
As A Symbiote In Harry Potter

what did i do for me to die and be part of some novel chapters? i was a normal dude. but Noooo. i died, met the author of this fanfiction, and got sent to some universe with a slimy power. the only thing good about this is that, multiverse exists. This is my second work, you can go check both out and help me set my english better.. please?

SpiritFest13 · Book&Literature
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Yesterday... I was in an accident... And today.. I have a surgery...I just remembered that I have a webnovel acc to post fanfics on..

I will mostly be out for this week.. and will upload mostly the next week or the week after that.. I don't know.

So I just wanted to notify you guys about it. I'm sorry.. but I have to focus on my health first..

Thank you for being patient for now.