fanfic, and it is my first time writing as well, so bare with me.

Spartan_With_A_Gun · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5: Carl and Wendy

As Lex held the two Joker cards in his hands, he felt a unique energy pulsating through them. He knew that these cards had a special connection, akin to the bond between twins. With a sense of purpose, Lex decided to bestow upon his newfound companions, powers that would make them formidable allies in the Marvel Universe.

Even though one of the cards had super strength and the other one had super speed, Lex thought to add some things more since they would be his buddies for life. Closing his eyes, Lex envisioned teleportation, space shielding, and the ability to create portals. As his thoughts crystallized, the two cards vanished, and before him, two bodies began to take form. The first, a muscular black man about 6 feet tall, bore an uncanny resemblance to Idris Elba. The second, a woman in her twenties, exuded an aura reminiscent of Charlize Theron.

Lex was momentarily stunned, and the Idris Elba look-alike spoke, "Bloody hell, Lex." Lex, still processing the surreal scene, asked "How do you know my name?". The man, with a charismatic grin, revealed, "It's me, Carl. I know everything about you." Realization struck Lex – these were indeed Carl and Wendy, his imaginary friends from the countless eons spent in the void to maintain his sanity.

Wendy joined the reunion, embracing both Lex and Carl. She expressed her joy at finally being able to exist outside Lex's imagination. After the heartfelt reunion, Lex took a closer look at his companions.

Carl, the charismatic and muscular black man, stood at about 6 feet tall. His physical appearance mirrored that of the acclaimed actor Idris Elba. Dressed in a black tuxedo, Carl exuded an air of sophistication and charm. With a confident and captivating presence, he became the embodiment of Lex's vision of a powerful and charismatic ally. Carl's charismatic demeanor and well-dressed attire made him a formidable and visually striking figure.

Wendy, on the other hand, embodied the essence of Charlize Theron in her twenties. With an uncanny resemblance to the acclaimed actress, Wendy presented herself as a woman in her prime, exuding confidence and elegance. Her attire consisted of a leather jacket, a black shirt, and leather pants, reflecting a sense of modernity and style. Wendy's youthful appearance and fashionable outfit conveyed a combination of strength and grace, making her a fitting counterpart to Carl's charisma.

Together, Carl and Wendy formed a visually appealing and diverse duo, each contributing a unique flair to Lex's ensemble of companions. Their physical appearances not only mirrored the actors but also added an extra layer of personality and presence, aligning with Lex's imaginative vision of powerful allies in the Marvel Universe.

Lex: (examining Carl and Wendy with a grin) "Well, this is quite the reunion."

Carl: (smirking) "Indeed, Lex. Who knew your imagination could bring us to life?"

Wendy: (playfully) "I've got to say, Lex, your taste in imaginary friends is top-notch."

Lex: (nodding) "Well, I always did have a flair for the dramatic. Carl, Wendy, meet each other officially."

Carl: (extending a hand to Wendy) "Carl, at your service."

Wendy: (shaking Carl's hand) "Wendy, pleased to finally be more than just a figment of imagination."

Carl: "Bloody hell, Lex, you've got quite the setup here. Idris Elba and Charlize Theron? You really went all out."

Wendy: (smirking) "Well, we are materializations of his imagination. It seems Lex has a knack for visualizing powerful and charismatic allies."

Lex: "Well, if you're going to make an entrance into the Marvel Universe, might as well do it in style."

Carl: "So, Lex, what's the plan?"

Lex: (smirking) "First, we need to figure out which corner of the Marvel Universe we've landed in. Then, we strategize."

Wendy: (thoughtfully) "Any specific powers on your mind, Lex?"

Lex: "I haven't decided yet. But there's one power I must acquire."

Carl: "Oh, do tell. Farting without smell? I heard that was all the rage."

Lex: (raising an eyebrow) "Seriously, Carl?"

Wendy: (rolling her eyes) "Ignore him, Lex. What's the power you're after? Its alcohol immunity right"

Lex and Carl rolled their eyes.

Lex: (grinning) "Being super-rich."

Carl: (laughing) "Ah, the power of wealth. Classic Lex Luthor move."

Wendy: "Well, at least we won't have to worry about budget constraints."

The trio shared a moment of laughter, the echoes of their newfound powers resonating through the Luthor Mansion. As they continued to banter and plan, Carl suggested a fanfic route, proposing a journey involving the Ancient One, acquiring magic, obtaining the super-soldier serum, confronting Charles Xavier, and claiming the Phoenix Force from Jean Grey, followed by acquiring the Infinity Gems to dominate the universe.

Lex stared at Carl, surprised by the meticulous plan. Carl coolly remarked, "We discussed this when we hung out in your head, Lex."

Lex decided to deviate from the conventional fanfic route, stating, "We're not doing that. Visiting the Ancient One was mainly for teleportation, but we already have that power. We can visit her if needed, but our plan should be different." Wendy, eager for uniqueness, agreed, "Yeah, we must do something different." Carl acknowledged the necessity of mastering their powers first, prompting Lex to emphasize the importance of collecting information, analyzing, and then devising their strategy.

As they discussed, it became clear that this trio, born from Lex's imagination, would navigate the Marvel Universe with a mix of style, charisma, and an unorthodox approach to power acquisition.