
As long as you have the courage, fierce ghosts go on maternity leave.

Alexander, a world-class sales training expert and a holder of the Social Tyrant certification, found himself transported to a parallel universe, entering a world that seemed straight out of a horror story. However, this world wasn't as terrifying as he had initially thought. In this realm, being a social maestro meant you could do almost anything you pleased. Leveraging his exceptional social skills, Alexander turned even the most fearsome ghosts into friends. Moreover, as his rapport with them grew, he received additional rewards. Affinity Level 60 Headless Ghost: "If you like, I can give you this head as a keepsake." Affinity Level 100 Female Ghost Teacher: "Darling, stay with me tonight, and let me show you what the Ice and Fire truly feel like!"

DaoistpjUWEL · Urban
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391 Chs

So, you two wanted to chat, didn't you?

Standing outside Alexander's suite were the same two Ghost Emperors he had encountered on the airship returning from Mist Instance: Untold of the First Ghost Realm and Explode of the Fifth Ghost Realm.

"Haha! Brother Alexander, I heard someone checked into the Supreme Suite. I knew it had to be you!" Untold exclaimed.

Alexander frowned, "Untold Ghost Emperor, Explode Ghost Emperor, what brings you two here?" His tone was notably less courteous than before. 

This wasn't just because their Good Will ratings were pitifully in the single digits; it was primarily because Alexander no longer needed their goodwill. 

He was intent on acquiring the method for mass-producing Ghost Pills during this Instance. Once he left Mist Instance, it would be time for Dark Hell to consume Horror World. 

Both their ghost realms were also on the list to be absorbed, so there was no need for excessive politeness.