
As a Kasuga Arata in Multiverse

A mere otaku who, like Kasuga Arata, was transported to the world of Seraph of the End after answering a strange survey

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 14 : 16 years

After making a deal with Yasuzumi, Arata headed to the Tsuchimikado family bookstore. Yasuzumi offered him several Onmyoudo spells that could alter a person's life.

As expected, the Tsuchimikado family, descendants of Abe no Seimei, possessed a vast array of Onmyoudo spells.

After studying numerous Onmyoudo spells, Arata concluded that the Onmyoudo spells in the World Tokyo Raven were of a higher level than those in the World Owari no Seraph.

The dissemination of knowledge regarding Onmyoudo spells was limited by the Hiiragi family, making it difficult to gauge their true advancements. Nevertheless, this world had many Onmyoudo spells that far surpassed those used by the Imperial Japanese Army and were accessible to the public.

Immersed in the study of Onmyoudo spells, Arata spent most of his time in the Tsuchimikado Family Library, rarely venturing outside. He diligently learned all the spells within the library.

Despite not initially possessing much knowledge about Onmyoudo spells, thanks to his reincarnation, Arata's intelligence quickly developed, and he soon mastered all the spells in the Tsuchimikado Family Library. He then began creating his own Onmyoudo spells.

While engrossed in his research, Arata stumbled upon a sealed Shikigami within one of the books. He effortlessly defeated it, making it his own Shikigami.

During this time, Arata's transformation into Namanari progressed rapidly with the aid of pills, and he eventually became a 100% Namanari.

Once Arata achieved 100% Namanari, his human form boasted stats exceeding 1,000 points, and his power grew even further when he transformed into his Namanari form.

Empowered by this newfound strength, Arata successfully defeated Shiro, a Shikigami sealed in a book within the Tsuchimikado family library. Shiro, a descendant of the nine-tailed fox and having existed since the era of Abe no Seimei, possessed immense power and beauty, prompting Arata to make her his Shikigami.

Shiro was a stunning woman with long white hair, ruby-red eyes, captivating breasts, a supple butt, and flawless legs.

As Arata delved deeper into his research on Onmyoudo spells, three years flew by in the blink of an eye, and it was time for him to assume the role of Yasuzumi's son.

Upon taking on the role as the heir of the Tsuchimikado family, Arata acquired several private tutors who educated him on the history and rules of the Onmyouji world.

As Arata learned more about this world, he discovered the Tsuchimikado family's predicament. They were being shunned due to Yakou's alleged failure in implementing the Taizan Fukun Ritual, which had led to a Great Disaster.

To be honest, Arata didn't pay much attention to the Tsuchimikado family's condition. He proceeded to sell many of their assets and established his own Onmyoudo Spells Research Center.

While the Onmyoudo Spells Research Center aided Arata's search for the Taizan Fukun Ritual, it also attracted the attention of Yakou fanatics.

Once they learned of Arata's existence, and with the prediction that Tsuchimikado Yakou would reincarnate at that time, Yakou fanatics attempted to communicate with Arata using various methods.

Initially, Arata paid little attention to them, dismissing their messages and emissaries. However, as their audacity grew, Arata took drastic measures, incinerating them when theyattempted to drug him or kidnap him.

Being the heir of the Tsuchimikado family, Arata had been introduced to Kurahashi Kyouko, the heiress of the Kurahashi family. Through Kyouko, he also became acquainted with Tsuchimikado Harutora, a famous Yakou reincarnation, and Harutora's twin sister, Tsuchimikado Natsume.

When Arata learned that Yasuzumi had made Harutora and Natsume siblings, he was initially surprised but quickly accepted it and didn't dwell on it too much.

As time passed, Arata found himself fulfilling the role of Natsume's private Shikigami, according to the Tsuchimikado family tradition, during their third year of junior high.

Typically, Arata would have declined such a role, but a year ago, a terrorist attack caused by Yakou fanatics had occurred. Arata was occupied with cleaning up the aftermath, and having Natsume by his side proved invaluable as she helped attend to many of his needs.

After the terrorist attack, Arata spent some time in the countryside caring for one of the victims named Ato Touji, who had mistakenly become a Namanari during the incident. Since there was no one more knowledgeable about Namanari than Arata, he took it upon himself to help Touji.

While assisting Touji, Arata made significant progress in his research and discovered that the Taizan Fukun Ritual, the origin of the Great Ritual, consisted of 108 distinct rituals. He realized that he had already learned 107 rituals from the Taizan Fukun Ritual and had successfully performed many different variations, leaving only the specific ritual Yakou used to reincarnate, which he couldn't find despite extensive searching.

The Great Ritual aimed to grant humans a certain level of control over the concept of life and death, which aligned with Arata's goal of reviving Maya. Understanding that he needed Yakou's ritual, Arata patiently awaited the return of Yakou's memories, respecting Yasuzumi's desire to protect his son and believing that Harutora would eventually recover his past life's memories.

And so, time passed, and it was now time for Arata to enroll in Onmyou Academy. Upon entering the academy, he finally found some peace and spent the first half of the school year in a calm and relaxed state.

As summer vacation approached, Arata returned to the Tsuchimikado family's main home, as Onmyou Academy was a boarding school, and he rarely ventured outside.

After spending some time at the main home, it was time to travel to the countryside so that Natsume could reunite with her family. Natsume, being Arata's special Shikigami, had been by his side constantly due to her serious nature and had not been able to visit her family. Therefore, Arata accompanied her to allow her to spend time with them.

"Arata-sama, it's time to wake up," a gentle and sweet voice called out to the still-sleeping Arata.

"Just five more minutes," mumbled Arata, burying his head under the blanket.

Feeling exhausted from staying up late working on his own Taizan Fukun Ritual, Arata struggled to rouse himself from slumber.

"Wake up, Arata-sama, or we'll be late for the ceremony," urged a girl with stern purple hair and lovely blueberry eyes, shaking Arata to wake him up.

This girl was none other than Tsuchimikado Natsume, Harutora's older sister and Arata's Shikigami.

After several attempts, Natsume finally succeeded in waking Arata up.

"Good morning,"Arata greeted, sitting up on the bed and rubbing his eyes.

"Keaaaaaa!!" Natsume exclaimed, her face turning red upon seeing Arata's bare chest and well-toned physique. "Please, Arata-sama, put on some clothes."

Natsume blushed furiously and covered her eyes with her hands, though there was a small gap between her fingers.

"I forgot," Arata admitted sheepishly, scratching his head with a slight smile.

Sleeping naked had become a habit since he arrived in this world.

"Come on, let's hurry. Breakfast is ready," Natsume said, rushing out of the room with a still-flushed face.

Once Natsume had left, Arata quickly got dressed and joined her for breakfast.

As they sat at the table, it was just the two of them, with no sign of Yasuzumi. However, nobody mentioned his absence as it had become the norm, and Arata could count the number of times he had encountered Yasuzumi on one hand.

After finishing breakfast, Arata and Natsume gathered their bags and prepared to leave the Tsuchimikado family home.

"Did you forget anything?" Arata asked, summoning his Shikigami, Yukikaze, a beautiful white horse.

As the heir of the Tsuchimikado family, Arata had inherited several powerful Shikigami, and two of them stood out: Yukikaze and Hokuto, one of the few remaining dragons. However, Arata had given Hokuto to Natsume since Shiro, his newly acquired Shikigami, was much stronger.

"Everything is ready, Arata-sama," Natsume replied quietly, making sure multiple times that they hadn't forgotten anything.

"Then let's go," Arata said, climbing onto Yukikaze's back. He positioned Natsume behind him, and together, they began their journey toward the Tsuchimikado branch house in the countryside.


Hello here author, first I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Secondly, I want an editor to help me edit the chapters, and I only want a serious person. As for the payment, unfortunately, I do not have the money to pay, but if you like my novel, you will be able to read the advanced chapters without the need to subscribe to my Patreon, in addition to that you can publish the novel on another site and get money from him .

If you are serious about becoming my editor, please leave a way to contact you in the comments

Third, I need an app to watch anime subtitled in English.


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