
Kapitel 305: Ich kann dieses Gift neutralisieren

Translator: 549690339

"What? Poison!", exclaimed the hotel manager. He looked at William Cole, surprised at first, then his expression turned grim. "Grab him!" A group of toughs from the hotel swarmed at William Cole. He surged his Internal Power and delivered a leg sweep, sending the thugs sprawling.

"How dare you poison people in the Supreme Mansion Hotel and even attack them?" bellowed the hotel manager.

"On what grounds do you accuse me of poisoning anyone?" William Cole responded, unruffled.

Madeline Burnett's face paled as she battled severe stomach pain. She pointed at William, her voice accusatory, "If not you, who then? I have been enjoying the beauty tea here for years without any issue, but today, right after you arrive, we're all poisoned."

"Dora also drank the beauty tea, and she's your friend. You wouldn't want to harm her, so you must've only targeted us," she deduced, her gaze fixed on William with anger. "Do you think I wouldn't figure that out?"

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