
As a Branch Family Hyuga

To outsiders, Hyuga Yuuto embodies the classic traits of his clan: resilient, powerful, gentle, and composed—a dependable partner under any circumstance. Yet, in countless quiet nights, a secret lies hidden. The young prodigy of the Hyuga clan, Yuuto, Studies the cursed seal, drifting into sleep with a sharp needle clenched in his mouth Hidden from the main family. Disclaimer : I don't own any concepts in this work , This is a translation not original.

Coulddobetter · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 11 Fight (Cringe warning)

Hyuga Hizashi's hands clenched under the table.

Three days prior, an ANBU captain had arrived at the Hyuga clan unexpectedly, delivering a crucial message:

"One of the Sannin intends to take a disciple and will select promising individuals from the Hyuga and Uchiha clans under the age of 14. 

The news had electrified both Hyuga Hizashi and his son.

At over fifty years old, Sarutobi Hiruzen, though a formidable ninja, lacked the enduring vitality of Uzumaki or Senju. His eventual resignation from the Hokage position seemed inevitable, making the race for the Fourth Hokage among Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Senju Tsunade the talk of the village.

Acceptance into the Sannin's apprenticeship signified entrance into Konoha's elite ninja lineage, potentially paving the way for future Hokage from the Uchiha and Hyuga bloodlines—a profound political implication.

Before Hyuga Hizashi could respond, the ANBU captain added another unexpected twist:

"This isn't an order but a personal request from Hokage-sama. He values the intel brought back by Hyuga Yuuto and wishes to give him an opportunity. Take him with you."

With those words, the ANBU departed, leaving both Hyuga Hizashi deep in thought.

...Why would the Hokage want Yuuto included? Could it imply dissatisfaction with the clan's division system, an internal Hyuga affair since the village's founding? Hizashi pondered these questions but refrained from seeking answers from Yuuto directly, respecting the Third Hokage's implicit directive.

Now, at the dinner gathering, Hyuga Hizashi and Uchiha Fugaku exchanged a brief glance before averting their eyes.

Regardless of the circumstances , They resolved to seize this opportunity.

Yuuto realized the true purpose of the dinner: recruitment for the Sannin's new discipleship, a pivotal event akin to nominating future leaders of Konoha.

"Why wasn't the Sannin's new apprentice mentioned in the original story?" Yuuto wondered. Was it overlooked, or did his presence alter this dinner's course?

Lost in thought, Yuuto refrained from being the first to volunteer, opting instead to sip his tea.

"I'll go first!" declared Uchiha Shota suddenly, living up to his moniker, "Swift Blade."

He bowed respectfully to Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Sannin, and his clan leader before challenging, "Any Hyuga willing to face me—one at a time or together?"

Yuuto couldn't help but notice a twitch at the corner of Uchiha Fugaku's mouth.

"He's impulsive," Yuuto thought with a quiet chuckle, observing the unfolding drama.

Despite Hyuga's stricter rules compared to the Uchiha, the young warriors' patience wore thin. First, Hyuga Nobuji bowed politely and then stepped forward to confront Uchiha Shota.

With the hall's confines insufficient for their duel, they adjourned to the yard, where every eye, adept at discerning even subtle details, followed their every move.

The spar commenced without preamble.

Uchiha Shota launched a colossal fireball, swift and powerful, the size of a cart.

The battle intensified as Hyuga Shinji deftly dodged and retaliated with his solid Gentle Fist techniques and the clan's Byakugan.

In less than five minutes of fierce exchange between offense and defense, Uchiha Shota narrowly clinched victory.

In terms of "dynamic vision," the Sharingan indeed surpassed the Byakugan.

While Hyuga Shinji seethed at the Uchiha's taunt, he reluctantly approached his victorious opponent under the watchful gaze of Hokage and clan leaders, sealing their duel with a formal reconciliation gesture.

Uchiha Fugaku's expression darkened considerably.He regretted bringing his nephew along

Reflecting bitterly, Hyuga Shinji fought to contain his indignation, compelled to proceed with the reconciliation Sign despite his simmering anger.


"They are pretty good" Yuuto thought .

Even Yuuto had to acknowledge the genius of the two young men who had just concluded their duel. Both barely twelve or thirteen, they had already reached the threshold of Jounin. Hyuga Shinji retreats back to his seat accepting his loss albeit with some indignation 

On the other hand, Uchiha Shota remained arrogant

"Come on over! None of you stand a chance one-on-one!"

His Sharingan's Tomo spun slowly, casting a scarlet glow in the dim night.

Arrogant and formidable, the Uchiha were a complex people—sometimes at odds with themselves, yet also deeply passionate.

These were all young, energetic prodigies. No one could contain this much pride, especially not in front of the clan head, Hokage, and the Sannin. And Hyuga youths despite being seemingly dignified could tolerate only so much Humiliation.

The sole Hyuga girl raised her eyebrows and rose to confront the challenge.

Hyuga Shinji, just returned from his bout, gave her a subtle tug, shook his head imperceptibly, then glanced at Hyuga Yuuto and another boy from a different family.

"You go wear down Shota's stamina and chakra. She'll deliver the finishing blow!"

In the Hyuga family, who played cannon fodder, who shielded, and who reaped the rewards had never been a question.

Carefully following Hyuga's instructions, he set down his tea cup with ancient etiquette, wiped away water stains from the table, and smoothed the folds of his large white robe...

After executing these faultless procedures, the young man from the branch family stood in the center of the courtyard.

"I am Hyuga Naoto," he announced, a model of respectful conduct.

Uchiha Shota cocked his head, leaning on his knife. "Branch family?"


"In that case, you're no match for me," the arrogant Uchiha youth waved dismissively. "The guy who rolled his eyes earlier lost without holding back, and you won't fare any better."

"Perhaps," Hyuga Naoto replied calmly, raising his right hand in a classic Gentle Fist stance. "But it's my duty to protect the clan... even if it means sacrificing our very flesh and blood"

"Alright... I don't quite get it but I accept," Uchiha Shota smirked, drawing his sword once more. "Come on then! Let's fight!"

Hyuga Yuuto lowered his head, choosing not to watch the duel.

He feared that his gaze might betray the murderous intent seething within him.

Murderous intent that wasn't aimed at the Uchiha.

"Sacrifice all our flesh and blood for a clan that brands us and our descendants as slaves?" Hyuga Yuuto pondered.

The oppressors were cruel and cold-blooded, but their normalized existence was perhaps even more chilling to those with fiery passions beside them.

As Hyuga Yuuto bowed his head to hide his thoughts, the battle in the yard drew to a close.

Uchiha Shota was right. The branch family nin was clearly outmatched.

Hyuga Naoto was battered, his face a mask of blood. Though the Uchiha weren't typically fond of excessive cruelty, Naoto's tenacity wore them down. Knocked down repeatedly, he rose time and again.

Eventually, even Uchiha Shota couldn't bear it and resorted to paralyzing Naoto's muscles.

It took Naoto a long while to rise from the ground, bloodied and battered.

As he limped back, his body still oozing blood, he stole glances at Hyuga Shinji and the clan girl, hopeful yet cautious.

Like a dog anticipating its master's praise.

Yet, Hyuga Shinji showed neither approval nor pity, nor even a glance of recognition.

Hyuga Yuuto stood up, head bowed.

He passed through the corridor and entered the courtyard, walking past Naoto without a word, their paths parallel.

"Another branch," Uchiha Shota sighed in relief, having defeated two challengers in a row. "You won't stand a chance against me either."

Hyuga Yuuto raised his head, his features blank.

He cracked his little finger joint, the crisp sound reverberating. Chakra naturally flowed down, veins appearing at the corners of his eyes as his Byakugan activated.

"Hyuga Yuuto, he declared.

"Ah, so you're Hyuga Yuuto..." Uchiha Shota mused, touching his chin thoughtfully. "Are you angry? The Hyuga really are a tight-knit bunch."

A faint smile tugged at Hyuga Yuuto's lips, almost on the verge of laughter.

"However, no matter how deep the bonds, they won't save you from my blade," Uchiha Shota sneered.


Uchiha Shota's eyes widened, losing track of Hyuga Yuuto.

"Your Speed is impressive... but against these eyes, you're doomed!"

Drawing his sword, Uchiha Shota unleashed it with silvery-white lightning, aiming for Hyuga Yuuto.


A thunderous noise interrupted Uchiha Shota's thoughts.

His blade halted midway, gripped firmly by a hand.

"Ninja Art: Gentle Fist, Lion's Bite!"

This was a technique Hyuga Yuuto had developed after twelve years, drawing from his prior life's manga and combining taijutsu principles with jutsu concepts like the Rasengan.

Chakra surged like the swift, lethal fangs of a beast.

Creak, creak—the precious blade groaned in agony, on the brink of shattering.

Indifferently advancing, Hyuga Yuuto ignited another "Lion's Bite" in his opposite hand.

Blood sprayed as Uchiha Shota staggered backward, defeated.



Translating this chapter almost made me braindead , I cut off 60 percent of the chapter to make it some what readable still its full of cliches, Sorry I tried my best.

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