
Thoughts and Plans

Qinxu's Thoughts

Qinxu, the oldest demon beast, gazed at the man standing before him in the Immortal Realm. The man exuded an aura of power and killing intent that made even Qinxu, with his millenniums of experience, shudder. It was clear that this being held ridiculous amounts of power, power which weild incorrectly could potentially disrupt the delicate balance of peace in their realm.As he observed the man, Qinxu couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and curiosity in his old bones. Who was this being, and what were his intentions in the Immortal Realm? Qinxu knew that he had to tread carefully, for one wrong move could lead to catastrophic consequences for the Beast clans.

Despite his apprehension, Qinxu couldn't deny the allure of the man's power. It was unlike anything he had ever encountered before, and he had encountered many things during his journey. He found himself drawn to it in a way that both fascinated and frightened him. He saw how the man's mere presence seemed to command respect and obedience from those around him. It was clear that he was not to be underestimated, in fact Qinxu felt that he was even stronger than him and he was a 7th stage Saint Emperor

As he pondered the man and his intentions, Qinxu realized that he had a crucial decision to make. Should he align himself with this powerful being, or should he take a stand against him to protect the peace of the realm? In the end, Qinxu knew that he had to trust his instincts and follow his own path. The fate of the Beast Clans rested in his hands, and he was determined to do whatever it took to ensure that peace prevailed, no matter the cost.

The man spoke interrupting Qinxu's thoughts,


Shi Hao's thoughts

Shi Hao, the young emperor of the Desolate Empire, stood before a mysterious being whose power emanated a distinct scent of blood and battlefields. As Shi Hao gazed into the man'd eyes, he felt a shiver run down his spine. The being's gaze seemed to pierce through his very soul, searching for any hint of weakness or defiance. Shi Hao knew that any wrong move could spell disaster for his empire, as the nobles in his court were known for their arrogance and insensitivity towards those they deemed inferior.

This man, however, was not like any being Shi Hao had encountered before. Despite his gut telling him to run, Shi Hao stood his ground to not show fear in front of no being.As Shi Hao delt with his fear, he heard the being speak.


Chulong's Thoughts

Chulong gazed at the six-armed man standing before him, a formidable being with immense power. As he pondered how to manipulate this new variable to his advantage, a mischievous glint flickered in his eyes. His mind raced with possibilities, scheming and plotting ways to gain control over the six-armed man and ultimately conquer the Immortal Realm. Chulong knew that obtaining the Althorian World Seal and the Azure Dragon Blood, recorded in the Dragon Scrolls from the Aegon Tomb would solidify his place as the most powerful being in the realm. But this would not be an easy task as the man in front of him was stronger than him and he was a peak 8th stage Saint Emperor.

The six-armed man looks like a fierce warrior, he thought and extremely skilled in combat and unmatched in strength, if what my instincts are telling me along with those massive arms and that bloody aura. Chulong would have to rely on his cunning and wit to outsmart his opponent and achieve his goals. As Chulong made plans for the being in front of him, he heard it speak.
