as a gamer, who knew the powers will be diversified in the world of Pirates and Navys? this is a story of a person who is thrown into the beautiful, but dangerous and horrendous world of One Piece, as the Holder of the System with the Job of a Gamer.
"____" are used for text
*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips
[____] are used to switch between POV
'____' are used for thoughts
"REMOVE ME YOU BIG OAF!" I hear a little girl scream, so I look at the side, seeing Aisa resists against some bindings. I am shocked to see her here, but my Mind calms down and I see all the other "residents" on this ship. Zephyr, Aisa, Bentham, Nami, Robin, Zoro, Wyper, Sanji and Luffy-
Well, Fucking hell!
"don't try to escape, you can't do it anyways" i look over to Zephyr, who is looking pretty exhausted. I try to think of a way for us to escape, but I notice that my arm has been binded by something. so, I turn my head around to my back, seeing my hands being cuffed. I use observe on it, but my helpful Jailer explains what those are.
"Those are Seastone cuffs, if you don't know what it does, it nullifies devil fruit abilities." He gets up from the throne, and I notice that he is still tired. He walks over to us, and I look over to my other members to see how they are. Zoro, Sanji, and Wyper are knocked out. Nami, Robin, Usopp, and Bentham are all awake and looking at me in hope.
I turn to look over towards the resisting Aisa, and that's when I realize something.
"leave those two alone, they are not part of our crew!" Zephyr stops and then looks to where I am seeing, to see the knocked out Wyper and the resisting Aisa, before shrugging and coming towards me, sitting on the Floor next to me, while I sit up from my sleeping position.
"I Can't do that. they willingly attacked me during my Mission, so i have no other choice but to arrest them for interfering." I look at him, my eyes widening in disbelief at just how stupid it is. I tried to free them, as they didn't need to be in this situation.
"But, they wanted to help us after we help-"
"No, Can't do it!" I looked at him in annoyance, before sighing. there is no point arguing with a wall anyways. I try to think of a plan, but Zephyr interrupts that by asking me a question.
"By the way, what is your devil fruit anyways? what you are exhibiting is different from what Tashigi told us!" I looked at him in confusion. why the fuck does he want to know what my "devil fruit" is? and it seems that Snitch Tashigi went and ratted out my secrets, this is why women aren't trustworthy-
"Well, if you don't wanna talk, it's okay!" he shrugs, and gets up, intending on walking to his throne, but I stop him, deciding on a plan.
"Sure, I'll tell you what you need to do, but let's make a deal!" he looks at me with his eyebrow raised, and I take that as an indication to continue with the 'deal' I have cooked up.
"You really think I would make a deal with some Pirate?"he looks disgusted, but I simply state a reason which would allow him to accept this deal.
"Yeah, since I am the only person who knows how to get out of here. so, you will answer my questions while I answer yours AND tell you how to get out of here." If I remember correctly, the only way to leave Sky Island safely is through the squid which can be summoned. while i don't have the equipment to summon it, i do have something that can someone Who THEN could summon the squid.
"and how should i know you aren't just lying to me?" he sits back down, and i know he is in for the deal, he is just testing me for a final conformation.
"For that, you gotta trust me, similarly to how I am going to trust you with the truth." He stares at me, and I can feel him using Observation Haki on me to check if I am lying or not. and i am not, since i am honestly going to say the truth-
which are the lies I have created after coming here. Those are the Truth's of me in this world, so no lying from me. but i wonder, would Observation Haki sense my Emotions even with my Gamer's min still activated-
"What is your devil fruit?" he finally comes around. I nodded at him, deciding to answer a made-up name that I made a couple of weeks ago because I was bored.
"It is the Ryouiki-Ryouiki No Mi, a paramecia type devil fruit that allows me to create a subspace in the existing space, hiding myself from other people!" he looks surprised, but another question surfaces. While it is my turn to ask questions, I decide to at least somewhat satisfy his curiosity.
"If you create a subspace, how are you able to perceive me?" I looked over to him in surprise at him literally admitting that without his Future sight, he wouldn't be able to react to me.
"oh, that. I can manipulate the environment inside the subspace I have created. like, I can stop time from moving, something I learned recently."
His Observation Haki is still on me, and I am able to figure out how Emotion sensing works. it senses the Willpower's movements, and whenever someone hides something or lies or shows any emotions, their Willpower fluctuates.
a master Observation Haki user can figure out what these fluctuations mean, making them a good lie detector.
"Hmm, that would make sense as to why you can not be sensed with Observation Haki by that Girl Tashigi AND me, with you creating a space On TOP of the existing space, your Willpower vanishes due to the new space." i looked at him in surprise, while that is the truth, i am surprised he figured that out himself. he is an instructor after all, he has a really good Battle IQ.
I noticed him going to ask me one other question, but this is my turn to ask questions now.
"Why are you chasing after us? Especially AFTER you retired and were an instructor for all these years." he looks at me, in contemplation. before revealing his answer-
"well, i was bored and-"
"Bullshit! we had a deal, i say the truth, you say it too. I gave you the info you wanted, now give me the info I want!" he looks at me, thinking if he should give me a true answer, before deciding that he has enough of this.
"I don't need to. you really think that we cannot find out your informat-"
"You Cannot!" I grin at him, 100% confident that they can't find a speck of dust on me. what will they find, since i have never existed before a month ago? I have the cards, but all I need is for Zephyr to keep fishing for information, and if he gives up, I cannot have the time to formulate a plan.
"There is no way your pathetic information collecting bunch would figure out anything about me. IF they would have, you would never have accepted the deal in the first place!" my confidence increases. knowing i hit the mark with his face looking annoyed. He thinks for a bit, but he sighs.
This might be preposterous of me, but this dumbass really thinks that even if I have all the cards, I am still caught in these pathetic cuffs. Seastone has no effect on me after all.
"Fine.Have you ever heard of Shiki?" I raise my eyes in surprise. But then I became confused. How the hell is Shiki involved in any of this?
"Yeah, and what does he have to do with your "back-from-retirement" phase?" I motion him to go on, but he shakes his head, refusing to continue.
"the first question is over. now it's my turn." i just look at him, no emotions , just staring. he looks back at me, and after 2 minutes of just completely staring into each others eyes, both of them kis-
no, re-write that shit.
"Fine!" Zephyr sighs, before looking at me in annoyance, tsking. I grin, knowing that I won our staring contest.
"Shiki is creating some kind of animal army. He has creatures that can shoot fire, shoot lightning, and mimic devil fruit abilities, at least from what we know." okay, but how does that really equate to Zephyr Coming out of retirement-
"Ohhhh!" my mouth has an O expression, my eyes widening as i realize it. It seems that the Marines somehow have information about Shiki's island and its creatures, but to what extent, I don't know. but, the fact that the Marines are deeming this to be a threat enough for An EX-Admiral to come back to active duty means one thing-
this isn't the movie Shiki we are dealing with. This Shiki is much more powerful than the movie counterpart. It makes sense, as Shiki duked it out with Sengoku AND Garp, but Lost to Luffy, who didn't even know Haki back then.
"Now, it's my turn. where are you from AND what did you do before joining this pirate crew?" I shrug, deciding to continue with my lie. I can formulate a plan on how to deal with Shiki later, AFTER we are safe.
"I am from Sabaody Archipelago. lived there for the majority of my life. used to do odd jobs here and there. mostly was in the Underworld doing some jobs!" he looks at me in surprise, and i look over to see that all of the Strawhats are waking up, Including Luffy. just like this, and the plan would come into motion.
The plan is suicidal in nature, so I don't know how the crew is gonna take it, but it is our only way, unless I wanna go with a boom or something, but that's for later.
"Are you part of the underworld?" I look at him in annoyance while he asks me questions. since his turn is over and it's my turn.
"My turn to ask the question right now. WHY did you COME to us Specifically?" he shows his annoyance at me, but i just grin at him. i am 90% sure he isn't gonna kill me, IF it was canon Zephyr tho, then i would be dead by now. if i continue this-
"After coming from retirement and Becoming an Vice-Admiral all over again, I needed to get back into shape, and you guys were the perfect training dummies!" his grin is infuriating, but i kinda expected this, so i don't react much with it, but-
"Are you serious?" Usopp whispers, but all of us hear it, making us turn to him and look at him, he yelps in fear, trying to hide himself.... within Himself? weird it works though.
"Now, explain what you did in the Underworld?" Zephyr Looks at me pointedly, and I sigh, deciding to tell him my "backstory".
"I used to be an informant, who used to sell information that I gathered from the streets. the dickheads called the Celestials who wanted to know which Slaves were good to Rape, so they used their Slaves to come and get information from me.!" i look at him, showing a disgusting face. Bullshitting my bullshit story is a way right now. He looks disgusted too, so I know he kinda trusts me.
Or, taking it into consideration and then looking into it later.
"Now my turn, What are the Bounties of Our Crew?" Since I have the opportunity, why not ask for it? With the escape planning complete, all I need is to let him ask me the QUESTION I want him to ask. But until then, I'll wait and Just gather information.
"Bounties huh? Well, the lowest is Yours, With 33 Million Beris-" I look surprised, the fact that I got a starting bounty of 33 Million, which is more than Luffy's starting one makes me proud.
"The second lowest is the raccoon, Monster Chopper with a Bounty of 62 Million Beris-"
"HUH?" Chopper screams in surprise, making me and Zephyr look at him, Causing him to look away in fear of getting beat up like before.
"The Second Highest Is 81 Million Beris Of Roronoa Zoro, The Three-Sword Hunter-" Zoro looks surprised at his Bounty, but he has a smile on his face even with the situation.
"And then your Captain, Straw Hat Luffy has a Bounty of 110 Million Beris-" Luffy starts laughing from behind, making us look at Him. I chuckle too, amused at him laughing at this situation.
"What about Me?" Zephyr looks over to Sanji who asked this question, Zephyr turns his head to the side, a question mark appearing above his head.
"Who are you?" I start chuckling even more, as Zoro laughs at the embarrassing moment while Sanji grits his teeth in embarrassment.
"anyways, How can you use Lightning and that Spinning ball? PLUS what's with your body? Your Normal Strength is something, but suddenly You increased it to 40% or more. Any type of damage that is done to you is not visible. Just what is your body?" Zephyr narrows his eyes, and I force myself not to react.
Shit! I didn't expect a question like this. This complicates things. Any information I told him could be found anywhere, but how could I explain my Body? I can't really give a "I don't know" answer, since I seem well adept with using my body.
I dug my own grave. I try to think about a reason as fast as possible, Using Multi-Tasking along with My Eidetic Memory to find an answer that could be applicable to the one piece World.
"Remember, we had a 'deal' right?" His tone is sarcastic, and I know that he knows I have set myself up. Shit! Shit!-
I blink, a story cooking up in my mind. This might be the most unbelievable story yet, but if I can pull it off, I can continue the plan. This might have some insane consequences down the line, but for now, I need to escape with my Crew Healthy and intact.
" a modified Human." I can literally feel the surprise from all around me, especially Sanji. Zephyr looks surprised, but tells me to continue, and so I do, continuing the best story I cooked so far.
"When I was born, my parents were killed and I was abducted by some Scientists who wanted to create a human with the power capable of a devil fruit without their weakness." Everybody's eyes widen, except for Luffy, who is too exhausted to give any reactions.
"Due to adult bodies already being somewhat developed, those psychos decided to experiment on Children. I don't know what they did, but they fed us some drugs to enhance us before the final experiment." Sanji and Chopper look disgusted, understanding the implications, I decide to continue the story, dealing with the implications of this shit fest later.
"Somehow, We children got the ability to manipulate our Life Force energy into physical Constructs, similar to how Haki works." Zephyr's eyes widen, understanding the implications.
"then that means-"
"Yeah, those abilities are my life force. I shock myself and then use that electricity to make a lightning blade, since my body is enhanced, I can take the damage." Zephyr looks a little horrified, before he turns angry.
"where did they experiment you-"
"My turn old man. Why didn't you kill us? You hate Pirates to the core right?" Zephyr stops, looking angry. before calming himself down, knowing i ain't gonna answer his question no more. which is good, since i honestly might say something that could easily be figured out to be true or not.
"because you guys were fun to fight against. plus, Garp, StrawHat's Grandfather DID request that i don't kill him." Zephyr looks towards the crew, and notes that no one is surprised, except Wyper and Asia, who are confused.
Hell, both of them are confused about everything. What the hell is a modified Human? What is even happening here?
"Now, What is the Place where you-.....Nevermind, do you know a way to get out of this Island? What is it?" Zephyr decides to stop enquiring about my past, as I will tell him eventually. (at least he thinks like that). His first priority is to go to the Blue Sea and find out the Culprits of this inhuman experiment. as for me-
FINALLY! I try not to show any excitement since he could sense that from my Willpower ( I think he can) , with the question asked being the same that I wanted him to ask, I give the answer-
"Yeah. Give me a sec-" I push my bound hands towards my pocket, causing Zephyr to be on guard, since I am the most unpredictable person in the ship currently.
I dig in my pants pockets, and using inventory, I bring out the Whistle, making it look like I took it from inside of my pocket. This Whistle is the same one that Gan Fall gave us.
The plan is simple but dangerous, First is to Have Gan Fall help us get to the ground, and on the way to the ground, I-
"What does this Whistle do?" He bends over and takes the Whistle from my hand. I sit straight, explaining what it is.
"Some old dude with a flying horse gave it to us here, told us that we can use his help for free once when using this Whistle." He looks at me, then back at the whistle, and after debating on what to do, puts it in his mouth-
A sound emanates from the Whistle, traveling to the other islands and reaching its intended destination.
Zephyr Uses Observation Haki to sense someone coming, and after a few seconds, he feels two presences coming towards him at high speeds. One is a human, and the other is an animal. They finally arrive on the ship and look at the captured people before Looking at Zephyr-
"Hey Gan Fall, how do we leave Sky Island?" Gan Fall stops his intention to attack and looks at me in confusion. I shrug at him, then shake my head, not wanting him to do anything.
"You guys need to travel to the Clouds End and then leave from there. Since I did say that I will help you once for free, let me show you the way." After looking at Me for a few seconds and then at Wyper, who nods while looking at me, he decides to help with my request.
He starts flying towards the clouds end, with Zephyr getting up and then sitting back into the Throne. he clicks on something, and the ship suddenly moves. I jerk back, confused as to how he is using it, but I notice that our surroundings are trees, and that there are Milky Roads surrounding us.
Wait, are we on a Milky Road? how though? I remember The Ark Maxim (Enel's ship) landing on the ground. Did Zephyr pick up the ship and connect it to the Milky Road?
After surfing the Milky road for an hour, where everyone drags themselves towards Luffy and Gather around, they ask me a question.
"please tell me you have a plan?" Nami pleads with me, hoping that i would have a plan, but if i want my plan to work, i need to have no plan. I shake my head, making her look at me with Despair. Not just her, but Chopper, Usopp and Asia. Zoro, Sanji, Wyper, Bentham and Luffy look away, trying to brainstorm an idea on how they could escape from this situation.
"Here we are!" all of us look over to the building with a gate in it. the Cloud end, which connects the blue sea with the white sea. Gan Gall takes out a whistle, different from his, and tells us specific instructions on what to do. Zephyr continues asking him more instructions, such as how much air would it have in the octopus Balloon. Gan falls and explains everything he can, and Zephyr nods, ready to go down.
"If you guys want to, you guys can come again-" before we could hear it, the Ship dropped to the waters below. We hear a whistle, and I sense something moving in the clouds with my Observation Haki. an octopus connects with our Ship and expands itself, making it a balloon and slowing the Velocity of the Ship.
"Well, we have a lot of time ahead of us." Zephyr walks to me and sits down, a little distance away. I sigh, while it is risky with the fact that he chose me. There is one other thing, and that is the freaking Ballon, as it is a living thing and cannot Be stored in my inventory.
there can only be one option left to do-
"Now, tell me where the location is and who the scientists are.!" His look is serious, and I know that, even though I might be taking the second biggest risk of my life ( the first was joining the strawhats), it has a chance to work, and I need to take that chance.
"....Fine." I let my finger touch the ship, and without making it seem that I was doing anything, I continued talking. I Notice that Zephyr's Observation is focused on my entire body, not the surroundings. so, while he cannot sense what I am about to do, he can see the future if needed.
"I don't remember much honestly, I was 5 or something. the drugs that were given to me changed my brain in some sort of way." Zephyr listens to me intently, and I decide to hit the final nail in the coffin.
"it was in an island named Egghead Island-" Zephyr's eyes widen in shock-
"and the scientist's Name was Vegapun-"
One second, the ship is floating in the air inside the hold of a balloon octopus, but in the same second, the Ship literally disappears in thin air, leaving the living beings that are connected to the ship in the sky for a milli-second before all of them start falling.
"GOTCHA BITCH-" i immediately stretch my finger to the cuffs, storing it in my inventory and freeing me, allowing me to spread my hands to the side, sending 10 thick Mana Rope from my hands, grabbing onto Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Bentham, Robin, Wyper and Asia.
"YOU!!" Zephyr screams in rage, still in air and raising his hand to grab my legs, but I release a fucking Spiral Energy Bolt from the back of my feet, shotting it towards his his face and then-
"I WAS LYING YOU STUPID FUCK!-" I Scream my heart out, laughing at the situation before Disappearing from Zephyr's sight.
"FUCKKKK-" Zephyr screams in rage-
"FUCKKKK-" Along with Nami, who cannot even hold onto the Mana Rope due to her hands being bound by the cuffs.
"AHHHHH!!" Usopp screams in despair, his snot and tears coming out and going into the air.
"AHHHH!" Similarly to Usopp, everyone is scared shitless, especially Aisa, who gets knocked out from the shit that is happening, except one person-
Me and Luffy start laughing excitedly. him, because this is the best feeling ever, me because my plan worked. my brain calms down, and i realize the situation we are in, even though i planned for it-
I look from side to side, maintaining my control over the Mana Ropes while trying to Balance from my body moving from side to side and also round and round due to the air velocity, giving me the idea of me floating in the air, but also getting hit by the air resistance.
'got it!' I extended a rope towards the Falling Enel's ship, which I put in the Dungeon since I couldn't put it in the inventory. i have to make a long rope, since the distance is further being made as the Ship has a higher weight than me, causing it to fall faster.
my Mana rope touches the Ship, and i use this opportunity to store the ship into the inventory and then summon it again, this time right below our falling body-
all of us land on the ship, and in just a second, we again start floating in the air as the ship falls faster than us. i summon another Mana Rope which grabs onto it, and closing my eyes, i concentrate my every thought process into one single thing-
making all the Ropes connected to my Crew expand and tie up with the ship. I don't know how, but I suddenly gained the ability to do another task, making me use it to concentrate more. From the Ropes Connected with The Crew, small particles of Mana come out and form into a rope, which extends and comes towards the Falling Ship-
Grabbing onto it and pulling the crew towards the ship by reducing its length and increasing its density. I have never focused so much in my life, having to maintain and manipulate 11 different ropes at the same time. but that's when something happens-
it feels that my brain split itself, making a clone of itself. everything becomes easier. like I have two brains or something. I don't know how, but it seems I have gotten a new skill and I use it, focusing an entire 'brain' to hold onto the Ropes, while I use my other 'brain' to Manipulate the ropes into making more ropes. My Mana is expanding insanely fast, but-
I finally am able to pull all the strawhats to the Ship, where I stop the function of 'Brain' 2 and use 'Brain 2' to expand the ropes, tightening over the railings of the ship and holding the strawhats in place.
I notice that the speed at which the Ship is falling is not going to slow down, and when it hits the water, it will break in half and we all will drown and die. so, I use both of my 'brains' to connect all the rope into one hand and give the control of focusing these 11 ropes (10 For the strawhats, and one for me) to 'Brain' 1. I extend my free hand and summon a man shield-
which immediately breaks.
'useless shit!' this happens every time, it breaks every single time i use it. I summoned another mana shield again,. but this time I kept summoning Mana shields over and over again, stacking them with each other and creating a spherical wall made of many mana shields.
At this point, Nami, Usopp,Chopper, Sanji, Zoro, Luffy are all knocked out, leaving only Me, Wyper and Bentham awake. The wind resistance is hit with the shields and as they break, I make new ones on top of it, slowing our speed considerably.
"IT'S NOT GONNA WORK FOR LONG!" Bentham surprisingly understands what I am doing and shouts at me. I know what he is implying, since even if I keep this up, I am gonna get exhausted. but-
"I GOTTA CONTINUE!" I scream back, forcing more mana in creating a much durable Shield, slowing down the speed considerably. thankFully, My MP regen is high, So i am able to expend so much Mana right now. I activate my Observation Haki and Interact it with my Map, making me notice something-
We are near the water. in 10 seconds, we are gonna clash with it. i try to think of a way for us to survive it, and nothing comes up-
I am starting to get an idea, so I will try to complete it as soon as possible.
this might be the most stupid thing i have ever did-
But I don't have a choice. i use my skill <ONE-MAN ARMY> To get a 100% boost in physical strength, and-
I Jump from the ship, storing it in my inventory-
I was gonna divide this chapter into two, and leave the falling part for the next chapter, but i decided to add it here anyways.
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
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Creation is hard, cheer me up!