
As a human magician in dxd(Fanfic)

[ Dropped ] Our main character's name is Peter Drake. He is a 24-year-old hacker who works for the United States as one of their top hackers. Because his job requires it, he is extremely cautious, almost paranoid, but he will do good and help others in need if they cannot trace it back to him. Although he will engage in some questionable behavior if it is extremely beneficial to him. But he never imagined that someone in the highest level of government would be stupid enough to leak his location to the nation's enemies in order for them to kill him simply because he was Brown and had an Indian ancestry. Not even thinking if he would be tortured for national secrets by them.Realizing he would die in 12 hours before other officials could discover and intervene, he made one last desperate effort for the world before dying to accumulate good Karma. which caused human civilization to grow many times faster than predicted. Peter was reincarnated in the dxd world in a human magician family after experiencing the sensation of nothingness. What happens next? Try reading it to find out. You'll enjoy it. (Author's Note: This will be my first novel. Some grammatical errors may occur at first, but this will gradually improve. If you have any questions that you are unable to resolve, please leave them in the comments section. if artist of the cover photo wants me to remove it from there please contact me)

lazy1000 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 7

Even for andrew solving this problems are extremely difficult . If there was any other normal person in Andrew current situation it could be said outright impossible.

Although Andrew has some clues which could might solve his second problem. but those clues which lead to this possible plan will increase the demand of resource needed even more.

"Sigh.. first thing first I have to take this slowly rushing too much might cause some unfavorable outcome" thought andrew.

Although situation might seem very problematic but andrew knows if he could somehow solve those problems there will be no other races other than dragons who could possibly defeat him in the same stage.

Also there are some other interesting new information that andrew was able to found out recently.

( 2 months ago)

(Inside the office room of jason clock in clock family's mansion)


"who is it" said jason clock.

"grandad it's me.Are busy right now?" Asked little andrew .

"No my boy come here" said jason smiling at him seeing him around the door.

"Yes" smiling back andrew came infront of him.

" tell me if you have any new question that's answer you are currently not able find " said jason to his grandson.

You have to know that Jason is very proud and satisfied with his grandson.As andrew was very intelligent compared to normal kids of his age. When he was one and half years old he was able to walk and speak perfectly unlike others. He Started learning reading and writing when he was two.

When he was 3 he started to going in family library for books to read and know about outside world. As a magician knowledge is a very important aspect for once improvement and having the habit to read from very young age is very helpful for once future as a magician .

With all these qualities of Andrew it is only nature for Jason to be proud and happy for him . If andrew have some questions he was not able to found or were very curious he would answer them whole heartedly as his questions are very ingenius for his age.

"yes grandad , it is about humans having lower potential then other races and how we are weaker compare to them you once told me about" sadi andrew.

"yes" jason encouraged him to continue.

"well are'nt those immortal taoist and buddhist arhats also human before they become immortal so are'nt human a strong race and how can they become immortal are'nt humans have lowest potential ?" asked andrew to jason.

"well i did say about humans having lower potential then other races as a whole but I never said that there are no human beings who can fight against gods without relying on sacred gears or other external stuffs"repiled jason.

" huh..i am confused" said andrew.

" well for you to first understand that I will answer your second question first. As you know humans are a naturally balanced race thous we have something special called spirit root."

" humans who practice taoism uses their special taoist cultivation method to work with those roots. And using those roots as a base to cultivate for them to reach immortality"

" I know what you are confused about. Since humans could cultivate to immortality aren't we are powerful race and shouldn't everyone cultivate with spiritual root why even need to go with being a magician as you might never have heard of a magician becoming immortal,right?" Said jason.

Andrew nodded his head in reply.

" well that's because be it magician or be it a cultivator in taoist or Buddhist Path not even single one of them is perfect.There are always some prons and cons to this paths depending on their ways"

" A taoist cultivator would take at least about 100 years of cultivation and hard work to reach a higher realm comparable to the same realm of power for magicians to reach about in few decades"

" although a taoist cultivators cultivation speed is extremely slow and passive compare to magician , they have about tens of times more lifespan comparable to magicians"

" That is also one of the major flaws magician Path has . Altough it is fast to get powerful the lifespan boost it relatively gives is much short compare to other major paths"

"As for Buddhist who became Arhat were people who achieved total control of their emotions and after getting enlightenment causing them to be constantly be with the law of harmony and be connected to the concept of peace they in a way become immortal from which the leter part I don't understand what that even means as I only heard about it in a very ancient book"

" as for the answer to your first question, about humans being one of the most powerful race then that is not possible because of the Indifference of this humans after becoming immortal whose powers and stage of cultivation are comparable to the ultimate class high level or peak level"

After hearing this much Andrew already have some guesses about the reason of their


" As for the reason of their Indifference towards their fellow humans is because they already considered no longer a mortal human anymore . It's also because of their long time spending in cultivation that they considered themselves being ascended to a higher life form then human"

" And it's not like every taoist cultivator could become immortal . For a taoist cultivator it needs to have necessary talents or some fortunate opportunities to breakthrough in a higher realm before their lifespan runs out before reaching immortal realm . which is more than 99% taoist would try but fail"

" it might sound crazy to you but from what I have heard the Jade emperor and his officials in the heavenly Court cultivated for at least millions of years before becoming one of the highest pillers of power we currently know of."

" But remember this in the future although there could be some bad apples in them just like any other powers around the world. Immortal cultivators are usually kind and generous excluding the arrogance in their speech if you encounter one."

( present time)

Andrew was going towards another shelf in the library when a maid came to inform him .

" Young Master Andrew, your grandfather is summoning you " said the maid.

"Oh , yes i am coming." Answered Andrew and started walking towards his grandfathers office.

" so that day finally came" thought Andrew feeling nervous and excitement at the same time.

As today is a very important day for him. As today he would find out just how much potential he has as a magician and if he has any sacred gear.

( author's note: I know many of you guys are asking me if there would be any harem or romance in the comment section and honestly I am not that sure yet. I did not yet decided in what kind of endings direction I would take . I just write it with my current thoughts on the spot with in the scope of few of my goals which it has to go. If you have any good ideas try to comment them to me I may get some inspiration.

And from now on there would be only one chapter everyday as my holidays have just finished although I might write two sometimes if I can get some supports from you guys . Thank you)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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