
As Long As You Are With Me

The familiar arms hugged Somya from behind, claiming her waist. "Hey, naughty! What are you doing?" she gently rebuked him while concentrating on her cooking. "Why didn't you wake me up yourself, instead a servant had to do it?" he complained with a hoarse voice. "You know that it's Sam's birthday today. I still have things to prepare for," she explained. Mr. Varun Kashyap, who had always been an early bird, suddenly started sleeping till late. Because he loved to hear the sweet singing of his dear wife and her stirring him up with a sweet kiss every morning. But today, he woke up angrily because if he was not careful enough, he might have ended up kissing the servant. All thanks to his wife's important work, which was just taking care of that Little Fella. "You only care for him. You don't care for me anymore," he complained and hid his face in her hair, wailing like a cute abandoned puppy. The innocent act melted Somya's heart, and she turned to console him. "No hubby...Mmmm..." but before she could utter anything, he lifted her chin to force a deep and passionate kiss as punishment. "Cough!" They were interrupted by someone's coughing, and Somya caught her mother-in-law standing on the doorstep. Seeing her mother-in-law standing in front of her, Somya felt like she could die of embarrassment. 'How come my mother-in-law finds me doing such an act. Somya, you are done for! All thanks to this nice innuendo! huh!' She started glared at her husband after her mother took her leave. Somya lunged towards him to smack his shoulder. But in the attempt, the flour on her hands ruined his shirt and they both tumbled on the floor, on top of each other. Varun, being a smart Devil, grabbed the chance to lick Somya at all his favorite places. Hardly suppressing her moan, Somya reprimanded him by hitting his shoulder. "Seriously! Who the hell licks raw dough? It isn't something sweet or tasty." "Oh, honey! It's so sweet because you touched it. Let's continue what we were doing earlier." He attacked her lips with his, silencing her again. ******************************** In a dark room, under the reflection of moonlight, a man was standing in his black cloak. He had golden eyes and was staring at the full moon in the sky. Hearing footsteps from behind, he turned to see Rahul standing there. "I...locked her!" Rahul showed a key to him. Looking at the key, Varun's eyes shone deep golden color before he closed them. After few moments, when his eyes returned to normal, he responded, "Good. Later no matter what happens, don't let her out." "But will you be fine, by yourself? Let me join you. Somya isn't going to wake up anytime soon anyways." "No need. Just take care of her for me," Varun replied in his chilly voice. "Aren't we cheating on her by doing this? If anything happened to you, I won't be able to stand her curses," Rahul tried to stop him. "I don't want my yesterday to affect our tomorrow. I had her room spelled. She won't be able to hear the charmer's voice unless you open the gates for her," Varun then started moving towards the door. Rahul sighed but didn't stop him. "Rahul, you won't be getting the chance to hear her curses. They're only for me to hear," he heard him say. Note: This story revolves around a Forbidden Indian Folklore. A Mysterious Fantasy Romance coming ahead! It's a slow-burn book, so please be patient readers!

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72 Chs

The Carnival!

"Sing something to make me believe you are bad at singing." Somya tried to lure him.

Varun turned to look at her, "Why?"

"To make me believe you are bad at singing."

"No. I am asking why do you want me to sing so badly?"

"Because you need it."


"Singing is a way to let yourself free, without any worries or restrictions. You look like someone who loves to restrict his thoughts."


"So relax, Gorgeous. I won't tell anyone how bad you are at singing."

Varun ignores this Spiritual Bunny but ponders about her word.

"'So, where are we going?' shouldn't you ask me something like this?"

"To the address you gave me." he again joked with a straight face.

"Uff! Honey, why are you so foolish." she tried to flirt.

Varun raised an eyebrow at her. Lately, she is becoming more and more courageous with her words.

"Lemme tell you. We are going to a Carnival. Yay!"

"But you said you want to treat me?" Varun frowned at this.

"Oh, yea! We will have a treat as well as fun there."

"Don't tell me your 'Carnival' is actually an Adventure Park?"

"No. You will get to know once we reach."

After 15 minutes of drive, they finally reached their destination.

Entering the Carnival, they saw many stalls of food, games, shopping, and rides. Somya gets excited and hurriedly dragged Varun in the direction of the rides.

Varun had never been to a carnival, so it's his first time here. He looked here and there curiously. There were many people due to the weekend off. Rides were looking pretty interesting, and so do the food.

"So, what do you want to try first?" Somya asked him.

"Hmm." Varun was busy in observing surrounding.

"It's your first time in a carnival?"

"Yes," he replied honestly.

"Oh! Then, let me tell you, it's the famous Festival Carnival. We can have food, play games, buy things or enjoy rides here as you can see. As you are new here, so you should be the one to choose what to do first. Wanna try eating something?"

" Anything but not street food," he declines her offer.

But Somya being herself, pulled him along with her to paneer tikka stall.

"Hey! I am not eating this," he tried to stop her from ordering two tikkas, but she did what she wants.

First, she took a bite of the tikka to check if it's tasty enough, then her eyes widened in surprise to find it delicious.

"Here," Somya brought a paneer tikka near his mouth. "Try this. You will love it. Please. You can kill me if you don't like it."

She gestures again and again for him to take it. Varun finally sighs and, as always, gives in to her.

Being born in an upper class, he had never tried street food before. He stares at the tikka like it's his worst enemy at the moment. Finally, he took a bite but surprisingly, he found it tasty. But there's no way he would tell that to her.

" How's it? How's it?" Somya asked like a curious cat.

"Fine," Somya pouted like a child and dragged him forward to try a ride now.

"Let's try Pendulum Ride?" as always, Somya moved without waiting for his reply marched towards the ticket counter.

"Let's go!" she said while waiving ride tickets at him.

They both get on the ride, and the ride started.

Somya was looking exactly like a little excited little scared child. "SCREAM," she ordered Varun when the ride reached its height, and everyone started shouting.

Varun was busy reading the number of emotions on her face, so he didn't hear her.

Somya got angry and pinched his thigh very hard and ordered again, "SCREAM!"

Varun felt he would bleed if he didn't scream, so he joined her in hooting and started shouting like anybody else.

"How was it?" she asked.

"Ride? It was good, but I had tried a much bigger one before," he replied.

"No. I am asking how was the after feeling of scream? Don't you feel light after it?"

"What's next?" he ignores her question.

"The Big Wheel!"

They rode the Big Wheel, and when the wheel reached its height, Somya was too scared to open her eyes. She had her eyes closed tightly, and her arms were tightly clutching the seat's handle. Varun saw this and smirks. He taps lightly on her shoulder, intending to tease her.

"Look, there's something." He was pointing down.

She opens her eyes to see what's it. But looking at the ant-like humans down there, she closed her eyes even more tightly.

Varun smiles at her childishness.

After coming down, Somya immediately felt hungry and pulled Varun towards different street stalls. She made him eat everything, and he pretended that he didn't like anything. Suddenly, a crowd gathered in a corner, so they went there to see what's happening. There, a singing game was going on in which people were challenging each other to sing. Somya immediately went over the moon and rushed forward with Varun.

"Wait!" Varun pulled her to stop.

"What!" she asked. Her excitement was evident on her face. Varun doesn't have the heart to kill her excitement, so he said, "You go. I'll wait here."

"Why?" Somya frowned. She remembered something and asked him cheekily, "Are you worried if a great beauty challenged you, you can't escape? Come on, Angry Young Man. People there are much worse than us in singing, but they are still doing it. Let's sing too. Please. I will really appreciate your bad singing," she made a pitiful face.

~Something about you

make me feel a little

more alive and a far

less lost~