
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

[184] Dead Apostle

The train slowly came to a stop, and the doors opened automatically.

People scattered outside, one by one, walked in.

The number was not large, counting all of them, including Kazuya , it wasn't more than ten.

"It seems we can go in now," Kazuya said, looking at the umbrella in his hand. "It looks like there's nothing special about it in the rain."

"Well, let's go in first."

"Ah." Kazuya nodded and looked around. He glanced at the magical power meter in his arms; he had already turned it off. Otherwise, in front of such a strong magical power source, it might explode!

Can feel it—

Kazuya could feel it, a sensation coming from that train...

It seemed like countless things were mixed together, creating a chaotic feeling, much stronger than his own life energy... No, tens of times stronger. This thing... was dangerous.

Even more so than the aura Dio emitted with his time-stopping ability and the breath of the ultimate life form Kars, who had just transformed.

The back of his shirt was slightly damp.

He touched his black gloves on his right hand, feeling a bit more at ease.

This thing was also valuable. Just now, the peoples from the Department of Policies didn't notice anything at all.

Moreover, this thing had excellent ripple conductivity—not... it was quite good, better than any material he had seen so far in terms of ripple conductivity, even surpassing that appeared in Part 2 of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure."

If this thing had perfect ripple conductivity...

This thing was about 100% suitable; not only did it have top-notch ripple conductivity, but it also had a certain degree of amplification effect.

And it had strong defense capabilities. For example, a regular handgun, even firing at this glove at point-blank range, wouldn't cause any damage. However, when it was filled inside with the prosthetic arm made by Touko Aozaki, similar to a normal human hand, it was a bit different. The hand, struck by the bullet, slightly bled, and the bones were slightly damaged.

Seeing all this... he even thought that this world might have something similar to the Red Stone of Aja.

Now he was fully armed... Whether facing the Mystic Eye Collection Train or other magus, he had corresponding confidence... Finish everything in one go here, so that he could avoid some troubles later.

Just relying on the information from the Jewel Guy was not enough.

Many magus were suspicious...

And if during this process, the news spread that "Kurokawa Kazuya has purchased a Mystic Eye and now has the Mystic Eye..."

It would directly interrupt the thoughts of those who wanted to do something later.

Although the Mystic Eye Collection Train was only a rumor circulating in the upper echelons of the mysterious world, it was already enough.

High-level magus gave up their thoughts, and low-level ones did not have the courage...

They walked into the Mystic Eye Collection Train, and a refreshing scent filled the air. On the tables in the carriages were various fruits, and some people who seemed to have boarded the train before them...

Probably those who boarded at the previous station.

There wasn't just one station.

"Oh, you must be Kurokawa Kazuya?" As soon as they entered the car, Kazuya heard a loud shout. For a moment, everyone looked over.

Several people were too focused before and didn't hear the conversation between his and the peopels from the Department of Policies. However, the expressions of several people in the train changed.

It seemed like they discovered something was wrong and turned their gaze over.

"Dead Apostle..."

At this moment, a sturdy-faced man who boarded the train together with Kazuya spoke.

"Hmm? What, I thought it was someone else?" The Dead Apostle who spoke just now, a man, sat down, took a bite of an apple, and cracked a smile: "Isn't this a person from the Holy Church?"

The atmosphere inside the train became tense.

Dead Apostle, Mage's Association, Department of Policies, Holy Church... and Kurokawa Kazuya.

In this small carriage, the focus of the entire mysterious world gathered.

The atmosphere unknowingly became tense. Kazuya could clearly sense it. A blatant killing intent permeated the carriage.

The internal ripple energy began to gather, maintaining the ripple breath, he didn't let others feel anything wrong.

However... he had already prepared for the battle.

The ripple could be activated at any time. With one hand, his left hand also quietly pulled the coat to one side. Inside, it was already loaded with a Origin Bullet gun!



This kind of atmosphere disappeared.

At some point, a thin man appeared in the carriage.

Kazuya recognized him... he was the man he had seen beside the woman named Leandra!

However... at that time, he didn't find anything different about him, but now...

He could sense it!

This man had a different aura.

"Thank you for your cooperation. This train will depart on time tonight," he said, and behind him, the door closed. Accompanied by the whistle, the steam-operated train started.

"I am the conductor of this train, Rodin. I apologize for disturbing you at such a pleasant time."

"Haha, which eye did you see us having a pleasant conversation here?" The Dead Apostle laughed.

"All two eyes." Rodin continued to smile, and the Dead Apostle seemed to sense something, turning his head slightly, his gaze seeming to pass through the crowd, looking at something further behind.

Kazuya also turned his head slightly, but he didn't see anything.

"Well, I know, rest assured, after all, this is the senior's toy, right? I won't cause trouble, but your business scope is really wide. Even people from the Holy Church are here... Oh, by the way, that person named Kurokawa Kazuya, is he the legendary Rainbow-rank Mystic Eye? Will it appear today?"

"No, let me disappoint you. He is the buyer, not the seller."

"Ah... I see." The Dead Apostle squinted at Kazuya. "Just as I said, there is no magical power fluctuation at all! Really... a waste of anticipation."

Kazuya also smiled, "By the way... are you a Dead Apostle?"

"Ah, what's the matter?"

"No... nothing, just a little curious about your existence... especially the appearance of Dead Apostle, drawing it should sell well..."

"What did you just say?" The Dead Apostle's face sank slightly, and his tone was full of killing intent.

"Can't your ears hear? Do you need me to say it again?"


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