
As it was: remember my wife

Asong_Rophine · Urban
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4 Chs

Tangling with a Billionaire

As always, Elle was controlling it by biting her red lips to stop the nervousness, she took three steps towards the highway, and after several breathing exercises, Elle ruffled her blonde hair with pink highlights.

Growing up Giselle Cherry had never thought that she will be standing at midnight by an old roadside which hardly anyone

uses looking like a ghost with messed up hair and melted mascara as it ran down her cheeks like one who was crying the entire day. That was how miserably she looked, at least her faded jeans and tank top made her seem more human than a walking vampire.

In her mind, Elle went over the plan repeatedly saying her last prayers she jumped into the road the moment she saw a car speeding towards her.

* Bang *

The lady was knocked over by the limited edition Maybach which merely touched her.

" Fuck! " the driver of the motor gasped when he heard a loud sound.

" What happened? " a cold husky voice from behind hollered without shifting his gaze from the papers in his hands.

Hayden, the driver could not mutter any more words, he knew he was in trouble. His boss had warned him earlier to slow down but he replied saying this road is infrequently used and it will be almost impossible for one to use this road, especially at this time.

They were from the airport and were headed to a hotel for rest due to the jet lag and now this ...

Hayden let out a sigh, taking in all the courage he needed to crucify himself on a golden platter, no- no a silver one. He's going to be killed and his body will be found by wolves before the police.

From the review mirror, he could sense the intense stare from his boss.

"Boss, I think we knocked down someone "Hayden stuttered pressing his hands on the steering wheel. Their eyes locked and Hayden swallowed hard and corrected himself " I may have knocked down someone "

A surge of anger rose, his once rosy lips now had a grin and green eyes flair of his rage. He was awestruck by the information he got after minutes, in which this person must have died.

" Get out of the fucking car " his voice thundered.


Chris carried the girl to his car. His cold eyes warmed up by the sight of this girl. Though her eyes were closed, her long neck and alluring lips made her extremely beautiful. The smashed make-up failed at making her look ugly it was an art poor attempt for her beauty alleviated.

Hayden offered an opened bottle of water.

Instantly, Chris took the bottle and sprinkled it on her face. His eyes became red, Hayden wiped his face at the thought of hallucinating did he see tears in his boss's eyes.

Next, Chris locked the car doors to keep Hayden outside.

In confusion, he peered but the windows were tinted and he could not see anything. What was his boss up to with this stranger?

Why, did his boss fall for this woman?

No, it is impossible his boss has a wide and he loves her like crazy. This girl has no chance though she is really pretty but not as pretty as Bos's wife.

In the car, Chris had removed her tank top and was hand fanning with some important documents. The girl was now wearing a bare bra. Her long lashes flickered and she open her eyes, they were dark brown and added beauty to her face.

Their gaze met and she hugged the stranger stroking his black luxuriant hair.

" Henry, oh...henry " she closed her eyes tightly and shrilled.

Chris was more confused about whatever was happening. He tried to pull her off yet she held him tighter crying and calling out to Henry.

" I have been waiting for you, for ages and... " her soft and sweet voice echoed in the car.

letting go of the stranger, Elle took a glance and placed a peck on his lips. When their eyes met again, she faded

