
As Grimmjow in Solo Levelling

NobodyWillNotice · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


"Who was that?" Grimmjow asks Su-Ho as he lays on top of his hotel room's bed.

Su-Ho floats to his side. "I believe that was Chief Inspector Woo Jin-Chul, a top ranking A-Rank Hunter." She explains with one hand on her chin.

"Top ranking A-Rank Hunter? Such a mouthful." Grimmjow mutters before sitting upright. "Then what about Korea's S-Ranks? Seeing as how they have one of the best A-Ranks, surely the S-Ranks have to be decent." He shoots another question at his guide.

Su-Ho awkwardly chuckles at the question before clearing her throat. "Although Korea originally had nine S-Rank Hunters, only five are still alive, the other four were all killed in action." She says, as Grimmjow calmly listens, not knowing whether nine S-Rank Hunters in one country is good or bad.

"The country is also known for having some of the weakest S-Rank Hunters in the world and for being the only country to have ever lost their land to an S-Rank Gate. As a result, our S-Rank Hunters are seen in a poor light." Su-Ho finishes, causing Grimmjow to know that nine S-Ranks, or six in this case, is weak for a country.

"I see. And the rankings only stop at S-Rank?" He asks just to be sure, as usually writers introduce a higher level of power later on in the story.

"No... There's also National-Rank Hunters, but Korea doesn't have one..." She states with a downcast expression. It still is her Country, whether she's dead or not.

"The protagonist is definitely here..." Grimmjow muses, ignoring the ghost's confused look. "Who's the weakest?" He asks as his eyes turn sharp.

"Weakest..?" Su-Ho mutters. "Oh! There's this Hunter that everybody calls the weakest, as he always gets hurt, even against Goblins... But I don't know who he is..." She spoke with uncertainty.

"Gotcha." Grimmjow says out loud. "We're gonna look for him tomorrow." He states before turning the lights off and turning to his side, interested in the so-called weakest Hunter.


"Hmm..." Grimmjow hums, his eyes narrowed onto the body of a short, scrawny young man with black hair long enough to completely cover his ears. "Sung Jin-Woo." He mutters, watching on as the boyish looking man walks through a Gate with the rest of the team.

Grimmjow vanishes from his spot and appears within the Gate, only for a second, as he disappears into the cave, silently following behind the team.


"Ugh." Sing Jin-Woo barely blocks the goblin's strike at his vital area. "Ha." He lets out a breath as he pushes the goblin's hand away with his blade, only to be struck by the goblin's other hand, causing him to fall down with a bloody wound on his forehead.


a Blade protrudes from the goblin's stomach, resulting in the goblin's death.

"Tsk. Wasting my time." a Man spoke as he retrieves the sword from the goblin's stomach. Of course this man spoke to Jin-Woo. The whole team knew. But they had to get another Hunter to fill the numbers. Sadly Jin-Woo was the only one they could get to fill the team.


(Grimmjow POV)

I'd be pissed too to be honest. Having such dead weight on the team is truly laughable. But I need to take this young man seriously... He's this world's saving grace.

If my assumptions are correct, Jin-Woo here will receive the full powers of one of the beings who gave the powers to them, as God said, and He'll be fighting against the others, because nothing in the world comes free.

Guess I found the protagonist, the weakest to the strongest is used in fiction writing quite often, so I'm 90% sure that I found him. But I still have to go search for other candidates just to be sure.

I stand up and take one last look at Jin-Woo, who by now is being healed by a healer on their team, before I use Sonido to exit the Gate unseen.

Time to find me some protagonists...


(3rd POV)

For the next few hours of the day, Grimmjow could be seen stalking different F-Rank Gates for possible protagonist candidates, only for his thought to be proven correct. Jin-Woo is the only one who fits the criteria of a protagonist.

After his whole stalking fiasco, Grimmjow retires to the now peaceful Hotel room. Peaceful how? Easy. He just sent the talkative ghost on an adventure.

---Flashback to that Morning---

"Su-Ho." Grimmjow called out after he saw the ghost trying to follow him in order to look for Jin-Woo. "I need you to do something else."

Su-Ho knit her eyebrows together. "What..?" She hesitatingly asked.

"You can't be the only one who died in Korea." Grimmjow started explaining. "I want you to gather a few ghosts for me."

"What? Why?" Su-Ho asked in confusion.

"What do you mean why?" Grimmjow scoffed. "Ghosts can't be seen by the naked eye."

"So?" Su-Ho questions.

"They're basically the best information gathering unit on the planet." Grimmjow explained with a satisfied expression. "It'll be the best army. The Army of the undead."

---End of Flashback---

"Hopefully she'll be out of my hair for a few days, as I need to plan ahead for a few things." Grimmjow mutters. "There's no doubt in my mind that the top brass already know about me and that I'll be going to evaluate my Rank in two days, so there's a great chance that they'll be spectating my evaluation to see if I'm a threat or not. That's what I would've done if someone as strong as me suddenly appeared in my backyard." He muses as he gently lays down on the bed.

"First spectate the variable while staying neutral in your decisions, before choosing whether or not to go against it. Depending on how he is..." Grimmjow's eyes widen a bit. "Oh! That's why Woo Jin-Chul asked who I am... He meant it in a sense of 'Are you against us or not?'."

"Hmm... Guess that won't be the last I'll be seeing of him..." Grimmjow turns to his side before closing his eyes, letting rest lay claim to his person.

[AN: Whazuuuup? I will probably be writing another few chapter later on... Maybe 2 or something, but not now cause I'm gonna go play some games. Still can't sleep well so I'm tryna keep myself entertained. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, although there's barely action right now, there will be later on just trust the process. Anyway, cheers guys.]