
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

[205] Snake!


Looking at the Command Spells in his hand, a man with orange hair laughed heartily.

"It really appeared, huh, Command Spells... Command Spells... The Holy Grail has chosen me! The Holy Grail believes that my thoughts are correct! Well... but where will the Holy Grail War take place? Fuyuki City? Ah~~ maybe not there... but well, I'll find a way."

Ryunosuke Uryu, the escaped convict, laughed with joy.

In the past few years, he had tried to explore the mysteries of this world, to delve into magic, but just like Kazuya at the beginning, he gained nothing, encountered nothing.

However, at this moment, the Command Spells appeared!

He watched as a little by little, they manifested on the back of his hand.

"Heh... Haha, perhaps this is a revelation from the gods. Ah, truly grateful to you, God. Well then... I need to prepare for a good performance. A script that is more suitable for the arrival of Bluebeard."


The Church...

Kirei Kotomine continued to walk deeper.

Passing by nuns and priests, their gazes kept falling on him, or more precisely, on the Command Spells on the back of his right hand.

Command Spells—

This time, he was once again endowed with Command Spells by the Holy Grail.

"Indeed, Kirei Kotomine, you are a person deeply steeped in sin."

"Yes, Your Excellency Archbishop."

Kirei bowed his head, still expressionless, as he continued to speak. The person in front of him was one of the high-ranking members of the Church, Archbishop Alvin.

"But, as an executor of this sin, it is necessary."

"Indeed, it is as you say." Alvin looked at Kirei and then at the Command Spells on the back of his hand. Truth be told, he was surprised.

To receive Command Spells from the Holy Grail again, what kind of rare occurrence was this in the history of the Holy Grail War?

Probably none.

After all, the Holy Grail Wars before were held once every sixty years.

But this time was different.

This time, the new Holy Grail War had started quickly.

So, someone like him would be chosen for the second time.

"Well... Kirei Kotomine, twice, huh? Twice. If the description of your previous selection was a bit too lenient to describe your sin, now... I can say there is no trace of all the evil in this world. Although it is called the Holy Grail of Fuyuki City, the essence has changed. To be chosen again by the Holy Grail like this... you might have the qualifications of a saint."

"A saint? Me?" Kirei's tone had a hint of fluctuation, a hint of a smile. There was a mocking tone in his voice.

To be called a person with the qualities of a saint...

"Yes! You have the qualifications of a saint!" Alvin smiled and patted Kirei on the shoulder. "From confusion, through sin, and then, under the brilliance of this church and the brilliance of God, understanding the true value of oneself. Contribute yourself for the sake of God!"

Saying that, he leaned close to Kirei's ear. "Is there anything better than this to fill the emptiness in a person?"

"None—! Such feelings simply do not exist! So go..."

Alvin smiled. "Go search for the Holy Grail. Although it's not a true divine item, the magical power inside it is too strong, making people helpless."

"This is..."

"Yes, it is your mission!" Alvin shouted loudly. "Conant! Ambrose Conant!"

Hearing this name, Kirei's pupils contracted slightly... He knew about Ambrose Conant from the Church. He was considered one of the top in the Executors, though not as powerful as some of the Burial Agency members. Still, he was one of the characters closest to them.

In his hands, there was a record of subjugating high-level Dead Apostle.


"Alright, Archbishop." Saying so, a man named Ambrosius Conant approached from the side.

The man was tall, standing at a full two meters. One eye was a normal human eye, while the other shimmered with a cold, metallic light.

There was also a long scar on his face, stretching down to his neck.

This was left when he fought with a high-level Dead Apostle.

At that time, he lost one eye, his mouth was completely torn open, and with the Church's technology, he managed to put himself back together.

"Introductions aside, this one, like you, is an Executor, Ambrosius Conant." Archbishop Alvin said, "His mission is to protect you because, according to our Church's intelligence, that woman from the Mage's Association is also preparing to make a move..."

"That woman...?"

"Yes." Alvin's face darkened when he mentioned her name. "The Queen of the Clock Tower, Barthomeloi. She's a tricky character... even among the members of the Burial Agency, not everyone might be her match. The only ones who could truly contend with her under the brilliance of God are probably the Heroic Spirits."

"Well, or better said, through the Executors." Alvin raised an eyebrow. "Anyway, let's not talk about that. He is responsible for protecting you, and your responsibility is to obtain the Holy Grail."

"I understand. I will do my best."

Kirei said as he glanced at Ambrosius Conant beside him...

He was supposed to protect him, but in reality, he was probably more of a surveillance.

This man, weak even among Executors, might not be able to handle him. Even if he were a powerful Heroic Spirit, he might have the ability to escape. But once he did something outrageous...

At that time, what he faced might not be the Executors but the Burial Agency.


Thinking like this, he felt a bit excited in his heart.

"And then... we have prepared the Holy Relic for you." Alvin said, picking up a box from the side and handing it over to Kirei with a smile. "Open it and see. You will surely be satisfied with this Holy Relic."

Kirei slowly opened the box and, looking inside, he was stunned...

"A snake fossil..."

"Yes, after all, the Tohsaka family is a friend of our Church. After hearing about your thoughts here, they offered this Holy Relic. It's a wise move. So, use it to summon the strongest Heroic Spirit and win this Holy Grail War."

Looking at the Holy Relic, Kirei couldn't help but make a slight groan. "Gilgamesh..."


If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my patreon which already contains 30 chapters: 
