
As a Villain in the Fictional World

"Ding! The strongest villain system is bound!" Traveling to a world where multiple novels are merged, and becoming a cannon fodder villain, and his fiancée is actually a deuteragonist! In order to survive, Fang Yu chose to become a complete villain! Plundering the protagonist's luck value and transform into villain's value. Ding! Physique +50! Ding! Charm value +30! Ding! Obtain the skill "Mind Reading!" ---------- Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/vsKywcFPfP

HarukiSensei · Urban
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141 Chs

Experimental Material

"Asshole!" Regardless of the blood on his face, Muzi roared and charged again, punching out his fists which is hard as steel but suddenly he felt like he was in a trance.

Then Fang Yu grabbed the fist easily. Then, he lifted his body into the air using his strength before slamming him to the ground.

Air roared out of the cramped area as the entire carriage violently vibrated.

Muzi lost his mind, roared once again, and rose up but in less than three seconds, he flew upside down as if it had been struck by a fast car, with a serious cut in his chest! Blood flows horizontally from his head.

"Aren't you powerful?" The dagger in Fang Yu's palm glittered coldly while his face remained expressionless: "Looks like you are just an ant, that I will crush it to death!"

Muzi looked at Fang Yu. His eyes were filled with horror and bewilderment! Is he really that weak?