
[150] Acquisition Outcome


Today, almost everyone did nothing but sit by the phone, waiting for the call.

"I wonder if it will be successful," Hiroshi Yamaga sighed, staring at the phone in front of him.

"It should be fine," Yoshiyuki Sadamoto said, adjusting his glasses. "According to what was discussed earlier, the acquiring party seems to have a lot of money. If needed, we can accept a bit less. Hideaki, what do you think?"

"Well, based on my feeling..." Hideaki Anno was about to speak when the phone in front of him rang. He quickly picked it up. "Is it the president? How are things going?"

He was also quite nervous!

As for this call, it was prepared in advance and only people within the company were aware of it. It was impossible for outsiders to know. At this time, the only person who could call was their president, Okada Toshio.

"Well..." Okada Toshio on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment and said, "The situation is a bit unexpected."

"What happened?" Yoshiyuki Sadamoto leaned over and hastily said into the phone, "Do they think the amount is too much?"

"No, it's not about the money... or rather, money seems to be a small issue from their perspective... actually..."


"Most of the agreements are acceptable. Let me share my perspective," Kazuya closed the file and said, "First, regarding the price, I can increase it by an additional 500 million yen for you."

Okada Toshio almost spit out his water... it's one thing to increase the amount voluntarily, but this was unbelievable. He didn't know what to say.

This was the first time he had heard of someone voluntarily adding money.

"Furthermore, as a condition, of course, I will have some requests," Kazuya continued, "The purpose of acquiring you is simple, to produce anime, high-quality anime. That's why I've set my sights on you. After the acquisition, all anime production will be funded by me, and your salaries will be linked to the level of anime produced. However, if I believe it's not good enough, you will have to redo it until I am satisfied. Here are the details."

Kazuya gestured to his lawyer.

The lawyer, Mitsuko Yamazaki, immediately took out the prepared documents. "Please take a look."

"Is..." Okada Toshio's heart was pounding.

From his tone, he seemed to see familiar faces...

It was when he had just graduated, hadn't yet owed anyone money, and was struggling for his dreams.

But at that time, he didn't have money, so he had to borrow money to realize his dreams.

Now... the person in front of him was different. The way he spoke made it seem like he was drowning in money!

His expression seemed to say, "I lack everything, except money."

Okada Toshio envied him greatly. If only he had so much money... that would be great.

Then he opened the folder in front of him.


"First, the acquisition amount can be increased to 2.5 billion."


In an instant, everyone in front of the phone erupted.

"Long live the president!"

"Long live the president!"

"Cough, calm down, it's not over yet!" Okada Toshio sighed and said.

It took about two minutes for the people on the other end of the phone to quiet down. Even so, everyone squeezed in front of the phone was still extremely excited, their faces flushed.

"Then, regarding the requirements, first, we want everything to stay, not a single thing missing... so the idea of taking the money and leaving is not acceptable. Then, in terms of the anime production budget... we free to spend as much as we want. Hundreds of billions, thousands of billions, it's all fine..."

"Hold on," Hideaki Anno quickly interrupted, "Wait a minute... did you say 'thousand' instead of 'hundred'?"

"No, I meant it," Okada Toshio said, and his heart was also beating rapidly. "It's really hundreds of billions, thousands of billions... according to him, [Whatever money can solve is not a problem]."

"Could it be the government trying to acquire us?" With so much money, they suspected that the other side was a whole country!

Previously, they had spent a total of 800 million yen on their animated film "Royal Space Force," which was considered an explosion of anime and it was a movie that lasted for over 120 minutes.

Now... they were adding two or three zeroes after that 800 million...

Suddenly, they felt like they were in a dream.

"I don't know... but of course, there are conditions and it's not an endless burning of money. For example, according to him, if the anime we make is not satisfying to him, no matter how others see it, we have to redo it until he's satisfied. Of course, this is for the anime he wants to make. Aside from that, we can make anime we want, and for the budget of those anime, it's 1 billion yen minus the cost of making a 25-minute episode. In other words... we can spend the rest as we please. But if one episode exceeds 10 billion, then there's nothing left. If we want to keep burning money, we can, but we won't get the remaining portion. Check this for a rough idea."

"10 billion!" The people in front of the phone erupted again. "Just 25 minutes! Our most expensive animation, Royal Space Force, only cost 800 million! And that was a movie lasting over 120 minutes! Until now, it's at most saying that it didn't make money, who could say it wasn't done well! Even at the highest level of Royal Space Force, for a 25-minute animation, you can't burn 1 billion, and 500 million is already quite a lot! We can spend the rest freely?"

Unconsciously, their concept of money had been corrupted. They had been thinking about how to pay off their debts of several hundred million yen.

Now they were thinking, "It's only 800 million..."

"Yeah, according to the above conditions, one-tenth of the remaining money is our salary, and nine-tenths can be spent freely on the animation." Okada Toshio said, "I feel... the conditions are good, what about you?"

"Of course, we agree!" The phone was bustling with excitement.

But all the voices were agreeing. With money raining down like this, dreams could still be realized... where else could you find this?

"I can't believe I'm not dreaming," Hideaki Anno muttered to himself and grinned. "Hey! What are you hitting me for?"

"I'm telling you, we're not dreaming now," Hiroshi Yamaga said and then laughed.

Not just him, everyone in front of the phone laughed.

They laughed out loud!

Today was like the happiest holiday.

Listening to the laughter on the other end of the phone, Okada Toshio also laughed. He felt good about this. If things went like this... the burden on him would be lifted.

Dreams could still move forward, and all of a sudden, he had switched from a small wooden boat to a large ship.

This feeling... was really great.

"No, I can't relax until I've signed the contract... I can't be too happy, I can't be too happy..."


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