
Arys Arise In Another World Where His Father Was A Legendary Hero

For years, my father has been telling everyone that he was transported into a magical world and became a legendary hero! But I hated his stories. Life was miserable because he acted weird whenever he told the stories of how he saved the world of Evereal from the evil empire. I want out, I want it all gone, and I want it all to end. This is the story of how I get to believe the stories! -- If you are a fan of fantasy, slice-of-life, isekai, and maybe a tinge of slow-burn stories, then maybe this is for you! Semi 1st Person POV. -- UPDATE 3/23/2024 I apologize for the sudden hiatus. I take full responsibility for the lack of communication on my part. I thought writing and updating my story every single day was an easy feat since I thought this hobby wouldn't interfere with my work. I was wrong. It took a toll on me and I stopped scheduling my stocked chapters after realizing I was just writing uninspired chapters with blatantly copied plot points from other famous works. It was borderline plagiarism and I had to stop. I have no other excuse, I got lazy after that. I thought there was no point in continuing the series anymore. I felt like I wasted nights of writing, I haven't even edited past chapters yet. Therefore, I had a solution in mind. I promised myself that I'd write this series to the end and I still intend to do that. But I won't be updating per day or week anymore. I plan to update when I want to instead, I want to do it for myself. I plan to refine the chapters I made that I haven't published and maybe edit the published ones as well. So updates will be very rare, no promises of when this time. I might even reboot the whole story. For now, let me write for myself, I was so preoccupied with writing a story to tell a platform that I failed to consider telling a story that makes me happy. I hope you understand. Cheers.

billydbd · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The Ceremony part 2

"Arys, it is so very nice to see you again!" 

Amelia's white-as-snow skin and her beautiful bleached locks of hair mesmerized me. There is something so mystical about seeing her in such an ethereal appearance.

"A-Amelia, why are you here?"

Amelia smirks, "You don't want your betrothed to be in your ceremonial ascension?"

That's right. I forgot we were betrothed for each other but I recall nothing official was signed. The days after the incident were carefree and ignorant of what happened.

"I'm sorry. I forgot about that… And I'm sorry for what happened, Amelia." 

Amelia knocks the crown of my head, "Silly, don't worry about it,"

I felt a slight throbbing pain, "Ow…"

"I believe we'll get justice," She smiles, "Don't I look pretty?"

Important guests have now seated, and the upbeat music playing in the background is starting to simmer down. The ceremony is starting and I haven't said a word back, what should I say?

"Hey, why are you talking to my horse?!" 

Suddenly, a familiar voice interrupted my train of thought. As always, the disrupter of peace and happiness, Anyta appeared out of nowhere.

Like Amelia, dressed beautifully like a true highborn daughter, Anyta wears a gown contrasting with her outfit the last time we met. Instead of smelling and looking like mud, she presents herself properly.

Amelia chortles, "Hello, I like your pretty dress!" being a bit older and refined, Amelia approaches Anyta with a child-like manner, "What's your name?"

"I am Queen-King Anyta, you better not steal my horse from me!"

Confused, Amelia inquires further, "H-Horse?"

Anyta points at my face, "Yeah, he's mine!"

The other highborn and important guests were watching, they chuckled at the puppy display in front of them. Most noticeably, Barth and Hearth who were watching a few feet away, suppressing their laughter.

My face turned red, "How about we take our seats now…?"

"That's a great idea," Amelia turns to Anyta, "Would you like to sit with us, Anyta?"

Anyta felt indifferent, "Fine, as long as I'm with my horse!"

I chuckled nervously, "My siblings and I are sitting at the front, we should go there now, the ceremony is starting…"

"Please, lead the way," Amelia waved to wherever lord Jaxson, her father, was sitting and followed after me.

The band's music came to a stop, Anyta exclaimed, "Forward, my mighty steed!" Her whimsical timing was impeccable. 

As the guests laughed lightheartedly, I led the two to the front. While going to our seats, I hear murmurs of how much of a young ladies' man I am. Some guessed that I was betrothed to lady Amelia. Some even thought I was reserved for Anyta and Amelia is for Barth. This medieval gossiping truly is the pinnacle of entertainment for these bored highborns.

As we reached the front, Hearth greeted us, "Lady Amelia, Miss Anyta, thank you for coming."

"My pleasure, lady Hearth," Amelia reciprocates with a smile, and I helped her on her seat.

Anyta, on the other hand, is still a bit rowdy, "Lady Hearth, please refer to me as queen-king!"

Barth felt repelled, "Err, what?"

Hearth nudged Barth's side, "Of course, Queen-King Anyta!"

Anyta smiled with such joy and then proceeded to take her seat beside Amelia, I assisted her and she repaid my kindness with a pat on the head. To Hearth and Amelia's delight.

Then, I take my seat between Barth and Amelia. My brother leaned closer, "Quite the ladies you got there brother,"

"Shh, shut your mouth… They're friends, don't make it weird!" I whispered back. At the back of my head, it is indeed weird for an adult man stuck in a child's body to be acquainted closely with children.

"If you say so," he said then faced the stage in front of us.

When I glanced back to my side, I suddenly locked eyes with Anyta. Accidentally, I also touched Amelia's hand. Startled, I jumped from my seat.

"Arys, sit down!" Barth reprimanded, "It's starting!"

I bowed apologetically, Amelia and Anyta were looking at me rather confused. But, I went back to my seat and behaved as Mayor Rosenthal stepped onto the stage.

He cleared his throat, "People of Everkind!" the audience roared, "Today marks a momentous occasion! As mayor of this town, I am glad to announce that today we celebrate the ascension of our benefactor into nobility!"

The people resume their cheer, and the seated guests applaud, "Without further ado, it is my great honor to introduce to you, the Miracle Child, the Son of Everkind, Blessed Fuy–"

I grin at the nicknames and made-up titles. I look around to see everyone's reaction but it seems normal to them. But from the corner of my eye, I recognized a person wearing a similar robe that the kidnappers had worn the night of the incident a few days prior.

"... Garth of House Everkind!" The mayor concluded his speech. I must've missed some things. The people stood for applause as Garth stepped onto the stage with an entourage of regally dressed men followed by someone holding a golden scepter.

The band starts playing another round of upbeat marching music. As Garth, dressed nicely to the bones, waved everyone who came to see him. His muscular built and fine figure warrants the admiration of women from the crowd.

"Her Royal Majesty, the Queen, sends her most trusted cultural enforcer, a representative of the royal family, Her niece, and cousin to the heir of this finest realm, to perform with the ascension rites and bestow the title of Barony to lord Garth. I present to you, lady Livy Rose Aurelheart!"

While everyone was clamoring for the royalty in front of them. I noticed another person wearing a robe on a building balcony, casually surveying. I begin to erratically palpitate.

"Arys, what's wrong?"

I look around, sweating, as if I were to throw up the food that I ate earlier.

But, there I was, stunned. Unable to speak. Fear consumed me. Barth pokes me in the stomach, trying to wake me from this suspension.

When the cheers halted, everyone on stage continued their ceremony. Garth is flanked by the royal entourage with Livy in front of him. The audience begins to anticipate for him to recite the oath.

With one of his hands placed firmly on a book held by Livy's entourage, Livy raised the golden scepter for everyone to know that the pledge was starting.

"Repeat after me, lord Garth," she said, Garth nodded, "I, state your name,"

"I, Garth Everkind," he said.

Livy appears to be smitten by him, "Swear to the people, to the realm, and to Her Royal Majesty, the Queen…"

As Garth repeated, suddenly, Adi appeared beside me, he had replaced Amelia, "Adi!?"

"No time to explain, kid," Adi said with such urgency, I looked around and most of the important guests were gone, and instead, many white-colored cloak-wearing individuals were at their seats.

But the people are still enjoying the celebration, the ceremony continues with Livy reciting the next sentences of the oath, "Shall honor the duties of the title that will be bestowed to me,"

Barth leans in, "Adi, what is the meaning of this?"

"Horsey…" Anyta tries to insert herself into the conversation.

"Not now, Anyta," I said, annoyed and worried, "Adi, who are those people?"

"The cult is here," Adi casts his small, odd-looking staff, "Well, those at the back are the Circle,"


Livy's voice still reciting in the background, "As Baron of these fine lands entrusted by the people, by the realm, and by Her Royal Majesty, the Queen,"

"H-Horsey…?" Anyta attempts again but I quickly shut her down.

"Please, Anyta, we're talking here…"

Beside Barth, our sister now wears a cloak similar to the ones behind us, "You too, Hearth?"

She shushed, "Brothers, Garth and I have been planning this with Adi. Trust us."

"How can we trust you if you don't tell us anything?"

"Wait, Adi, is this why you didn't show up for our training?"

Adi raised a brow, "Well, I returned back home after… After figuring it out, Arys,"

"Figure what out?" I grit my teeth, "That you were a lousy master?"


Adi puts his hand on top of my head, "I figured that I had forgotten a promise I made with your father," he smiles, "But I promise I will tell you everything once this is all sorted,"

I find myself astounded, speechless, "You made a promise to our Dad?"

"Sis, can you please tell me what's happening?" Barth sounded scared and desperate, "Please?"

Hearth casts her staff, "The captain of the townguard had to ask for Adi's help investigating our kidnappers, they caught one of them while the town was preparing for this day. Apparently, they are surveying, scheming…"

Adi cuts in, "We suspect they are planning something for today, so we evacuated most of your guests,"

Amidst our confusion, Garth repeats the last lines of the oath, "I shall now be this town's mighty protector,"


"What is it, Anyta!" I shouted, and we all focused our attention on her. What lies before us is Titus, his skin and body still unfinished, so he compensates by wearing a suit to hide his grim appearance. On his lap is a trembling Anyta, tears breaching in her eyes.

"So help me Gods," Titus said at the same time Garth concluded his noble pledge.