
as Gohan in Dragon Ball series with some wish

I am writing first tine this kind of thing and english is not my first lenguage so please forgive me . Dragon ball series and character are respectively their own creators and credit goes to them I am only fan writing a fabric and using their character. Ok please enjoy.

siddhaetha · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

When I wake up I found myself in completely surrounded by darkness .I first thought all this things just happened were hallucination but when I found all those hand to hand and close combats technique I know all this real .

mc : "sign,now question is where am I?"

I mentally sign again .


/some time later /

from the studying my surrounding I come to conclusions that #1 I am in coma or paralyze and no way to contact body or #2 that I hoping for ,my soul is processes for reincarnation.

All I can do now is wait and see what happens.

I can not go to my pocket dimension all I can do I only wait . Well not exactly I can familiarize with all those technique that I given to me,what do you think I master them instantly well I not a fighter in previous world.

I don't know how much it will help me I this crazy superpower world where people can destroy planet with flick of a finger . Now I am regretting my decision.At lest I can grow one of strongest being .Let back to studies ,well I love doing studies .(A: I don't love or like it)


[from here on I referring mc as gohan .

also gohan age(from wiki) in db series like:

age 4 or 5 : reditz saga

age 6 : vegita saga

age 6 :frieza saga

age 7 :trunks saga

age 10: android saga

age 11(physical for time chamber):cell saga

age 18: buu saga

age 21:dbsupers start

also I don't know how to write r-18 or

romantic staff if there any mistakes please forgive me]


/time skip /

I don't know who much I time I have to wait for but at least I learn most of the technique at

advanced or beginner level.

Suddenly an incredible pain hit me and I cry out loud .A few seconds later I hear chatter in a know lenguage.From what I can gather I am finally born as gohan,two they are speaking is Japanese I think so ,not proficient in Japanese.


/time skip 3 month/

hello I am son gohan now in son's family house with my mother chichi ,dad holy and grandpa ox king .Grandpa ox recently shifted here to help mom .

Because of my god bless innate talent I already almost understand what are they saying .Also my mom already decided I am going to be a scholar well don't hate the decision,but I am also going to be a fighter ,sorry mom.

I also went in my pocket dimension.To get there when ever you sleeping you have to order in your head to go there.It not like you teleported there ,it just your consciousness go there as physical body but it help your body ,ki,everything. The function is simple , there are robots doll that can help me in any technique that I learn.Let's take for example all martial act technique from earth they have max level,ki control max level,ki technique that's I know like ki enhanced and ki ball max level.Also that for apply for magic and soul or spirit power. Yes they are op . For magic and soul power I don't have any ideas or technique but I can feel them .So I decided I am going to train them all three in control and capacity first then I am going all body and technique.

Also seal is working I can feel I have at list near 25 time ki capacity then dad/goku who in this time line have power level at near 300.


/time skip ,gohan age 2 years /

this 2 years I am training in ki control .I think I have at least 60% in completion to full ki control ,this also help me increase power level slightly .I don't touch in magic or spirit power or haki.

Also to please my mom I show then prodigy in studies. For my good and bad luck mom agreed to learn martial art from dad and spend time playing some things,for bad news her obsessions increase in make me scholar.


/time skip the day before reditz arrival /

I hear dad talking mom to let me go with him tomorrow in reunion at master Roshi's turtle island.

So dbz stories beginning everything things going to hell.I preparing for this for 2 years . I am training and learn new technique from dad and mastering the from my op dolls. I have at least power level of 12000 big but I can only control and use 70% of full power (8400) if I use more than that it heavily damage my body.I am strong but not strong as vegita or frieza.Though I didn't learn any magic or soul technique my I start lean my observation haki with my training dolls help.I can feel and see anything in 15 miter radius it does not matter it a human fist or a ball .I think I should learn armament haki before going namek.

Now I have to make a big decision to let dad die or save him.Because of dads death dad learn kaioken and sprite bomb and also that's why piccolo became good and ally to goku. So I have to make my decision.

[ Change in Power Level,

Goku: 480(because training with gohan)

Gohan:12000(control over 8400)

Gohan:120(seal and to show)]

For those who are reading this fan fiction is will be short I think and will not have any other anime crossover other than db series

siddhaethacreators' thoughts