
As long as you have the courage, fierce ghosts go on maternity leave.

Alexander, a world-class sales training expert and a holder of the Social Tyrant certification, found himself transported to a parallel universe, entering a world that seemed straight out of a horror story. However, this world wasn't as terrifying as he had initially thought. In this realm, being a social maestro meant you could do almost anything you pleased. Leveraging his exceptional social skills, Alexander turned even the most fearsome ghosts into friends. Moreover, as his rapport with them grew, he received additional rewards. Affinity Level 60 Headless Ghost: "If you like, I can give you this head as a keepsake." Affinity Level 100 Female Ghost Teacher: "Darling, stay with me tonight, and let me show you what the Ice and Fire truly feel like!"

DaoistpjUWEL · Urban
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391 Chs

A massive loophole

In Mysterious Instances, finding a way to break the cycle is actually not difficult. 

Take the current Instance for example; the lingering spirit causing the cycle clearly aims to annihilate or torment a specific force. 

According to the information Alexander has gathered, each cycle lessens the spirit's obsession a bit until it eventually vanishes entirely.

For a cycle to reach the scale we see now, the spirit's obsession must be immense, signifying that its intent has never been fulfilled. 

For instance, the person it wants to kill may have survived to the end, or their death was not sufficiently painful. As a result, repeated cycles not only fail to dissolve the lingering spirit's obsession but intensify it, turning it into a frightening Mysterious Instance.