
Soaring Popularity

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Seeing this, Darren wanted to persuade Lance again.

But he couldn't bring himself to say it.

Lance was right. With his talent, how could he stop at their company?

Lance was a rising star in the future stock market.

How could this pie fall into their company's hands for no reason?

As he realized that he could not keep him, Darren sighed and rubbed Lance's head.

"It's okay, we support your decision."

Two hours later.

After Darren and the company employees took turns asking questions, Lance finally had the chance to go home after answering their questions.

As Theodore drove Lance home, Lance was thinking about the future all along the way.

He propped his chin on his hand and stared blankly at the scenery outside the window.

Lance remembered that in his previous life, he had graduated from a top university.

And this time, he was determined to work hard towards entering university!

With a strong knowledge foundation, the road ahead would be easier.

Lance firmly believed this.

After thinking it through, Lance leaned back on his seat and rested.

Little did he know that the news of his bet with Darren had already spread.

"Shocking! An eight-year-old child can beat the manager of a famous company!"

"A genius eight-year-old child is born and a new star in the stock market is about to rise!"

"How is a genius nurtured?"

Various articles instantly spread across the Internet.

At the same time, various media outlets were scrambling to report on this matter. They acted fast, afraid of being a step behind and having their coverage stolen by their competitors.

For a while, the trending searches were all about the "eight-year-old prodigy."

When one clicked on the trending searches, one could see the netizens' comments.

[F*ck, an eight-year-old genius. This is really tough! I feel that I'm neither as experienced as the older generation nor as talented as the younger generation. I can't live like this anymore.]

[I didn't believe it at first, but to be able to defeat the manager of the famous Stock Market Center and win a million USD, I'm convinced! If there's such a person in the country, I can just relax and not worry about trying too hard.]

[No, do you all believe that this is true? Don't spread rumors. I don't believe an eight-year-old brat can have such talent.]

[Brother, if you don't have talent, don't slander the genius youth.]

[What genius youth? I think this is a rumor, only people like you believe it. Actually, all of this is fake.]

[No way, no way. There are even people arguing about this? This is something that many media outlets are fighting to report.]

[The media will also spread rumors. Don't you know this? I don't believe it. I definitely don't believe it.]


Just as the netizens were questioning, the Manhattan Stock Market Center saw that the popularity was rising and hurriedly edited a post and posted it on the online platform.

The post of the Manhattan Stock Market Center stood out.

[It's true! It's true!

Our company didn't believe it at first, but it has been proven that our manager was inferior to the prodigy!

This prodigy was simply ridiculous. After three days of operation, he successfully made 300,000. He had put us to shame.

Moreover, the manager had invited Lance to come to the company as a nominal employee. The conditions he gave were so generous that all our employees were jealous. But who would have thought that the prodigy would not agree!

Perhaps this was the difference between us and prodigies.

However, we won't be discouraged. The company will continue to work hard to get the prodigy on board!"]

Outside the screen, Theodore looked at the post and fell silent.

It had to be their company.

For the sake of popularity, the company would say anything.

Although it was the truth, he still felt embarrassed.

Then, Theodore flipped through the comments below.

[Is this company hacked?]

[No, I'm an employee of the company. I was there at that time and my jaw almost dropped.]

[Ugh, he's just bragging about this brat to gain popularity.]

[There are always people who don't believe me. What should I do? I look forward to the subsequent solution.]

[It's so popular. The company will have to accept all kinds of interviews.]


When he flipped to the last comment, Theodore silently gave him a thumbs up.

This person was right.

Darren, who had made a bet with Lance, was indeed being interviewed at this moment.

Because of the popularity, the reporters in charge of the interview had already surrounded Darren.

Darren was happy. This was the first time he had seen such a big scene.

"Excuse me, did you really lose to the so-called genius youth?"

"I heard that you're very experienced. As the eight-year-old prodigy has won against you, please comment."

"Please make a Professional comment for the company's post."

"Rumor has it that your company is exaggerating for the sake of popularity. Is this true?"


All kinds of questions piled up, but Darren was not in a hurry.

He waved his hand, signaling the reporters below to be quiet.

When the reporters saw this, although they were anxious, they still quietened down.

After the reporters calmed down, it was time for Darren to get excited.

He took the microphone with an excited expression and began to reply one by one.

"Yes, the loser of the bet with little Lance is me. However, after knowing his strength, I admit defeat."

"Regarding little Lance, I just want to say that he's amazing! He's only eight years old, but he can increase the capital of 50,000 by six times in three days without anyone guiding him. This is something I can't do either. I'm extremely impressed."

"I have to say, little Lance is really talented!"

"As for the post posted by our company, every word is true! All of you need not doubt it. You just have to remember one thing—Lance is a prodigy!"

Every word Darren said was powerful and resounding.

As soon as he finished speaking, the reporters below looked at each other.

"Ah, this…"

"I didn't expect it to be true."

"I'm really surprised. An eight-year-old prodigy. This popularity is going to explode."


They had wanted to come to the company to get something else out of Darren. Unexpectedly, Darren said that the rumors were true.

This was too unexpected.

Now, most people felt that this news was fake.

However, most reporters felt that when the interview appeared in the public eye, there would be fewer and fewer doubts about Lance being raised.

After all, which manager would be willing to belittle himself?

Unless the other party was really powerful! It was really admirable!

Just as these reporters thought, after this interview was announced, most of the netizens began to believe that Lance was a prodigy.

This caused Lance to rise to another level in the hearts of the investors.

Now, there were waves of people online who wanted to become Lance's disciple, spend a lot of money to eat with Lance, and meet Lance.

Someone even posted directly: [One million. I just want to meet up with Lance.]

This led to a buzz of discussion.

Of course, other than these netizens, there were also some people who firmly believed that this was a form of marketing.

No matter what kind of evidence was in front of them, they felt that the eight-year-old Lance could not be so smart.

They were still skeptical about this matter.

However, what they did not know was that the higher-ups had already noticed this matter.

Regarding whether Lance was a prodigy or not, they were about to obtain a definite answer!

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