
As a ghoul, In twilight

THIS IS A FANFIC.Boy reincarnates in twilight as a ghoul, decides to make some changes . twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer. Tokyo ghoul belongs to Sui Ishida and the dragon belongs to Blue-Deep. I just made up some stuff CURRENTLY ON HOLD, BECAUSE I'M OUT OF CREATIVE JUICE.

vishwa_dula · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs



Current time

I was quite excited for today. It's been two years since my arrival at this land. I've already beaten everything in the forest,be it sky ,land or water. But the reason for my excitement stems from the fact that today will be the day I awaken the dragon within my mind. As a 'man of culture' of the 21st century dragons have been something that always attracted me. Of course I didn't want be a dragon, but rather I wanted to possess a dragon. Additionally dragons are said to be masters in magic and spellcraft, so it could help me reach greater heights in this world than I could alone. And having a dragon in my mindscape would make me immune to a certain vampire who finds peering at others private thoughts interesting.

The sun rays started to turn the dark sky grey signalling the dawn of a new day, I had waited patiently because I knew the time would arrive soon when I felt a mind numbingly painful headache. Understanding the implications of this ,I quickly closed my eyes and reached within.

When I opened my eyes, I knew that I was in my mindscape.

I saw grey clouds spanning endless on sky and a perfectly even ground of white liquid like substance under my feet forming ripples along each step,which cannot exist in reality. There was nothing within sight except for a giant blue dragon infront of me.

The magnificent creature in front me was a western dragon. Taller than the height of a normal two storey building and wide as a truck,it had wings size of boat sails. Deep purple mixed blue scales shimmered it's skin excluding a wide line of baby blue scales adorning its neck to abdomen. It had spikes starting from the back of it's triangular head along its spine equivalent of human hair to a dragon and glowing yellow reptilian eyes that seemed to devour me.

"Hello" I greeted it. "Who are you, and do you know where you are?"I asked it.I was asking the question because I had a suspicion of what it was."I am the blue dragon Artalis" it replied "One of the eight dragons of Kaesaurus, and I believe that we are in your mind"

I grew more and more excited as more evidence proving my suspicion came to light. If I was truly correct, then the god I met had truly gifted me a jackpot. So to confirm my theory I asked it "Is the name Zephyr familiar to you?" ."Ahh ,you mean the white haired young man whom I gifted my heart to?".

I was ecstatic. I knew who it, or more accurately she was . The blue dragon Artalis, one of the strongest dragons in the manhwa drawn and written by author and illustrator Blue-Deep. She was one of the latest characters introduced when I was back on my earth. She also had a human form which was quite popular amongst young men of my age. But the reason I was thrilled at her company was due to her magical and practical battle knowledge. She had toyed with Zephyr, one of the strongest people of their continent, before his regression.

"If you want to know about our situation I could explain it with my best" I spoke to her. "But I doubt you'll make out heads or tails of it". I was not speaking nonsense. To demonstrate my inability at proper description, I once had to give directions to an old lady to find her way to the local bus stop. That night there was a missing person case on T.V. She was found the next day in the adjoining town. My face turned sour when I remembered the tongue lashing I received that day.

Looking at my face curiously she said"I could read your memories, I would have already done it but it seems I cannot read your memories without permission" she continued shamelessly" I can't even take over your body". I could only sweat drop at her thick skin."I'll give you partial access to my memories,and share senses with you except for my personal time ", she looked at me directly in the eyes "but" I continued without breaking eye contact "you will teach me fighting techniques and magic also you won't try to take over my body ,influence my thoughts and you will protect my mind from others attempting to do the same. "

She narrowed her eyes and looked at me for few seconds before shrugging her draconic shoulders and replying "sure" nonchalantly.

As soon as she agreed I felt memories flowing from me to her. After filtering some of my private information and all my dark secrets I showed her everything. Even her story and my meeting with god.

I saw the dragon face change into different expressions. Even though it was a dragon's face I could read confusion, astonishment, disbelief, fear and acceptance on her face.

Looking at her I could see she needed some time to come to terms with the new information. Even I needed time to accept all worlds were born from thoughts, even mine.

I left her alone for a while and opened my eyes. The sun was trying to bring some light through the thick clouds from the centre of the sky, after contemplating for a while, I decided to purify mana within me .After the crocodile incident I was able to improve my mana purity almost completely but some impurities yet remained within.

I breathed in filling my lungs with fresh air and pushed as much impurities I could feel out with each breath. Only a tiny amount was released ,unsatisfied I kept repeating my breathing exercise drawing less and less with eachbreath. "Have you tried to bring mana together instead of pushing impurities out?" a gruff but female voice questioned me.

"Artalis, are you fine now? " I questioned. I didn't want my future partner and teacher to be broken ."I am fine, it's just hard to come to terms with it ." I nodded before asking what did you mean by before?"."instead of pushing impurities out, try bringing the mana together. Then the impurities will be pushed out automatically. " . I tried doing what she implied immediately, and to my delight impurities poured out of my nose like smoke coming out of a vehicle running on kerosene. Since she had come to terms with the present situation, I stopped purifying mana for today to converse with her. "So since you have some idea on this world, what are you doing next" her voice questioned me."I am going to Forks" my reply came almost immediately. "Care to explain why" her confused thoughts rang in my head."First there are the cold ones" I said not even considering them vampires. Infact while in wilderness I did see a vampire, but he turned to a bunch of bats left before I could even get his attention. And it didn't glow in sunlight. My theory is that the cold ones in forks are a strand of failed chimera type vampire duplicates created by a magical being to hunt other supernaturals. This would explain the heart gem, different types of gifts,minimum blood requirements and ability to survive on animal blood.

I kept going on "maybe eating their flesh might give me new abilities. Also I'm curious about the spirit walking ability of the Quileute tribe ,if I can understand it , it might pave a new path for me."

I was genuinely interested in the spirit walking ability. The ability to separate one's body and mind was not a special ability, infact Quileute tribe, before becoming shifters were spirit walkers according to their tribe legends. And after fusing with a wolf spirit they were able to transform into giant wolves.

After listening to my thoughts, she agreed with my reasoning, so I started to move north at a leisurely pace. Thanks to the high speed of my advanced body I could easily cover the 345 km distance between the forest and Forks within a couple of hours if I moveat max speed, but since the Cullen's won't arrive right before Isabella Swan does, which is in about 240 days, I had no reason to. Instead I choose to use the days to train with Artalis and purify mana within me.