
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · Anime & Comics
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311 Chs

[302] The Ryougi Families' Probe

Sorting out his thoughts, Kazuya prepared to draw a bit first and then send it to JUMP for serialization.

However, he hesitated a bit.

The current publishing environment at JUMP is getting worse.

Especially for new mangaka.

Not only are there numerous masterpieces, but he himself is already serializing two works, "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" and "Bleach." If he adds another one... that would be three simultaneously.

Moreover, the positions on JUMP are limited.

The storage capacity for new mangaka is poor, and now there are suddenly three...

Even Kazuya felt a bit embarrassed.

However, it was just a slight embarrassment, and he still planned to continue serialization on JUMP, without intending to change that.

After finishing washing up, Kazuya changed into new clothes. Instead of hurrying to the company, he planned to visit the Ryougi family, but...

"It's raining."

Opening the window, the drizzling rain gave a refreshing feeling.

"Let's drive there."


"Hmm..." When Shiki opened her eyes, it was still early in the morning.

No one came to call her for breakfast, allowing her to enjoy this rare tranquility a bit.

The room is almost empty, just a bed, a cabinet, and a chair.

Nothing else.

However, she likes this clean and simple room.

Although, there are still some unnecessary items in this kind of room.

A device that plays music called a "walkman," and two dolls, one is a rabbit, and the other is a cat.

The person who gave them to her occasionally says he's like a rabbit, and sometimes says he's like a cat.

It's really incomprehensible, how is she similar to these harmless things?

Yes, these are all harmless, at least compared to herself. Even if she were to compare, she should be likened to things that are more dangerous and have more danger.

After all, she is a killer.

A murderer.

Although... for some reason, she always can't go through with it.

Every time, at a critical moment, she always stops. Her body naturally stops, no matter who she faces.

"Shiki-sama, breakfast is ready."

"I know, Akitaka."

Answering the person who broke this tranquility behind the door, she indeed can't continue like this. It's already this time.

However, even so, she doesn't leave.

She walked to the window, opened it.

"It's raining." Saying this, her body slightly stiffened, looking at a familiar thing, or rather, a familiar car.

"That is—?"

Closing the window, changing into new clothes, as if wanting to confirm something, her pace was slightly faster than when she went to eat breakfast. She walked to the place where she usually has breakfast.

There, two people were already sitting.

"Good morning, Shiki. I came to see you." The man said something that was a bit annoying, ah, it must be because her father is nearby and he knows she won't explode?

She's not happy.

Probably not.

She herself doesn't quite understand what emotions she has now... anyway, it feels good.


"How do you view Shiki?" Shiki's father, the current head of the ryougi family, looked at the young man in front of him.

Last time, the internal matters of the ryougi family had already been discussed.

Including him, everyone didn't care about Kazuya's age.

This might be something that needs calculation and consideration for an ordinary family.

However, for a family like the ryougi family, it's completely unnecessary.

In reality, no matter what kind of man Shiki marries in the future, it doesn't matter to the ryougi family because those things are not important. The only thing needed for the continuation of the ryouhi family is Shiki and the children she will have in the future.

These are indispensable elements.

As for other third elements, it doesn't matter at all.

Although... from the perspective of the ryougi family head, these things are not difficult at all. After all, the ryougi family doesn't need to worry about whether there will be people willing or not.

However... if possible.

As a father, he still wants to consider Shiki's happiness.

If this man, Kurokawa Kazuya, is just a friend who will only stay with Shiki for a few months or even one or two years, he won't have such thoughts.


It's been eight or nine years.

In a bit, it will be close to ten years.

In such a long time, whether it's Shiki or Kurokawa Kazuya, their feelings haven't changed. There hasn't been any disgust or fear of each other.

For a decade, it should be enough to discern a person's character, temperament, and other aspects.

In his view, no matter from which perspective, Kurokawa Kazuya is very suitable, but... he's too suitable.

If he has no money, it's fine. If he has no fame, it's fine.

The ryougi family doesn't lack these things, and they don't have great ambitions, just maintaining the continuation of the family is enough.

Of course, no one will give up the possibility of going further.

However, precisely because Kurokawa Kazuya's conditions are too outstanding, can he accept the redundancy? If it were an ordinary person, it wouldn't matter, but... Kurokawa Kazuya is not an ordinary person.

The energy behind him is not weak.

Letting such a person become redundant...

Too difficult.

However, Shiki is absolutely impossible to marry! Unless the ryougi family is completely destroyed, there is no possibility!

So, he plans to make a little test, ask, ask the young man in front of him about his views on Shiki.


Kurokawa Kazuya smiled: "She's cute. Well... the type that becomes cuter as she grows older."

"Is that so..." The head of the ryougi family remained silent for a moment, and this couldn't be considered useful information: "Then..."

"Good morning, Shiki. I came to see you." After Kurokawa Kazuya finished speaking, he looked at the head of the ryougi family with some confusion: "What's wrong?"

"No..." The head of the ryougi family shook his head: "Let's talk about it when we have time later."


If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my patreon which already contains 30 chapters: 
